Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?
Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?
Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
FluentFiction - Estonian
FluentFiction - Estonian
18 SET 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Unseen Paths: A Journey into the Kaali Crater's Mystery
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Vihm sadas peenikeste tilkadena, kui Maret, Priit ja Katri jõudsid Kaali meteoriidikraatri servale.
En: The rain fell in fine droplets as Maret, Priit, and Katri reached the edge of the Kaali meteorite crater.
Et: Õhk oli jahe ja puud ümbritsesid neid kuldkollaste värvidega, kuma läbi udu.
En: The air was cool, and the trees surrounded them with golden hues, their glow permeating the mist.
Et: Mihklipäev, sügise pidu, andis end tunda, kui nad hakkasid laskuma kraatrile.
En: Michaelmas, the autumn feast, made its presence felt as they began their descent into the crater.
Et: "Maret, oled kindel, et see artefakt tegelikult eksisteerib?"
En: "Maret, are you sure this artifact really exists?"
Et: Priit küsis, surudes maha järjekordse ohke.
En: Priit asked, suppressing yet another sigh.
Et: Ta vaatas oma õde, kes oli sihiks seadnud leida legendi järgi tervendav jõud, mis võiks päästa tema haiget õde.
En: He looked at his sister, who was determined to find the healing power from legend that might save their sick sibling.
Et: "Jah, pean uskuma.
En: "Yes, I have to believe.
Et: Meil pole teist võimalust," vastas Maret kindlalt, hoidmata silmi eemal kraatri keskpaigast.
En: We have no other option," Maret replied firmly, her eyes fixed on the center of the crater.
Et: Katri, nende juht, astus ettevaatlikult sammu edasi, justkui kuuldes midagi, mida teised ei saanud.
En: Katri, their guide, stepped forward cautiously, as if hearing something the others could not.
Et: "Mu vanaisa rääkis, kuidas tõeline tee ei ole nähtav.
En: "My grandfather used to say the true path is not visible.
Et: Peame usaldama tunnet ja seda, millesse usume," ütles Katri madala häälega.
En: We must trust our instinct and what we believe in," Katri said in a low voice.
Et: Põõsad varjasid osaliselt vana kivistruktuuri, samblas ja varjus.
En: Bushes partially concealed the old stone structure, covered in moss and shadows.
Et: Tee oli kitsas ja libe.
En: The path was narrow and slippery.
Et: Maret tundis, kuidas tema süda lööb ärevalt; iga samm võis neid viia lähemale tema unistuste artefaktile.
En: Maret felt her heart beat anxiously; each step could bring them closer to the artifact of her dreams.
Et: Priit takerdus ühe kalju taha, pomisedes vihaselt enda ette.
En: Priit stumbled over a rock, muttering angrily to himself.
Et: "See on tõeline hunnik kive!
En: "This is a real pile of stones!
Et: Kuidas see peaks aitama meie peret?"
En: How is this supposed to help our family?"
Et: Maret ei vastanud.
En: Maret didn't reply.
Et: Tema mõtted olid keskendunud ees ootavale ülesandele.
En: Her thoughts were focused on the task ahead.
Et: Katri peatus järsku, tõstes käe, et neid peatada.
En: Katri suddenly stopped, raising her hand to halt them.
Et: "Ees on kaks väravat," ütles Katri, viidates kahe kivikaare suunas nendes varjutatud metsades.
En: "There are two gates ahead," said Katri, pointing to two stone arches within the shadowed woods.
Et: "Üks võib viia teie poole.
En: "One may lead to your goal.
Et: Teine hukatuse."
En: The other to doom."
Et: Maret hindas mõlemat teed.
En: Maret assessed both paths.
Et: Vasakpoolne oli suurem ja rõhutas legendide tunnusmärki, mille ta mäletas raamatutest.
En: The one on the left was larger, emphasizing the mark of legends she remembered from books.
Et: "Ma usaldan Katrit," otsustas Maret lõpuks.
En: "I trust Katri," Maret decided finally.
Et: Priit hingas sügavalt.
En: Priit took a deep breath.
Et: "Vähemalt teeme selle otsuse koos."
En: "At least we make this decision together."
Et: Vaiksel hetkel, kui nad otsustasid, tõusis tuulepuhang, pillates maha veel lehti.
En: In the quiet moment as they decided, a gust of wind rose, scattering more leaves.
Et: Nad sisenesid parempoolsest väravast, hoides kokku.
En: They entered through the right gate, sticking together.
Et: Tee oli käänuline ja täidetud varjudega, kuid nad jõudsid ruumi, mille keskel oli vana altar.
En: The path was winding and filled with shadows, but they reached a chamber with an old altar at its center.
Et: Artefakt oli seal, hõõgumas pehme valgusega.
En: The artifact was there, glowing with a soft light.
Et: Maret astus ette, pühkides tolmukihi eemale.
En: Maret stepped forward, wiping away a layer of dust.
Et: „See pole ainult tervendamiseks,” mõistis ta järsku.
En: "It's not just for healing," she suddenly realized.
Et: Kodu naastes arvas Maret, et artefakt ei muutnud tema õde ootamatult terveks, kuid see andis talle jõudu ja lootust.
En: Upon returning home, Maret found that the artifact didn't magically cure her sister, but it gave her strength and hope.
Et: Priit hakkas rohkem uskuma müütidesse ja legendidesse.
En: Priit began to believe more in myths and legends.
Et: Nad mõistsid, et tõeline jõud peitub nendes sidemetes ja usus, mida nad teekonnal võitsid.
En: They realized that true power lay in the bonds and faith they gained on their journey.
Et: Nii lõppes nende seiklus, mitte ainult artefakti leidmise, vaid ka tugevnenud perekondliku sidemega.
En: Thus ended their adventure, not only with the finding of the artifact but also with a strengthened family bond.
Vocabulary Words:
- droplets: tilkadena
- mist: udu
- descent: laskuma
- artifact: artefakt
- legend: legend
- instinct: tunnet
- concealed: varjas
- structure: kivistruktuuri
- moss: samblas
- anxiously: ärevalt
- stumbled: takerdus
- muttering: pomisedes
- gates: väravat
- doom: hukatuse
- assessed: hindas
- gust: tuulepuhang
- winding: käänuline
- chamber: ruumi
- altar: altar
- layer: kiht
- strength: jõudu
- hope: lootust
- myths: müütidesse
- bonds: sidemed
- permeating: läbi
- suppressing: surudes
- fixed: hoidmata silmi
- cautiously: ettevaatlikult
- shadowed: varjutatud
- wiping: pühkides
17 SET 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: From Blank Canvases to Moonlit Masterpieces
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Kuuvalgus tantsis Tallinna rannal, nagu oleks see loodud Karlile ainult selleks õhtuks.
En: The moonlight danced on the Tallinn beach as if it had been created just for Karl that evening.
Et: Sügisene õhk oli jahe, aga mitte külm. See kandis endas lehtede lõhna ja ookeani soolsust.
En: The autumn air was cool, but not cold, carrying the scent of leaves and the saltiness of the ocean.
Et: Väikesed lained, mis sillerdasid kuuvalguses, olid ainus heli, mis täitis vaikset õhtut.
En: The small waves shimmering in the moonlight were the only sound filling the quiet night.
Et: Karl istus liival, käed põlvede ümber.
En: Karl sat on the sand, arms wrapped around his knees.
Et: Tema süda oli raske.
En: His heart felt heavy.
Et: Kunstniku elu võib olla nii särav, aga Karl tundis end viimasel ajal tühi.
En: The life of an artist can be so dazzling, yet recently Karl felt empty.
Et: Ta vaatas lainete suunas, püüdes leida midagi, mis süütaks temas inspiratsiooni, kuid kõik tundus kauge ja ebaselge.
En: He looked towards the waves, trying to find something to spark his inspiration, but everything seemed distant and unclear.
