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The Future-Proof Your Business Podcast

  • Podcasting Reflections: A Year of Growth, Giggles and Owning my Own Voice

    13 SET 2023 · Welcome to this special anniversary episode of the Future-Proof Your Business podcast, as I celebrate its first year and reflect on my podcasting journey over the past 12 months. Join me as I share insights from behind the scenes of the 44 episodes and the 7 key learnings that I’m taking with me into the next year: 1) Get really clear on why. It really does make a difference when you know why you’re doing it. It has made things so much easier and really helped in those sticky moments when I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry!Energy and resources. 2) Work out what you think you need and then multiply it by at least 50%. I thought I knew what it was going to take and as you know I’m not afraid of putting the work in, but I completely underestimated the energy, time and resources needed to really get the most out of the podcast, to create quality content and share it in the right way. 3) Recognising My Strengths and My Ramblings I've always known I could talk, (and yep I know I can ramble), but what I didn't anticipate was the debilitating fear that took over me when I found myself facing the Riverside studio screen all by myself. 4) Connecting with My Audience Checking in with myself and keeping in mind who the podcast is for and who I want to reach has been key, and finding ways to get feedback and what you want or need, and how I can add value is something I need to keep working on. 5) Don’t be afraid to try new things I’ve learned to be ok with tweaking things, trying new ways of doing things or even changing my mind, again! It really is OK to say you’re not sure or not happy with something and keep trying until it feels right. I’m still working on my intro and episode style and I know the whole podcast will keep on moving forward with me as I grow and my business evolves. 6) Embracing My Own Voice Taking a leaf out of Dolly Parton's book, I'm learning to be unapologetically myself. Owning my unique style, including the choice of music, has been liberating and has made such a difference to my podcast, to my business and to me. 7) Enjoying the Journey and Embracing Imperfections Not taking things too seriously and having a giggle! Finding joy in the process, and being OK with things not being perfect has been a game-changer for me and my clients. I've loved every moment of this journey, even when my chocolate Labrador, Kylo, decides to join in! Finally, the positives that have come from this adventure have been incredible. From building awareness for my business and what I do, sharing my clients’ stories and expertise and connecting with listeners and people all over the world. These last 12 months have been a rollercoaster and I've definitely come out stronger and much clearer about who is Lucy Rennie. I'm beyond excited for the future of this podcasting journey, and I'd love to hear from you. Please get in touch and share your thoughts, your feedback, and any topics you'd like me to dive into in future episodes. Thanks for listening, - - free downloadable resources, other episodes and more information about how to work with us. - Buy my book here - https://htps// - Join The Future-Proof Club here - - Come and join me and lots of other small business owners like you in my FREE Facebook group:
    Ascoltato 35 min. 1 sec.
  • Joining the Dots: Bridging the Gap between the world of business and young people

    19 AGO 2023 · This episode is a bit different, I’m excited to share with you more about my new “Joining the Dots” project that is launching this September in collaboration with the brilliant Take Part. With more than 25 years working with small, medium and large organisations all around the world, and eight years as the founder and Managing Director of LR Comms, a strategic communications consultancy, I know how vital finding the right people and communicating effectively can be to the success of your business. I’m also increasingly aware of the constant challenges that my clients and other businesses face in attracting and retaining the right people, especially in today’s post-covid world where our traditional ways of doing things have been thrown out of the window. At the same time, our young people are struggling to get inspired. They are expected, at thirteen and fourteen years of age, to start to make choices about their own futures, yet they have very few, if any opportunities to explore the world of work, and to find out more about how it all works. How can they know what they want to do, where their strengths lie and what they enjoy doing if they aren’t given the chance to discover more, to hear from real people in real jobs, to get experience in different industries and types of roles and to ask questions? I want to bridge the gap between the world of business and young people, and encourage our future generations to get curious, explore opportunities and make the choice to create a life doing what they love. My new Joining the Dots programme aims to bridge the gap between these two worlds, providing our young people with the insights, opportunities and inspiration they need to be able to make the right choices and create a life they want and enable businesses to connect with future employees, build awareness for what they do and encourage more people to want to join them. I’d love to know what you think and if you’d like to get involved. You can find all the links to find out more and get in touch in the shownotes. Resource Links: - - free downloadable resources, other episodes and more information about how to work with us. - Buy my book here - https://htps// - Join The Future-Proof Club here - - Come and join me and lots of other small business owners like you in my FREE Facebook group:
    Ascoltato 34 min. 12 sec.
  • Bringing your Brand to Life through Effective Print: A Conversation with Sharon Taylor

