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My Book


    My Book is a podcast in English about books and their authors, taken to the next level. Each week, a new host from our panel of book lovers takes a...

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    My Book is a podcast in English about books and their authors, taken to the next level. Each week, a new host from our panel of book lovers takes a deep dive with an author and a book they've written to learn about their narrative. My Book provides a digital platform to some of the internationally acclaimed writers, as well as new authors, to discuss their process of writing and their interests in a wide variety of subjects such as books, music and films, all through an informal conversation.

    Produced by well known broadcasters Achala Sharma & Pervaiz Alam, My Book covers a wide range of genres and is a part of London-based, Cine Ink, Private Limited, UK, a well known hub of podcasts in Hindi and Urdu, and now in English as well, available on all major podcast networks.

    All podcasts are available on YouTube and our website:
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