Et: Tema suur näitus oli kohe-kohe tulemas, aga tema lõuend oli ikka veel valge.
En: His big exhibition was just around the corner, but his canvas was still blank.
Et: Annika, Karli parim sõber, istus tema kõrval.
En: Annika, Karl's best friend, sat beside him.
Et: Tal oli soojad kindad käes ja ettevaatlikult avas ta korvi, mille nad kaasa olid võtnud.
En: She wore warm gloves and carefully opened the basket they had brought along.
Et: "Võta üks, Karl," ütles Annika, pakkudes talle šokolaadiga kaetud keksi.
En: "Have one, Karl," Annika said, offering him a chocolate-covered biscuit.
Et: "Sa vajad natuke magusat rõõmu."
En: "You need a bit of sweet joy."
Et: Karl naeratas väsinult ja võttis keksiko, nuusutades šokolaadi lõhna.
En: Karl smiled wearily and took the biscuit, inhaling the scent of chocolate.
Et: "Aitäh, Annika," ütles ta ja hammustas tükikese ära.
En: "Thank you, Annika," he said, taking a bite.
Et: "Ma tean, et sa oled heitunud," ütles Annika ja sirutas käe, et puudutada Karli kätt.
En: "I know you're discouraged," Annika said, reaching out to touch Karl's hand.
Et: "Aga sa oled andekas. Kõik näevad seda."
En: "But you're talented. Everyone sees it."
Et: "Ma ei näe seda praegu," ohkas Karl.
En: "I can't see it right now," Karl sighed.
Et: "Kuidas saab keegi leida ilu, kui maailm tundub nii tume?"
En: "How can anyone find beauty when the world seems so dark?"
Et: Annika vaatas ringi ja märkis, "Vaata neid lehti.
En: Annika looked around and noted, "Look at those leaves.
Et: Need langevad täpselt sama looduslikult nagu sinu jooned lõuendil peaksid.
En: They fall as naturally as your lines should flow on a canvas.
Et: Kaos, aga ilu.
En: Chaos, yet beauty.
Et: See on nagu kunst, mis on alati meie ümber, Karl."
En: It’s like the art that’s always around us, Karl."
Et: Karl vaatas Annika viidatud suunas.
En: Karl looked in the direction Annika indicated.
Et: Ta märkas esimest korda, kuidas lehed olid laiali liival, luues juhuslikke mustreid.
En: He noticed for the first time how the leaves were scattered across the sand, creating random patterns.
Et: Sügisesed värvid – oranž, kuldne, pruun – sillerdasid kuuvalguses, segunedes liiva külma halluse ja ookeani tumedusega.
En: The autumn colors—orange, gold, brown—glimmered in the moonlight, blending with the cold gray of the sand and the darkness of the ocean.
Et: Sellel hetkel, midagi muutus.
En: In that moment, something shifted.
Et: Midagi klikkis Karli sees.
En: Something clicked inside Karl.
Et: Ta nägi mustreid, mis tõepoolest olid midagi enamat kui lihtsalt lehed liival.
En: He saw patterns that were more than just leaves on sand.
Et: Need olid jutustused, mida tema oskas tõlkida lõuendile.
En: They were stories that he knew how to translate onto a canvas.
Et: Karl hüppas püsti ning võttis joonistusploki ja pliiatsi kotist.
En: Karl jumped up and took a sketchpad and pencil from his bag.
Et: "Mis on, Karl?" küsis Annika üllatunult.
En: "What is it, Karl?" Annika asked in surprise.
Et: "Ma näen seda, Annika! Ma näen seda jälle!" ütles Karl entusiastlikult, tema silmad täitusid uutest ideedest ja kujutistest.
En: "I see it, Annika! I see it again!" Karl said enthusiastically, his eyes filled with new ideas and images.
Et: Karl hakkas visandama, tema liikumine oli kiire ja täpne.
En: Karl began sketching, his movements swift and precise.
Et: Iga joon tõi ta tagasi sinna paika, kus ta tundis end elava ja loova.
En: With each stroke, he returned to a place where he felt alive and creative.
Et: Iga pliiatsijoonega tundis ta, kuidas enesekindlus voolas tagasi tema hingesse.
En: Each pencil line brought his confidence flowing back into his soul.
Et: Annika naeratas, istudes õnnelikult kõrval, kui Karl laskus unustatud maailma, kus vaid tema ja tema kunst eksisteerisid.
En: Annika smiled, sitting happily beside him as Karl delved into a forgotten world where only he and his art existed.
Et: Ühel hetkel tõstis Karl pilgu ja nägi Annikat.
En: At one point, Karl looked up and saw Annika.
Et: Ta naeratas naisele siiralt, andes tunnustuse selle eest, et too uskus temasse.
En: He smiled at her sincerely, acknowledging her belief in him.
Et: Kuuvalgus voogas edasi rannal, olles samal ajal Karli ja Annika lugu – kergus ja rõõm, mis tuli sõprusest ja inspiratsiooni leidmisest varjatumaid paiku uurides.
En: The moonlight continued to flow over the beach, embodying both Karl and Annika's story—a lightness and joy that came from friendship and finding inspiration in hidden places.
Et: Nad olid avastanud, et ilu ei ole alati seal, kus me ootame seda, vahel on ilu peidus lihtsates ja tavalistes asjades.
En: They discovered that beauty is not always where we expect to find it; sometimes it's hidden in the simple and the ordinary.
Et: Karl oli leidnud tee tagasi enda juurde ja tema loominguline säde säras jälle.
En: Karl had found his way back to himself, and his creative spark shone once more.
Et: Ja Annika?
En: And Annika?
Et: Annika oli leidnud parima viisi, kuidas olla toeks ja inspireerida.
En: Annika had found the best way to support and inspire.
Et: Randa ümbritses vaikus, kuid nende südamed rääkisid sel hetkel valjult.
En: The beach remained silent, but their hearts spoke loudly in that moment.
Vocabulary Words:
- moonlight: kuuvalgus
- danced: tantsis
- autumn: sügisene
- carrying: kandis
- scent: lõhna
- ocean: ookeani
- shimmering: sillerdasid
- filling: täitis
- quiet: vaikset
- wrapped: ümber
- dazzling: särav
- exhibition: näitus
- blank: valge
- carefully: ettevaatlikult
- basket: korvi
- biscuit: keksi
- discouraged: heitunud
- spark: ilu
- dark: tume
- encouragement: tunnustuse
- scattered: laiali
- patterns: mustrid
- shifting: muutus
- clicked: klikkis
- sketchpad: joonistusploki
- swift: kiire
- precise: täpne
- confidence: enesekindlus
- soul: hingesse
- believed: uskus
16 SET 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Autumn in Tallinn: A Tale of Hope and Healing
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Vares lendas üle Tallinna vanalinna, jälgides allolevat rahvast.
En: A crow soared over the old town of Tallinn, observing the people below.
Et: Oli sügis ja puud kandsid vaskseid ja karmiine lehti.
En: It was autumn, and the trees were adorned with bronze and crimson leaves.
Et: Liisa sammus kiiresti mööda käänulisi munakivitänavaid.
En: Liisa walked briskly along the winding cobblestone streets.
Et: Tema peas keerlesid mõtted Olevi tervisest.
En: Her thoughts were consumed with concern for Olev's health.
Et: Tema vend oli järsku jäänud haigeks ja arstid ei suutnud selgitada, mis tal viga on.
En: Her brother had suddenly fallen ill, and the doctors couldn't explain what was wrong.
Et: Olev oli alati olnud tugev ja elurõõmus.
En: Olev had always been strong and full of life.
Et: Nüüd oli ta hingetu ja kahvatu.
En: Now he was listless and pale.
Et: Isegi siis, kui tema naeratus proovis Liisat julgustada, nägi ta silmades varju, mida varem polnud.