    2 AGO 2023 · Welcome to this week's episode of the "Future-Proof Your Business Podcast" with your host Lucy Rennie. In this week's episode, I’m joined by the brilliant Sharon Taylor, owner and managing director of Paragon Print and Marketing Solutions who describes herself as a “nosy” printer and loves helping people elevate and bring their business to life through the power of print. Sharon shares insights into her world of print, from her traditional Heidelberg litho printer, the intricacies of choosing the right format, colour or finish, to the magic of creating a “lumpy bumpy mail". We have the BEST conversation about the highs and lows of running a business, about Sharon's own journey and the power of non-alcoholic beer and sausage rolls. We chat about: - how being a good leader in any business is all about communication and being fair. - why you need to be able to step back and look in. - recognising that you don’t know everything, getting the right person on your wing who can help and be brave. Be brave, make decisions, make mistakes and learn from them. - sense-checking everything you do. Are you doing it because you've always done it that way or because that's the best way of doing it? - being nosy, and curious, finding out more about who they are and what they want to achieve. - how clients just want you to make them look good! - making it bounce when it lands on someone's desk so that it's memorable, and you get that phone call. - how to strike the balance between work and home, and how it can feel like you're "getting onto a fast moving train at the back of the carriage and have to clamber your way through to the driving seat." Resource Links: - Get in touch with Sharon at - - - - free downloadable resources, other episodes and more information about how to work with Lucy. - Listen to more episodes of The Future-Proof your Business podcast - - https://https//In%20this%20week%E2%80%99s%20episode%20of%20The%20Future-Proof%20your%20Business%20podcast,%20I%E2%80%99m%20thrilled%20to%20be%20joined%20by%20Laura%20Stroud%20and%20Pete%20Billingham%20from%20Derbyshire%20Writing%20School,%20the%20wonderful%20father-daughter%20team%20who%20are%20on%20a%20mission%20to%20help%20individuals%20bring%20their%20stories%20to%20life%20through%20their%20writing%20courses,%20coaching,%20and%20retreats.%20%20We%20have%20an%20inspiring%20conversation%20about%20the%20behind%20the%20scenes%20of%20their%20business,%20their%20passion%20for%20books%20and%20storytelling%20and%20how%20you're%20only%20allowed%20a%20certain%20amount%20of%20dad%20jokes!%20%20%20Writing%20your%20own%20book%20and%20becoming%20an%20author%20can%20help%20you%20gain%20huge%20credibility%20and%20perceived%20authority%20within%20in%20your%20marketplace%20and%20enable%20you%20to%20differentiate%20yourself%20and%20stand%20out%20from%20the%20crowd.%20%20%20Laura%20and%20Pete%20share%20some%20great%20tools%20and%20tips%20to%20help%20you%20get%20started%20in%20writing%20your%20own%20book%20including%20%20%20%20Three%20core%20questions%20to%20consider%20before%20writing%20your%20non-fiction%20book:%20%20How%20are%20you%20actually%20going%20to%20help%20them%20with%20the%20knowledge%20that%20you%20have%20to%20share?%20Instead%20of%20focusing%20on%20yourself,%20think%20about%20what%20it%20is%20that%20your%20customer%20wants?%20What%20do%20they%20need?%20What%20is%20the%20thing%20that's%20going%20to%20help%20them%20and%20get%20them%20started?%20Why%20are%20you%20the%20best%20person%20to%20write%20this%20book?%20As%20business%20owners,%20we%20often%20know%20more%20than%20we%20think%20we%20do%20and%20so%20we%20need%20to%20unpick%20our%20expertise%20and%20figure%20out%20how%20we%20can%20teach%20it%20to%20someone%20else.%20And%20why%20is%20now%20the%20best%20time%20to%20write%20this%20book?%20%20%20And%20finally,%20Laura%20challenges%20is%20you%20to%20write%20a%20list%20of%2010%20things%20that%20you%20are%20good%20at,%20it%20has%20to%20be%2010.%20Be%20really%20specific%20in%20relation%20to%20your%20business%20and%20this%20will%20help%20you%20get%20to%20the%20heart%20of%20why%20you%20are%20the%20expert,%20how%20you%20can%20help%20other%20people%20with%20your%20incredible%20knowledge%20and%20why%20you%20need%20to%20just%20get%20started%20in%20writing%20your%20book.%20%20Resource%20Links:%20,%20other%20episodes%20and%20more%20information%20about%20how%20to%20work%20with%20Lucy.%20Listen%20to%20more%20episodes%20of%20The%20Future-Proof%20your%20Business%20podcast%20-%20 - Join me in my membership The Future-Proof Club®️ here - and join me and lots of other small business owners like you in my FREE Facebook group:
    Ascoltato 58 min. 5 sec.
  • Unleashing the Power of Storytelling with Derbyshire Writing School

