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Wholly a Woman

    The Wholly a Woman podcast is hosted by Dr. Emily, the natural family planning pharmacist. In this show, we will discuss women's health from the perspective of a natural family...

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    The Wholly a Woman podcast is hosted by Dr. Emily, the natural family planning pharmacist. In this show, we will discuss women's health from the perspective of a natural family planning educator and pharmacist. This show is for women who want to learn more about how their beautiful bodies work and want to find encouragement and inspiration to embrace their whole womanhood. New episodes are released approximately every 2 weeks.

    The opinions expressed on this show are those of Emily and/or her guest and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of any of Emily’s places of employment nor any of Emily’s affiliations. In addition, Emily’s guests’ views and/or links do not necessarily represent Emily’s views. The information provided is intended as a resource and the listener is expected to use their own judgment to determine if certain information is of value to them or not. Although much of the information shared is based on scientific evidence and published literature, the opinions expressed on this podcast are meant for entertainment and education only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition nor should they be used as a substitute for medical advice from a qualified, board-certified practicing clinician. Emily has no relevant financial disclosures. Basically, everything I say on this podcast is my own – I encourage you to do your own research and form your own opinions too.
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