En: Even when he tried to comfort Liisa with a smile, she saw a shadow in his eyes that hadn't been there before.
Et: Liisa aimas, et aeg on kallis, kuid arstid olid seni justkui käed rüpes.
En: Liisa sensed that time was precious, yet the doctors seemed idle.
Et: Ühel päeval kohtus Liisa Marekiga turuplatsil.
En: One day, Liisa met Marek in the market square.
Et: Ta oli nende lapsepõlvesõber ja nüüd linna haiglas arst.
En: He was their childhood friend and now a doctor at the city hospital.
Et: Marekile oli alati meeldinud Liisa, kuigi ta polnud seda kunagi julgenud väljendada.
En: Marek had always liked Liisa, though he never dared to express it.
Et: Nüüd vaatas Liisa tema poole lootuse ja appikarjega.
En: Liisa now looked at him with hope and a plea for help.
Et: "Marek, ma olen nii mures," ütles Liisa madala häälega, "arstid ei tea, mis Olevil viga on, ja ma ei suuda enam oodata."
En: "Marek, I'm so worried," Liisa said in a low voice, "the doctors don't know what's wrong with Olev, and I can't wait any longer."
Et: Marek mõtles hetke.
En: Marek thought for a moment.
Et: "Ma üritan aidata.
En: "I'll try to help.
Et: Võin uurida, milliseid teste veel vaja oleks ja kedagi haiglas rääkima panna," vastas ta rahulikult.
En: I can look into what other tests might be needed and get someone at the hospital to discuss it," he replied calmly.
Et: Liisa vaatas talle tänulikult otsa.
En: Liisa looked at him gratefully.
Et: Ta andis Marekile võimaluse.
En: She gave Marek a chance.
Et: Nendel päevadel Tallinna vanalinna tänavad olid tuulisemad ja Liisa süda sama rahutu kui tuul, mis tema ümber puhises.
En: These days, the streets of Tallinn's old town were windier, and Liisa's heart was as restless as the wind swirling around her.
Et: Ühel õhtul, kui päike hakkas madalale vajuma, otsustas Liisa haiglasse minna ja rääkida vanematele arstidele.
En: One evening, as the sun began to set, Liisa decided to go to the hospital and speak with the senior doctors.
Et: Ta teadis, et ta peab midagi tegema, kuigi ta oli närvis.
En: She knew she had to do something, even though she was nervous.
Et: Haiglas seisis ta kõrgema arsti kabineti ukse ees.
En: At the hospital, she stood in front of the senior doctor's office door.
Et: "Palun, doktor," ütles Liisa kindlalt, "me vajame vastuseid.
En: "Please, doctor," Liisa said firmly, "we need answers.
Et: Minu vend ei saa enam oodata."
En: My brother can't wait any longer."
Et: Arst vaatas Liisat karmilt, aga enne kui ta midagi vastata jõudis, ilmus ukse taha Marek.
En: The doctor looked at Liisa sternly, but before he could respond, Marek appeared at the door.
Et: Ta astus vahele ja hakkas rääkima arstiga olulisest testist, mida polnud veel tehtud.
En: He stepped in and began discussing with the doctor an important test that had not yet been done.
Et: "Kui me selle testi teeme, võime leida, mis Olevil viga on," ütles ta kindlalt.
En: "If we conduct this test, we might find out what is wrong with Olev," he stated confidently.
Et: Järgmisel päeval viidi test läbi.
En: The next day, the test was carried out.
Et: Arst tuli hiljem tagasi tulemusega, mis võimaldas lõpuks diagnoosi panna.
En: The doctor later returned with results that finally allowed for a diagnosis.
Et: Olevi seisund oli ravitav ja varsti hakkas tema tervis paranema.
En: Olev's condition was treatable, and soon his health began to improve.
Et: Liisa tundis, kuidas kivi tema südamelt veeres.
En: Liisa felt a weight lift from her heart.
Et: Õhtul, kui Liisa ja Marek kõndisid karges sügisõhus mööda vanalinna tänavaid, tundis Liisa, et tema ja Mareki vahel on midagi muutunud.
En: That evening, as Liisa and Marek walked through the crisp autumn air along the old town streets, Liisa sensed that something had changed between them.
Et: Ta vaatas teda uute silmadega, mõistes tema siirast hoolimist ja pühendumust.
En: She looked at him with new eyes, realizing his sincere care and dedication.
Et: "Marek, aitäh kõige eest," ütles Liisa vaikse häälega, kuid siiralt.
En: "Marek, thank you for everything," Liisa said softly, but sincerely.
Et: Marek naeratas ja võttis Liisa käest kinni.
En: Marek smiled and took her hand.
Et: Vanalinna värvilised lehed keerlesid nende ümber, nagu vana õhuke tekk, mis hoidis neid soojustamas.
En: The colorful leaves of the old town swirled around them, like an old thin blanket keeping them warm.
Vocabulary Words:
- crow: vares
- soared: lendas
- adorned: kandsid
- crimson: karmiine
- briskly: kiiresti
- concern: mure
- listless: hingetu
- idle: käed rüpes
- sternly: karmilt
- restless: rahutu
- swirling: puhises
- senior: kõrgem
- conduct: teha
- diagnosis: diagnoos
- treatable: ravitav
- concerned: mures
- shadow: vari
- sensed: aimas
- discuss: rääkima
- plea: appikarje
- calmly: rahulikult
- gratefully: tänulikult
- idle: käed rüpes
- crisp: karge
- dedication: pühendumus
- sincere: siiras
- stubborn: kindlalt
- precious: kallihinnaline
- opportunity: võimalus
15 SET 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Harvest of Change: A New Beginning at Lahemaa Farm
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Lahemaa rahvuspargi ääres asuv talu valmistus talveks.
En: A farm on the edge of Lahemaa National Park was preparing for winter.
Et: Põllud olid täis kuldseid vilju ja värsket õhku.
En: The fields were full of golden crops and fresh air.
Et: Kaisa armastas oma talu.
En: Kaisa loved her farm.
Et: Ta oli siin kasvanud ja tundis igat nurka nagu oma taskut.
En: She had grown up here and knew every corner like the back of her hand.
Et: Just sügisel oli talul kõige rohkem tööd.
En: It was in the fall that the farm had the most work.
Et: Saak tuli enne esimest öökülma koristada.
En: The harvest had to be gathered before the first frost.
Et: Aga seekord oli ilm petlik.
En: But this time, the weather was deceptive.
Et: Kaisa kuulis hommikul, et temperatuur võib järsult langeda.
En: Kaisa heard in the morning that the temperature might drop suddenly.
Et: Kaisa sõber Joonas saabus linnast.
En: Kaisa's friend Joonas arrived from the city.
Et: Joonas soovis põgeneda linnamelu eest.
En: Joonas wanted to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Et: Ta tundis hinges, et soovib jääda maale, kuid polnud seda veel Kaisale tunnistanud.
En: He felt in his heart that he wanted to stay in the countryside, but he had not yet confessed this to Kaisa.
Et: Kaisa nägi, et Joonas on tulnud aitama, aga tema peas keerlesid omad mõtted.
En: Kaisa could see that Joonas had come to help, but his mind was spinning with his own thoughts.
Et: "Peame kiirustama," ütles Kaisa.
En: "We need to hurry," said Kaisa.
Et: "Kõik tuleb enne külma ära korjata.
En: "Everything must be collected before the frost.
Et: Aitäh sulle, et tulid."
En: Thank you for coming."
Et: Joonas noogutas.
En: Joonas nodded.
Et: Ta tundis end maal elades rahulikult.
En: He felt calm living in the countryside.
Et: Ta tahtis rääkida oma plaanist jääda, kuid kartsis, et Kaisa ei mõista teda.
En: He wanted to talk about his plan to stay, but he feared Kaisa might not understand him.
Et: Nad alustasid tööd, liikudes põllul alatasa ringi, kastes vilju ja täites kaste.