    19 LUG 2023 · In this week’s episode of The Future-Proof your Business podcast, I’m thrilled to be joined by Laura Stroud and Pete Billingham from Derbyshire Writing School, the wonderful father-daughter team who are on a mission to help individuals bring their stories to life through their writing courses, coaching, and retreats. We have an inspiring conversation about the behind the scenes of their business, their passion for books and storytelling and how you're only allowed a certain amount of dad jokes! Writing your own book and becoming an author can help you gain huge credibility and perceived authority within your marketplace and enable you to differentiate yourself and stand out from the crowd. Laura and Pete share some great tools and tips to help you get started including three core questions to consider before writing your non-fiction book: - How are you actually going to help people with the knowledge that you have to share? Instead of focusing on yourself, think about what it is that your customer wants? What do they need? What is the thing that's going to help them and get them started? - Why are you the best person to write this book? As business owners and managers, we often know more than we think we do and so we need to unpick our expertise and figure out how we can teach it to someone else. - And why is now the best time to write this book? And finally, Laura challenges you to write a list of 10 things that you are good at, it has to be 10. Be really specific in relation to your business and this will help you get to the heart of why you are the expert, how you can help other people with your incredible knowledge and why you need to just get started in writing your book. Resource Links: - - - - BEGIN the podcast. - Email to reach out to Laura and Pete. - - - free downloadable resources, other episodes and more information about how to work with Lucy. - Listen to more episodes of The Future-Proof your Business podcast - - https://https//In%20this%20week%E2%80%99s%20episode%20of%20The%20Future-Proof%20your%20Business%20podcast,%20I%E2%80%99m%20thrilled%20to%20be%20joined%20by%20Laura%20Stroud%20and%20Pete%20Billingham%20from%20Derbyshire%20Writing%20School,%20the%20wonderful%20father-daughter%20team%20who%20are%20on%20a%20mission%20to%20help%20individuals%20bring%20their%20stories%20to%20life%20through%20their%20writing%20courses,%20coaching,%20and%20retreats.%20%20We%20have%20an%20inspiring%20conversation%20about%20the%20behind%20the%20scenes%20of%20their%20business,%20their%20passion%20for%20books%20and%20storytelling%20and%20how%20you're%20only%20allowed%20a%20certain%20amount%20of%20dad%20jokes!%20%20%20Writing%20your%20own%20book%20and%20becoming%20an%20author%20can%20help%20you%20gain%20huge%20credibility%20and%20perceived%20authority%20within%20in%20your%20marketplace%20and%20enable%20you%20to%20differentiate%20yourself%20and%20stand%20out%20from%20the%20crowd.%20%20%20Laura%20and%20Pete%20share%20some%20great%20tools%20and%20tips%20to%20help%20you%20get%20started%20in%20writing%20your%20own%20book%20including%20%20%20%20Three%20core%20questions%20to%20consider%20before%20writing%20your%20non-fiction%20book:%20%20How%20are%20you%20actually%20going%20to%20help%20them%20with%20the%20knowledge%20that%20you%20have%20to%20share?%20Instead%20of%20focusing%20on%20yourself,%20think%20about%20what%20it%20is%20that%20your%20customer%20wants?%20What%20do%20they%20need?%20What%20is%20the%20thing%20that's%20going%20to%20help%20them%20and%20get%20them%20started?%20Why%20are%20you%20the%20best%20person%20to%20write%20this%20book?%20As%20business%20owners,%20we%20often%20know%20more%20than%20we%20think%20we%20do%20and%20so%20we%20need%20to%20unpick%20our%20expertise%20and%20figure%20out%20how%20we%20can%20teach%20it%20to%20someone%20else.%20And%20why%20is%20now%20the%20best%20time%20to%20write%20this%20book?%20%20%20And%20finally,%20Laura%20challenges%20is%20you%20to%20write%20a%20list%20of%2010%20things%20that%20you%20are%20good%20at,%20it%20has%20to%20be%2010.%20Be%20really%20specific%20in%20relation%20to%20your%20business%20and%20this%20will%20help%20you%20get%20to%20the%20heart%20of%20why%20you%20are%20the%20expert,%20how%20you%20can%20help%20other%20people%20with%20your%20incredible%20knowledge%20and%20why%20you%20need%20to%20just%20get%20started%20in%20writing%20your%20book.%20%20Resource%20Links:%20,%20other%20episodes%20and%20more%20information%20about%20how%20to%20work%20with%20Lucy.%20Listen%20to%20more%20episodes%20of%20The%20Future-Proof%20your%20Business%20podcast%20-%20 - Join me in my membership The Future-Proof Club®️ here - Come and join me and lots of other small business owners like you in my FREE Facebook group:
    Ascoltato 1 h 2 min. 54 sec.
  • For the Love of Small Business with David Lowe, Autac

