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    Ladies do you ever wonder what your man is thinking as he stares off blankly into space? Fellas are there things that you think, but wish you can say out...

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    Ladies do you ever wonder what your man is thinking as he stares off blankly into space? Fellas are there things that you think, but wish you can say out loud? #JustSaying has you covered. Join RingoMandingo757 and Double Gee as we discuss any and everything that crosses our minds. From current events, social media, love, sex, and relationships hilarity will ensue no matter the topic. #JustSaying
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    Autore Randy Penny
    Organizzazione Randy Penny
    Categorie Commedia
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    Sembra che non tu non abbia alcun episodio attivo

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    Sembra che non ci sia nessun episodio nella tua coda

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