En: They started working, constantly moving around the field, picking crops and filling crates.
Et: Päev oli pikk ja väsitav, kuid nad töötasid vaikselt, mõeldes kumbki oma mõtteid.
En: The day was long and tiring, but they worked quietly, each immersed in their own thoughts.
Et: Õhtu saabudes tundis Kaisa külma tuult.
En: As evening approached, Kaisa felt the cold wind.
Et: "Läheb külmemaks," ütles ta, murelikkus silmades.
En: "It's getting colder," she said, worry in her eyes.
Et: Joonas vaatas põllule ja nägi, et osa saaki oli veel korjamata.
En: Joonas looked at the field and saw that some of the harvest was still uncollected.
Et: Ta teadis, et on aeg tegutseda.
En: He knew it was time to act.
Et: "Kaisa, jään siia kauemaks," sõnas Joonas äkki.
En: "Kaisa, I'm staying here longer," Joonas suddenly said.
Et: "Ma tahan sind aidata.
En: "I want to help you.
Et: Parem veel, ma tahan siia jääda."
En: Even better, I want to stay here."
Et: Kaisa peatus ja vaatas Joonast.
En: Kaisa stopped and looked at Joonas.
Et: Tema silmad laienesid üllatusest, aga ta nägi Joonase silmis tõsidust ja siirust.
En: Her eyes widened in surprise, but she saw seriousness and sincerity in Joonas's eyes.
Et: "Kui sa tõesti tahad," sõnas Kaisa lõpuks, "siis oleks see tore."
En: "If you really want to," Kaisa finally said, "that would be wonderful."
Et: Koos nad kiirustasid, töötades kiiremini kui kunagi varem.
En: Together, they hurried, working faster than ever before.
Et: Põllul oli lumi ja jää juba nähtav.
En: Snow and ice were already visible in the field.
Et: Kaisa ja Joonas koristasid saagi, hingates närviliselt.
En: Kaisa and Joonas gathered the harvest, breathing nervously.
Et: Kuid lõpuks, kui kõik oli tehtud, seisis saak laos ja nende näod naeratasid.
En: But in the end, when everything was done, the harvest was stored, and their faces were smiling.
Et: "Sa tõesti tahad jääda?"
En: "Do you really want to stay?"
Et: küsis Kaisa rahulolevalt.
En: asked Kaisa contentedly.
Et: "Ma tõesti tahan," kinnitas Joonas.
En: "I really want to," Joonas confirmed.
Et: Kaisa vaatas tagasi üle põllu.
En: Kaisa looked back over the field.
Et: Ta nägi enam kui lihtsalt sõpra.
En: She saw more than just a friend.
Et: Ta nägi partnerit, kellega jagada elu ja tööd.
En: She saw a partner with whom to share life and work.
Et: Kaisa tundis kergendust ja tänutunnet.
En: Kaisa felt a sense of relief and gratitude.
Et: Joonas omalt poolt leidis rahu ja kindlust.
En: Joonas, in turn, found peace and certainty.
Et: Nii algas nende uus elu koos talus Lahemaa rahvuspargi ääres.
En: Thus began their new life together on the farm on the edge of Lahemaa National Park.
Vocabulary Words:
- farm: talu
- edge: äär
- national park: rahvuspark
- preparing: valmistus
- crops: viljad
- back of her hand: oma taskut
- harvest: saak
- frost: öökülm
- deceptive: petlik
- temperature: temperatuur
- suddenly: järsult
- hustle and bustle: linnamelu
- countryside: maa
- confessed: tunnistanud
- plan: plaan
- spinning: keerlesid
- immortal: surematu
- approached: saabudes
- worry: murelikkus
- uncollected: korjamata
- act: tegutseda
- seriousness: tõsidus
- sincerity: siirus
- partner: partner
- gratitude: tänutunne
- relief: kergendus
- certainty: kindlus
- visible: nähtav
- stored: seisis
- nervously: närviliselt
14 SET 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Rekindling Bonds in Tallinn: Siblings' Heartfelt Reunion
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Kollane leht langes vaikselt kivilisele tänavale, kui Maarja jõudis Tallinna vanalinna.
En: A yellow leaf quietly fell onto the cobblestone street as Maarja arrived in the old town of Tallinn.
Et: Õhk oli jahe, kuid sügisene päike valgustas ajaloolisi hooneid ja tegi linnusaluet soojaks.
En: The air was cool, but the autumn sun illuminated the historical buildings, casting a warm glow over the city skyline.
Et: Maarja sammud viisid ta kohviku uksele, kus tema vend Kalle teda juba ootas.
En: Maarja's steps led her to the door of a café, where her brother Kalle was already waiting for her.
Et: Maarja tundis kerget närvilisust.
En: Maarja felt a slight nervousness.
Et: Oli möödunud aastaid, kui nad viimati kohtusid.
En: It had been years since they last met.
Et: Elu oli nad lahku viinud, kuid nüüd, vanalinna munakivil, tundis Maarja, et on aeg taastada side.
En: Life had taken them in different directions, but now, on the cobblestones of the old town, Maarja felt it was time to reconnect.
Et: Ta teadis, et Kallel on palju tööd ja stressi, ning aimas, et tal pole kergel ajal olnud.
En: She knew Kalle had a lot of work and stress, and she guessed he hadn’t had an easy time.
Et: Kohvikus oli hubane.
En: The café was cozy.
Et: Akna juures oli laud, mille ääres Kalle istus ja lehitses menüüd.
En: Near the window was a table where Kalle sat, flipping through the menu.
Et: Ta naeratas, kui Maarja sisse astus, kuid Maarja märkas kohe väsimust tema silmis.
En: He smiled as Maarja walked in, but she immediately noticed the fatigue in his eyes.
Et: "Maarja!
En: "Maarja!
Et: Suur vend on siin," hüüdis Kalle rõõmsalt, kuid Maarja tundis, et rõõm oli pealispindne.
En: Big brother is here," Kalle exclaimed cheerfully, but Maarja felt the joy was only skin-deep.
Et: "Kuidas sul on läinud?"
En: "How have you been?"
Et: küsis Maarja, kui istus tema vastu.
En: asked Maarja as she sat down opposite him.
Et: Nad tellisid kohvi ja kooki, ja kuigi Kalle rääkis tööst rõõmsameelselt, olid Maarja meeled ikka sees.
En: They ordered coffee and cake, and although Kalle spoke spiritedly about work, Maarja's thoughts lingered.
Et: Ta teadis, et peab julgema vennaga avameelselt rääkida.
En: She knew she needed to have an open conversation with her brother.
Et: "Lõpuks ometi, räägi minuga, Kalle," ütles Maarja vaikselt, kui nad olid kohvi poole peal.
En: "Finally, talk to me, Kalle," Maarja said softly when they were halfway through their coffee.
Et: "Ma saan aru, et sul on tööga raske.
En: "I understand your work is tough.
Et: Mida sa kardad?"
En: What are you afraid of?"
Et: Kalle vaatas teda mõnda aega tõsiselt.
En: Kalle looked at her seriously for a while.
Et: Siis, nagu oleksid kivid tema õlgadelt langenud, raputas ta pead.
En: Then, as if a weight had lifted from his shoulders, he shook his head.
Et: "Maarja, ma kardan, et ma ei leia tasakaalu.
En: "Maarja, I’m afraid I can’t find balance.
Et: Tööd on nii palju ja ma tunnen, et kaotan hetki perega."
En: There's so much work, and I feel like I'm missing moments with my family."
Et: Maarja naeratas õrnalt ja pani käe venna omale.
En: Maarja smiled gently and placed her hand on his.
Et: "Me kõik vajame üksteist.
En: "We all need each other.
Et: Ma olen siin, et sind toetada.
En: I'm here to support you.
Et: Kogu pere on siin."
En: The whole family is here."