    5 LUG 2023 · In this week’s episode of the Future-Proof your Business podcast, I’m delighted to welcome my client Dave Lowe, owner and Managing Director of Autac, leading British manufacturer of high-quality electrical cable and coil. Dave and his wife Sallie acquired Autac in 2016, and since then have grown the business from £1.5M to more than £5.8M this year. In this conversation, Dave shares the behind the scenes of their journey, experiences and learnings, the secrets of their remarkable success and some of the strategies they’ve implemented to achieve it. We chat about: - The importance of backing yourself, being clear about where you want to be and surrounding yourself with the right people. - Honesty is key. How being brave and doing what you know is the right thing to do, even when it means having difficult conversations or upsetting people, can make the difference between the success or failure of your business. - Bringing energy and showing up in the right way. You have to drive your business forward because no-one else will do it for you. - Being able to make decisions in the best interest of your business. - The power of excellent communication, managing people's expectations and doing what you say you’re going to do. - Creating a winning team and culture based on your values and vision. And why in manufacturing your customers are everything. Without people buying your product you have nothing. David Lowe Resource Links: - - Resource Links: - - free downloadable resources, other episodes and more information about how to work with Lucy. - Join my mailing list - - Buy my book here - https://htps// - Join me in my membership The Future-Proof Club®️ here - Come and join me and lots of other small business owners like you in my FREE Facebook group:
    Ascoltato 1 h 3 min. 22 sec.
  • 5 Ways to Protect yourself, Prevent Burnout and feel more in Control.