Et: Kalle ohkas kergendatult, kui ta südamest rääkis.
En: Kalle sighed with relief as he spoke from the heart.
Et: See vestlus oli keeruline, aga vajalik.
En: The conversation was difficult, but necessary.
Et: Maarja mõistis, et pidi olema kohal mitte ainult sõnade, vaid ka tegudega.
En: Maarja realized she needed to be present not just with words, but with actions too.
Et: Nad lahkusid kohvikust, käies vanalinna kitsastel tänavatel ja rääkides tühistest muredest ja suurtest unistustest.
En: They left the café, walking through the narrow streets of the old town, talking about trivial worries and great dreams.
Et: Peale seda päeva oldi kindel, et kohtutakse sagedamini.
En: After that day, it was certain they would meet more often.
Et: Maarja lubas olla peresidemete hoidja ja Kalle õppis ehk esimest korda jagama oma koormaid.
En: Maarja promised to be the keeper of family ties, and Kalle perhaps learned for the first time how to share his burdens.
Et: Sügisetuul vaibus vanalinna nurkades, ning Maarja ja Kalle teadsid, et aeg koos on hinnaline.
En: The autumn breeze subsided in the corners of the old town, and Maarja and Kalle knew that time together was precious.
Vocabulary Words:
- cobblestone: munakivi
- illuminated: valgustas
- historical: ajaloolisi
- nervousness: närvilisust
- directions: lahku
- reconnect: taastada
- stress: stressi
- cozy: hubane
- flipping: lehitses
- fatigue: väsimust
- exclaimed: hüüdis
- skin-deep: pealispindne
- spiritedly: rõõmsameelselt
- lingered: olnud sees
- conversation: vestlus
- balance: tasakaalu
- burdens: koormaid
- trivial: tühistest
- precious: hinnaline
- breeze: sügisetuul
- narrow: kitsastel
- support: toetada
- opposite: vastu
- share: jagama
- relief: kergendatult
- appeared: nagu
- deeply: õrnalt
- customs: tavad
- interior: sisemus
- dire: karm
13 SET 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Secrets Under the Autumn Leaves: A Bunker Tale Unveiled
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Story Transcript:
Et: Saladuslik punker oli peidetud kaugele maa alla.
En: The mysterious bunker was hidden deep underground.
Et: Sügis oli jõudnud Põhja-Euroopasse.
En: Autumn had arrived in Northern Europe.
Et: Tuul mängis metsas lehtedega.
En: The wind played with the leaves in the forest.
Et: Punkri sissekäik oli peidetud suurte puude taha.
En: The entrance to the bunker was concealed behind large trees.
Et: Valgusekiired vaevu piilusid maa alla.
En: Sunlight barely peeked below the ground.
Et: See koht oli ideaalne ajaloohuvilistele.
En: This place was perfect for history enthusiasts.
Et: Kert oli tulnud Eestisse esmakordselt.
En: Kert had come to Estonia for the first time.
Et: Ta oli alati tundnud huvi ajaloo vastu.
En: He had always been interested in history.
Et: Aga võõras keskkond tegi teda ujedaks.
En: But the unfamiliar environment made him shy.
Et: Maarja oli särtsakas kohalik giid.
En: Maarja was a lively local guide.
Et: Ta armastas rääkida lugusid Eesti minevikust.
En: She loved telling stories about Estonia's past.
Et: Täna oli tema tööpäev punkris.
En: Today, her workplace was the bunker.
Et: Punkri sees kõndis grupp turiste.
En: Inside the bunker, a group of tourists walked.
Et: Maarja tervitas neid rõõmsalt ja alustas oma lugu sellest kohast.
En: Maarja greeted them cheerfully and began her tale about the place.
Et: Ajaloolised esemed rippusid seintel.
En: Historical artifacts hung on the walls.
Et: Õhus oli tunda mineviku kohalolu.
En: The air was filled with the presence of the past.
Et: Maarja rääkis lugusid ajast, mil punkrit kasutati saladusliku varjupaigana.
En: Maarja shared stories from the time when the bunker was used as a mysterious refuge.
Et: Kert kuulas huviga.
En: Kert listened intently.
Et: Ta tahtis küsida küsimusi, kuid kartis.
En: He wanted to ask questions but was afraid.
Et: Maarja märkas tema huvi.
En: Maarja noticed his interest.
Et: Pärast tuuri otsustas Kert oma julguse kokku võtta.
En: After the tour, Kert decided to muster his courage.
Et: "Vabandust," ütles ta vaikselt.
En: "Excuse me," he said quietly.
Et: "Kas saaksin rohkem teada sellest punkrist?"
En: "Could I learn more about this bunker?"
Et: Maarja naeratas.
En: Maarja smiled.
Et: Ta oli rõõmus, et keegi oli tõeliselt huvitatud.
En: She was glad that someone was genuinely interested.
Et: "Tulge, ma näitan teile midagi erilist," ütles ta.
En: "Come, I'll show you something special," she said.
Et: Ta viis Kerti punkri salakambrisse.
En: She led Kert to the secret chamber of the bunker.
Et: Seal jagas ta täiendavaid lugusid ja saladusi.
En: There, she shared additional stories and secrets.
Et: Nad rääkisid kaua.
En: They talked for a long time.
Et: Kert tundis, et tema hirmud hakkavad hääbuma.
En: Kert felt his fears beginning to fade.
Et: Maarja leidis uut energiat oma töös.
En: Maarja found new energy in her work.
Et: Nad mõistsid, et jagavad armastust ajaloo ja lugude vastu.
En: They realized they shared a love for history and stories.
Et: See avastus lõi nende vahel sideme.
En: This discovery created a bond between them.
Et: Lahkumisel vahetasid Kert ja Maarja kontakte.
En: As they parted, Kert and Maarja exchanged contact information.
Et: Nad mõlemad ootasid põnevusega uusi vestlusi väljaspool tuuri.
En: They both eagerly anticipated new conversations outside the tour.
Et: Kert tundis ennast enesekindlamalt ja Maarja leidis taas rõõmu oma tööle.
En: Kert felt more confident, and Maarja found joy in her work again.
Et: Nii leidsid nad sõpruse.
En: That's how they found friendship.
Et: Sügis punkri kohal jätkus, aga nende lugu alles algas.
En: Autumn continued over the bunker, but their story was just beginning.
Vocabulary Words:
- mysterious: saladuslik
- bunker: punker
- concealed: peidetud
- sunlight: valgusekiired
- barely: vaevu
- enthusiasts: ajaloohuvilised
- unfamiliar: võõras
- environment: keskkond
- lively: särtsakas
- cheerfully: rõõmsalt
- artifacts: esemed
- presence: kohalolu
- refuge: varjupaigana
- intently: huviga
- courage: julguse
- genuinely: tõeliselt
- secret: salakambrisse
- fade: hääbuma
- bond: sideme
- confident: enesekindlamalt
- anticipate: ootasid põnevusega
- autumn: sügis
- played: mängis
- entrance: sissekäik
- local: kohalik
- greeted: tervitas
- questions: küsimusi
- excuse: vabandust
- energy: energiat
- discovery: avastus
12 SET 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Liina's Quest: Unearthing Family Ties in Tallinn
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Story Transcript:
Et: Tallinna vanalinnas oli sügis oma kuldsed lehed haigutanud mööda kiviseid radu.
En: In the old town of Tallinn, autumn had spread its golden leaves along the stony paths.
Et: Orbudekodu, vana kivimaja, seisis uhke ja rahulik keset kõike seda ilu.
En: The orphanage, an old stone building, stood proud and serene amid this beauty.
Et: Kaks uut inimest astusid tema hoovi - Liina ja Jaan.
En: Two new people stepped into its courtyard - Liina and Jaan.
Et: Liina, nooren naine, tuli kindla eesmärgiga.
En: Liina, a young woman, came with a clear purpose.
Et: Ta otsis oma venda, keda teda polnud kunagi kohanud.
En: She was searching for her brother whom she had never met.
Et: Ta südames oli lootus ja hääl kotike kirjadega peos.
En: Hope filled her heart, and her hand held a pouch of letters.
Et: Jaan, orbudekodu pidaja, vaatas teda ettevaatliku pilguga.
En: Jaan, the caretaker of the orphanage, eyed her with cautiousness.
Et: Ta oli harjunud lugusid kuulama, kuid oli ettevaatlik dokumentide ja lastenia.
En: He was used to hearing stories but was cautious about documents and children.
Et: Vennakese leidmiseks oli vaja tõendeid.
En: Evidence was needed to find her brother.
Et: „Tere, ma olen Liina,” alustas Liina, kõndides ettevaatlikult Jaani juurde.
En: "Hello, I am Liina," she began, walking cautiously towards Jaan.
Et: „Ma tulin venna pärast.
En: "I came because of my brother.
Et: Arvan, et ta võib siin olla.
En: I think he might be here."
Et: ”Jaan noogutas, kuid tema silmad jäid ettevaatlikuks.
En: Jaan nodded, but his eyes remained wary.
Et: „Palun andke mulle rohkem teavet,” ütles ta rahulikult, pilk suunatud Liina kinnisesse kotti.
En: "Please give me more information," he said calmly, his gaze directed towards the pouch in Liina's hand.
Et: Liina avas koti ja ulatas talle mõned vanad kirjad.
En: Liina opened the pouch and handed him some old letters.
Et: Need olid ainsad käegakatsutavad mälestused tema perekonnast.
En: They were the only tangible memories of her family.
Et: Need kirjad rääkisid vendadest, kellest üks oli orbudekodusse pandud.
En: These letters spoke of siblings, one of whom had been sent to the orphanage.
Et: Jaan võttis need vastu ja uuris iga sõna.
En: Jaan took them and examined each word.
Et: Koos liikusid nad hoone sisemusse.
En: Together, they moved into the building's interior.
Et: Seal, vaikse öö varjus, olid salvestatud lugematu hulk elusid - nende seas ka Liina vend.
En: There, under the cloak of a quiet night, countless lives were recorded - among them, Liina's brother.
Et: Jaan avas vana rauast ukse.
En: Jaan opened an old iron door.
Et: Tolmukate ääristasid kapid.
En: Dust edges lined the cupboards.
Et: Ainsa lambi kuma valgustas kitsast ruumi.
En: The glow of a single lamp illuminated the narrow room.
Et: Liina ja Jaan hakkasid kartoteegifailides kaevama.
En: Liina and Jaan began to delve into the card files.
Et: Iga paberileht rääkis loo minevikust.
En: Each sheet of paper told a story from the past.
Et: Nad otsisid vihjet, mis võiks tuua Liina ja tema venna kokku.
En: They searched for a clue that could reunite Liina with her brother.
Et: Oli see nimi või kuupäev?
En: Was it a name or a date?
Et: Liina käed värisesid, kuid Jaan oli tema kõrval rahulik ja julgustav.
En: Liina's hands trembled, but Jaan was beside her, calm and encouraging.
Et: Lõpuks, öö sügavuses, leidis Liina otsitu.
En: Finally, in the depth of the night, Liina found what she was looking for.
Et: Fail sisaldas avastamatuid tõendeid - ajajoont ja vanu fotosid.
En: The file contained undiscovered evidence - a timeline and old photos.
Et: Üks pilt oli tema vennast, naeratav poiss päikese käes.
En: One photo was of her brother, a smiling boy in the sunlight.
Et: See oli tema.
En: It was him.
Et: Seda pildi nähes Liina silmad täitusid pisaratega.
En: Seeing this picture, Liina's eyes filled with tears.
Et: Jaan tunnetas hetke tähtsust.
En: Jaan sensed the importance of the moment.
Et: „Ma aitan sind,” ütles ta kindlalt.
En: "I will help you," he said firmly.
Et: „Uurime, kust sa su vennaga kokku võiksid saada.
En: "We'll find out where you can meet your brother."
Et: ”Pilkuga tulevikku tundis Liina esmakordselt köitus.
En: With a glance into the future, Liina felt hope for the first time.
Et: Jaan omakorda nägi, kuidas üks hea tegu suutis siduda katkised perekonnad.
En: Jaan, in turn, saw how one good deed could bind broken families together.
Et: Orbudekodu seinte vahele jäi aga lootus.
En: Within the walls of the orphanage, hope remained.
Et: Nii Liina leidis vend ja avastas taas perekonna tähendust.
En: Thus, Liina found her brother and rediscovered the meaning of family.
Et: Lisaks sellele oli Jaan, kes avastas kaastunde võlujõu.
En: Additionally, Jaan discovered the magic of compassion.
Et: Tallinna vanalinn, sügiseti kaetud kuldlehtedega, võttis endale uue loo, mida rääkida.
En: The old town of Tallinn, covered in autumn's golden leaves, now held a new story to tell.
Vocabulary Words:
- orphanage: orbudekodu
- courtyard: hoovi
- purpose: eesmärgiga
- caretaker: pidaja
- cautiousness: ettevaatlikkusega
- documents: dokumentide
- tangible: käegakatsutavad
- memories: mälestused
- siblings: vendadest
- serene: rahulik
- gaze: pilt
- interior: sisemusse
- cloak: vari
- countless: lugematu
- recorded: salvestatud
- delve: kaevama
- files: kartoteegifailides
- trembled: värisesid
- encouraging: julgustav
- undiscovered: avastamatuid
- timeline: ajajoont
- sense: tunnetas
- importance: tähtsust
- bind: siduda
- compassion: kaastunde
- amid: keset
- pouch: kotike
- examined: uuris
- courthouse: kohtumajani
- whom: kellest
11 SET 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Cafés, Chaos, and Charm: An Unforgettable Date in Tallinn
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Sügisene Tallinn oli hingematvalt ilus.
En: Autumnal Tallinn was breathtakingly beautiful.
Et: Vanalinna munakivisillutisega platsil asus väike kohvik.
En: In the cobblestone square of the Old Town, there was a small café.
Et: Kohvikul oli hubane atmosfäär, lehed keerlesid tuules ja arhitektuur rääkis oma lugusid.
En: The café had a cozy atmosphere; leaves swirled in the wind, and the architecture told its own stories.
Et: Kalev istus laua taga ja ootas Anut.
En: Kalev sat at a table, waiting for Anu.
Et: Ta oli veidi närvis, kuid ootusärev.
En: He was a bit nervous but excited with anticipation.
Et: Siis saabus Anu, naeratus näol.
En: Then Anu arrived, a smile on her face.
Et: "Tere, Kalev," ütles ta rõõmsalt.
En: "Hello, Kalev," she said cheerfully.
Et: Kalev naeratas vastu.
En: Kalev smiled back.
Et: "Tere, Anu.
En: "Hello, Anu.
Et: Istume siin.
En: Let's sit here.
Et: Vaade on imeline," ütles ta ja viipas kohvikuala poole.
En: The view is amazing," he said, gesturing toward the café area.
Et: Nad tellisid kohvi ja mõned pirukad.
En: They ordered coffee and some pastries.
Et: Õhus oli tunda kohvi ja sügislehtede lõhna.
En: The air smelled of coffee and autumn leaves.
Et: Kõik tundus ideaalne.
En: Everything seemed perfect.
Et: Aga siis ilmusid välja tuvid.
En: But then the pigeons appeared.
Et: Alguses oli neid vaid paar.
En: At first, there were only a few.
Et: Snits-snats, nad nokitsesid murul.
En: Pecking here and there, they nibbled on the grass.
Et: Kuid varsti tõusis tuvide hulk.
En: However, soon the number of pigeons increased.
Et: Nad hüplesid julgelt laua poole.