    21 GIU 2023 · I know first-hand just how hard it can be to spin all the plates and how hard it is to say no things or put ourselves first. I also know that YOU are central to the success of your business and if you’re not in a good place, then you can’t show up in the right way and you won’t be able to add value in the way you want to. This is why I’m a massive believer in the importance of 'putting your own oxygen mask on first' and in this week’s podcast I share with you my 5 Ways to Protect Yourself, Prevent Burnout and Feel more in Control: - Get under your own skin. Find out how you work, get to know yourself, what makes you feel good or bad? Identify your red flags that you can look out for. - Get clear on your boundaries and notice where you’re spending your time and energy. Are you prioritising the right people and projects? - What are your non-negotiables? Work out what you don’t want and it will help you know what it is you do want. - Never under-estimate the power of saying ‘no!’ How to work out what is important right now and how to make the right choices to bring the biggest impact on your life and business. - Set yourself up for success and work out what you need to have in place to be able to show up in the right way and feel good.. And finally I share with you how to tap into your own secret weapon, your inner WonderWoman superpower and learn how to protect your energy throughout the day. Resource Links: - Kim Raine - - - free downloadable resources, other episodes and more information about how to work with Lucy. - Listen to more episodes here: - Buy my book here - https://htps// - Join The Future-Proof Club®️ here - - Come and join me and lots of other small business owners like you in my FREE Facebook group:
    Ascoltato 38 min. 8 sec.
  • For The Love of Small Business with Joanne Hawkins

    7 GIU 2023 · In this week’s episode of The Future-Proof your Business podcast I’m excited to welcome to the self-professed ‘straight-talking Northern woman’ and the founder of the North West VA Conference, the brilliant Joanne Hawkins. I asked Jo to share the behind-the-scenes from her business and entrepreneurial journey and we chatted about: - taking the leap and how to best prepare for starting your own business, - the importance of knowing why you're doing it and having a clear vision, - the best way to find your niche and own your space, - the power of community and building relationships - why it’s incredibly important to future-proof your business, - behind-the-scenes at this year's NWVA conference and of course, why you should attend, - learning how to recognise your own value and worth and being able to communicate it to others and Jo's key to success, being true to yourself and your values and not trying to be someone or something you're not. Resource Links: - - - - - - free downloadable resources, other episodes and more information about how to work with Lucy. - Join my mailing list - - Buy my book here - https://htps// - Join The Future-Proof Club here - - Come and join me and lots of other small business owners like you in my FREE Facebook group:
    Ascoltato 50 min. 27 sec.
  • For The Love Of Small Business with Greg and Kim Knight

    24 MAG 2023 · In this week's episode, I'm chatting with the wonderful husband and wife team Greg and Kim Knight from HDK Events all about the rollercoaster ride that is running a small business together. We talk about: - the power of self-belief and determination to keep going and create a thriving business. - work-life balance and what that actually means when you work for yourself, - the challenges that come with imposter syndrome and how to deal with the inevitable wobbles, - the power of trust and having your clients' interests at heart, - getting under the skin of your clients and really understanding what they need and want, - being brave and helping your clients to make the right choices even if it means you don't make as much money, - standing out from the crowd by showing you care and delivering high-quality service every time - the need for businesses to nurture their people, create memorable experiences and invest in developing strong teams. And we share insights into our new collaboration to create bespoke events for SME and Corporate teams to come together, get focused and make an impact. Please get in touch if you'd like to know more. HDK Events Resources: - - - - Resource Links: - - free downloadable resources, other episodes and more information about how to work with Lucy. - Join my mailing list - - Buy my book here - https://htps// - Join The Future-Proof Club here - - Come and join me and lots of other small business owners like you in my FREE Facebook group:
    Ascoltato 52 min. 24 sec.
  • For The Love Of Small Business With Vicky Labinger