En: They boldly hopped toward the table.
Et: "Tundub, et neil on ka nälg," naeris Anu ja proovis linde eemale peletada.
En: "Seems like they’re hungry too," Anu laughed, trying to shoo the birds away.
Et: Kalev naeris närviliselt ning läks ka tuvisid eemale ajama.
En: Kalev laughed nervously and also went to chase the pigeons away.
Et: Aga need olid järjekindlad.
En: But they were persistent.
Et: Järsku läks asi kaootiliseks.
En: Suddenly, things became chaotic.
Et: Kalev vehkis kätega, kuid kogemata lõi ta ümber oma kohvitassi.
En: Kalev waved his arms, but accidentally knocked over his coffee cup.
Et: Kohv voolas üle laua ja tilkus maapinnale.
En: Coffee spilled across the table and dripped onto the ground.
Et: Anu puhkes naerma, ja Kalev ühines temaga.
En: Anu burst out laughing, and Kalev joined her.
Et: Oli selge, et kõik ei läinud plaanitud viisil.
En: It was clear that not everything was going as planned.
Et: "Kas peaksime sisse kolima?"
En: "Should we move inside?"
Et: küsis Kalev, kui nad mõlemad lakati naermast.
En: Kalev asked once they stopped laughing.
Et: Anu raputas pead.
En: Anu shook her head.
Et: "Ei, see on osa seiklusest!
En: "No, this is part of the adventure!
Et: Tuvidega söömise rõõmud," vastas Anu, silmad säramas.
En: The joys of dining with pigeons," Anu replied, her eyes sparkling.
Et: Kalev tundis, kuidas pinge temas hajus.
En: Kalev felt the tension within him fade away.
Et: Ta mõistis, et pole oluline, et kõik oleks täiuslik.
En: He realized that it wasn’t important for everything to be perfect.
Et: Tähtis oli hetke nautida.
En: What mattered was enjoying the moment.
Et: Pärast nad lõpetasid söömise ja otsustasid jalutada mööda Vanalinna.
En: Afterwards, they finished eating and decided to stroll around the Old Town.
Et: Kuulus raidrist ja ajaloolised majad olid nii ilusad.
En: The famous stone cross and historical buildings were so beautiful.
Et: Kõndides rääkisid nad juttu, jagasid lugusid ja naersid veel tuvide üle.
En: As they walked, they chatted, shared stories, and laughed more about the pigeons.
Et: Kalev vaatas Anut ja mõtles, et see oli ideaalne algus.
En: Kalev looked at Anu and thought it was the perfect start.
Et: Hea meel ja spontaanne lõbu olid need, mida nad mõlemad hindasid.
En: Happiness and spontaneous fun were things they both valued.
Et: Sügislehed krabisesid nende jalge all, ja nad lubasid veel kohtuda.
En: Autumn leaves crunched beneath their feet, and they promised to meet again.
Et: Kalev tundis end rahulolevana ja teadis, et kuigi kohting ei olnud täiuslik, oli see midagi hoopis enamat.
En: Kalev felt content and knew that although the date wasn't perfect, it was something much more.
Et: See oli siiras ja lõbus, täis naeru, mida nad mõlemad kaua mäletavad.
En: It was sincere and fun, filled with laughter they would both remember for a long time.
Vocabulary Words:
- autumnal: sügisene
- breathtakingly: hingematvalt
- cobblestone: munakivisillutis
- cozy: hubane
- anticipation: ootusärevus
- gesturing: viipama
- pastries: pirukad
- pecking: snits-snats
- nibbled: nokitsesid
- boldly: julgelt
- persistent: järjekindlad
- chaotic: kaootiline
- dripped: tilkus
- sparkling: säramas
- tension: pinge
- faded: hajus
- adventure: seiklus
- stroll: jalutama
- historical: ajaloolised
- chatted: rääkisid juttu
- spontaneous: spontaanne
- valued: hindasid
- crunched: krabisesid
- content: rahulolev
- sincere: siiras
- knocked: lõi
- spilled: voolas
- gesture: viipama
- promised: lubasid
- ideal: täiuslik
10 SET 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Turning Brewed Challenges into Sustainable Success
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Maarika seisis Startup Inkubaatori lobby's, vaadates kella närviliselt.
En: Maarika stood nervously in the lobby of the Startup Incubator, watching the clock.
Et: Sügisene hommik lubas midagi suurt.
En: The autumn morning promised something significant.
Et: Täna pidi toimuma suur investeerimiskoosolek.
En: Today was the day of the big investment meeting.
Et: Maarika oli siin, et esitleda oma startupi, mis keskendus jätkusuutlikule moele.
En: Maarika was there to present her startup, which focused on sustainable fashion.
Et: Ta teadis, et see kohtumine võib olla tema ettevõtte tulevikule otsustav.
En: She knew that this meeting could be pivotal for the future of her company.
Et: Kristjan, inkubaatori operatsioonide juht, kõndis närviliselt kohvimasina juurde.
En: Kristjan, the operations manager of the incubator, walked anxiously towards the coffee machine.
Et: See oli kontori süda.
En: It was the heart of the office.
Et: Värske kohvi lõhn täitis tavaliselt ruumi, andes kõigile energiat.
En: The fresh aroma of coffee usually filled the room, energizing everyone.
Et: Aga just täna, kohvimasin otsustas üles öelda.
En: But today, of all days, the coffee machine decided to break down.
Et: "See ei töötlegi enam," pomises Kristjan oma kuiva huumoriga.
En: "It's not working anymore," Kristjan muttered with his dry humor.
Et: Tanel, geniaalne, kuid hajameelne koodikirjutaja, uuris masinat nagu keerulist koodijada.
En: Tanel, the brilliant but absent-minded coder, examined the machine like a complex string of code.
Et: "Ehk probleem on filtris või süsteem on liiga vana," ütles Tanel oma tavapärase detailsusega.
En: "Maybe the problem is in the filter, or the system is too old," said Tanel with his usual attention to detail.
Et: Maarika nägi, kuidas inimesed enda ümber närvis, aga ta teadis, et peab rahu säilitama.
En: Maarika saw how nervous the people around her were, but she knew she needed to stay calm.
Et: Ta otsustas kohvimasina rikke enda kasuks pöörata.
En: She decided to turn the coffee machine breakdown to her advantage.
Et: Kui kõik olid koosolekuruumi kogunenud, alustas Maarika: "Nagu meie kohvimasin täna hommikul, seisame me mõnikord silmitsi ootamatute väljakutsetega..."
Koosolek algas.
En: Once everyone had gathered in the meeting room, Maarika began: "Like our coffee machine this morning, we sometimes face unexpected challenges..."
The meeting commenced.
Et: Maarika kasutas hästi huumorit ja sidus kohvikriisi oma startupi loo ja lahendustega.
En: Maarika adeptly used humor and linked the coffee crisis to her startup's story and solutions.
Et: Ta rääkis adaptatsioonist ja jätkusuutlike võimaluste olulisusest.
En: She spoke about adaptation and the importance of sustainable opportunities.
Et: Investorid vaatasid huviga.
En: The investors listened with interest.
Et: Koosoleku lõpuks oli Maarika suutnud kõikide tähelepanu tõmmata ja nende usaldust võita.
En: By the end of the meeting, Maarika had managed to capture everyone's attention and earn their trust.
Et: Vestlused investoritega muutusid viljakaks ja Maarika tundis, kuidas pinge langes.
En: Conversations with the investors turned fruitful, and Maarika felt the tension ease.
Et: Kuna kõik hakkasid lahkuma, astus Kristjan Maarika juurde.
En: As everyone started to leave, Kristjan approached Maarika.
Et: "Hea töö.
En: "Good job.
Et: Ja tänud kohvimasina rikke päästmiseks," ütles Kristjan väikese naeratusega.
En: And thanks for salvaging the coffee machine breakdown," Kristjan said with a small smile.
Et: Maarika naeratas vastu.
En: Maarika smiled back.
Et: Ta oli õppinud, et ootamatud katsumused, kui neid loovalt ja huumoriga käsitleda, võivad muutuda võimalusteks.
En: She had learned that unexpected challenges, when handled creatively and with humor, could turn into opportunities.
Et: Hetked, kus asjad lähevad valesti, võivad viia hoopis paremate lahendusteni.
En: Moments when things go wrong can lead to even better solutions.
Et: Ja tema startupi tulevik paistis helgem kui kunagi varem.
En: And her startup's future seemed brighter than ever.
Vocabulary Words:
- nervously: närviliselt
- lobby: lobby's
- sustainable: jätkusuutlikule
- operations manager: operatsioonide juht
- break down: üles öelda
- attention to detail: tavapärase detailsusega
- adaptation: adaptatsioonist
- opportunities: võimaluste
- captured: tõmmata
- fruitful: viljakaks
- tension: pinge
- salvaging: päästmiseks
- unexpected: ootamatud
- creatively: loovalt
- humor: huumoriga
- complex: keerulist
- filter: filtris
- significant: suurt
- pivotal: otsustav
- aroma: lõhn
- energizing: andres
- absent-minded: hajameelne
- challenges: väljakutsetega
- commenced: algas
- earn: võita
- approached: astus
- brighter: helgem
- genius: geniaalne
- smiled: naeratas
- investors: investorid
9 SET 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Adventures of Adaptation: Kalevi & Anu's Nature Quest
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Et: Kalevi süda põksus elevusest, kui ta koos Anuga mööda Lahemaa rahvusparki sõitis.
En: Kalevi's heart raced with excitement as he traveled with Anu through Lahemaa National Park.
Et: Sügisvärvid panid metsa särama, roostepunased lehed sahisesid tuules.
En: The autumn colors made the forest glow, and the rust-colored leaves rustled in the wind.
Et: Päike piilus pilvede vahelt, valgustades talvisele hingusele lõhnavat oina rohumaad.
En: The sun peeked through the clouds, lighting up the meadow that smelled of a wintery breath of air.
Et: Kalevi ja Anu eesmärk oli selge.
En: Kalev and Anu had a clear goal.
Et: Koguda andmeid ainulaadsete ökosüsteemide kohta kooliprojekti jaoks.
En: They needed to gather data on unique ecosystems for a school project.
Et: Kalev tahtis muljet avaldada oma bioloogiaõpetajale.
En: Kalev wanted to impress his biology teacher.
Et: Teda huvitas kõik elav ja hingav, ning see projekt oli võimalus oma kirge näidata.
En: He was interested in everything living and breathing, and this project was an opportunity to showcase his passion.
Et: Anu oli loov, tema kaamera pidi tabama salapäraseid hetki metsikus looduses.
En: Anu was creative; her camera was meant to capture the mysterious moments in the wild nature.
Et: Siiski polnud kõik nii lihtne.
En: However, not everything was so simple.
Et: Kui nad rahvuspargi sügavamatesse osadesse jõudsid, tõusis ootamatult vihmatorm.
En: As they reached the deeper parts of the national park, an unexpected rainstorm arose.
Et: Rahe peksis vastu autot ja metsa alustükid kattis hall udu.
En: Hail battered against the car, and the forest's understory was covered in a gray mist.
Et: Anu kaamera keeldus töötamast.
En: Anu's camera refused to work.
Et: Kalevi pettumus oli tohutu.
En: Kalev's disappointment was immense.
Et: Kas projekt jääbki unistuseks?
En: Would the project remain just a dream?
Et: Kuid Kalev ei tahtnud alla anda.
En: But Kalev didn’t want to give up.
Et: "Nad ütlesid alati, et bioloog on lahendusleija," mõtles Kalev endamisi, kui ta vaatles halvenevaid ilmaolusid.
En: “They always said a biologist is a problem-solver,” Kalev thought to himself as he observed the worsening weather.
Et: Ta haaras oma nutitelefoni.
En: He grabbed his smartphone.
Et: Telefonikaamera polnud ideaalne, kuid see oli parem kui mitte midagi.
En: The phone camera wasn’t ideal, but it was better than nothing.
Et: Samuti pidi ta oma tähelepanekud üles märkima helimemodesse.
En: He also had to record his observations in voice memos.
Et: Kui vihmasadu hetkeks raugema hakkas, tekkis õhku uus võimalus.
En: When the rain began to ease for a moment, a new opportunity emerged.
Et: Kalev märkas oksalt-oksale hüppavat haruldast lindu.
En: Kalev noticed a rare bird hopping from branch to branch.
Et: See hetk oli unikaalne!
En: This moment was unique!
Et: Anu, kuigi kaamera seisis jõuetus tardumuses, leidis teise võimaluse: illustratsioonid.
En: Anu, although her camera was frozen in helpless stillness, found another way: illustrations.
Et: Kiired ja loovad visandid lindudest lisasid projekti erilist vaatenurka.
En: Quick and creative sketches of the birds added a special perspective to the project.
Et: Kalev ja Anu kohanesid.
En: Kalev and Anu adapted.
Et: Nad muutusid hetke jooksul leidlike lahenduste meistriteks.
En: They became masters of ingenious solutions in the moment.
Et: Metsa häälte salvestamine helimemodesse ning Anu joonistuste kasutamine andsid projektile unikaalse lähenemisnurka.
En: Recording the sounds of the forest in voice memos and using Anu’s drawings gave the project a unique angle.
Et: Kui projekt sai valmis, säras see nende vaimuselgusest ja leidlikkusest.
En: When the project was completed, it shone with their spirit and inventiveness.
Et: Kalevi õpetaja oli vaimustuses.
En: Kalev’s teacher was thrilled.
Et: "Sa oled näidanud tõelist probleemilahendusoskust," ütles õpetaja naeratades.
En: “You’ve shown true problem-solving skills,” the teacher said with a smile.
Et: Kalev tundis, kuidas rahulolu tema südamesse voolas.
En: Kalev felt a wave of satisfaction flow into his heart.
Et: Ta mõistis, et kohanemisvõime ja leidlikkus on bioloogia, ja miks mitte elu, põhialused.
En: He realized that adaptability and creativity are the foundations of biology, and why not of life itself.
Et: See reis oli rohkem kui lihtsalt kooliprojekt.
En: This trip was more than just a school project.
Et: See oli õppetund elule.
En: It was a lesson for life.
Et: Lahemaa sügisvärvid hakkasid hämarduma, kui Kalev ja Anu naerdes autosse istusid, rahulolev tunne südames jaensõi tuleviku katsumused, teades, et nad olid üheskoos kõigeks valmis.
En: As Lahemaa's autumn colors began to fade, Kalev and Anu sat in the car laughing, a sense of contentment in their hearts and prepared for future challenges, knowing they were ready for anything together.
Vocabulary Words:
- raced: põksus
- excitement: elevusest
- rustled: sahisesid
- meadow: rohumaad
- goal: eesmärk
- unique: ainulaadsete
- ecosystems: ökosüsteemide
- impress: muljet avaldada
- creativity: loov
- mysterious: salapäraseid
- wild: metsikus
- unexpected: ootamatult
- hail: rahe
- understory: alustükid
- immense: tohutu
- disappointment: pettumus
- adaptability: kohanemisvõime
- creativity: leidlikkus
- opportunity: võimalus
- rare: haruldast
- illustrations: illustratsioonid
- sketches: visandid
- perspective: vaatenurka
- ingenious: leidlike
- solutions: lahenduste
- adapted: kohanesid
- inventiveness: leidlikkusest
- satisfaction: rahulolu
- foundations: põhialused
- contentment: rahulolev
Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?
Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?
Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
Autore | |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Categorie | Impara le lingue , Corsi |
Sito | | |
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