    11 MAG 2023 · In this week’s episode of the Future-Proof Your Business podcast, I’m joined by the wonderful Vicky Labinger, an interior designer and business mentor for interior designers for another behind-the-scenes conversation in my series of 'For the Love of Small Business.' “Oh, my God, you're mad. What are you doing? You're quitting a hugely successful corporate career to start something that you have no idea is going to work.” Vicky started her interior design business, My Clay Brick Home in 2020 after working more than 30 years in the corporate world, and after hitting the big 50. She hasn’t looked back since! We had a great conversation about: - That niggle or itch of wanting to do something for yourself, under your own name or brand and then actually taking the leap of faith. - Really listening to what your client wants and what they’re really trying to say, rather than just taking things at face value. - Putting your clients in “timeout” and becoming a bit of a “marriage counsellor”, when couples or colleagues can’t agree on what needs to happen. - Why you need to connect with people’s hearts and minds to get them to go on a journey with you. - The words and the language you use really do matter. - Why you shouldn’t be afraid to be the black sheep in your industry and stand out from the crowd. - The importance of finding your own tribe. - Making sure you have a plan and vision for your business. - How consistency is key. If you're going to start something, make sure you can keep doing it and that it’s right for you and your brand. And finally, the power of process and understanding the levers you can push and pull to effectively make a change and see results. Vicky Labinger Resources: - - Instagram: @vicky_labinger - - Twitter: @vickylabinger Resource Links: - - free downloadable resources, other episodes and more information about how to work with Lucy. - Join my mailing list - - Buy my book here - https://htps// - Join The Future-Proof Club here - - Come and join me and lots of other small business owners like you in my FREE Facebook group:
    Ascoltato 1 h 3 min. 51 sec.
  • For the Love of Small Business with Tanya Ibberson

    27 APR 2023 · In this week’s episode of the Future-Proof Your Business podcast, I’m joined in the studio by the incredible Tanya Ibberson for another behind-the-scenes conversation in my series of 'For the Love of Small Business.' With over 25 years experience of working in accounting, financial training and business mentoring, Tanya is also a certified trauma-informed financial coach and on a mission to empower individuals and business owners to design the life you want using your finances. In this fab conversation, Tanya and I discuss: - What made Tanya look at things differently and decide to become a coach. - Removing the stumbling blocks that get your way, to help you achieve what you want. - The importance of getting under the skin of your business and understanding your numbers. - The value of having a clear strategy and a plan. - Bookkeeping tips and tricks for getting started. - Why you need to understand how things work before you delegate them. - The three biggest challenges that business owners face today - The foundations of strong bookkeeping - The benefits of saving for tax and remembering it is not yours. - 3 ways to help you feel more confident in your pricing And finally, Tanya shares why she believes you should face the fear and do it anyway. Find out more and connect with Tanya Ibberson here: - - - Resource Links: - - free downloadable resources, other episodes and more information about how to work with Lucy. - Join my mailing list - - Buy my book here - https://htps// - Join The Future-Proof Club here - - Come and join me and lots of other small business owners like you in my FREE Facebook group:
    Ascoltato 56 min. 35 sec.

Hello and welcome to the Future-Proof Your Business podcast with me Lucy Rennie. I’m a massive champion for small business and I’m on a mission to help you love what...

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Hello and welcome to the Future-Proof Your Business podcast with me Lucy Rennie.

I’m a massive champion for small business and I’m on a mission to help you love what you do and build and grow your business in a way that works for you and feels good.

I’m convinced that the best way to create a successful and sustainable business is to do it from the inside out, which means that it has to start with you, the business owner.

In fact, I believe that business really is all about people, and if you want to future-proof your business and make an impact then you need to get really clear on why you do what you do, create the best experience and then build relationships and trust.

In this podcast, I want to share with you as much of my knowledge, expertise and experience with you, as I can, as well as some behind the scenes stories and strategies from my business, and I’ll be having conversations with and learning from some amazing business owners and experts so I can give you everything you need to stay focused, on track and feel more in control on this rollercoaster ride that is building a sustainable business.
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