
#JustSaying Podcast Episode 28: The Angriest Black Man in AmeriKKKa

13 lug 2021 · 1 h 11 min. 17 sec.
#JustSaying Podcast Episode 28: The Angriest Black Man in AmeriKKKa

We apologize in advance for the audio quality of this episode. I (Ringomandingo757) mixed up the audio inputs and this entire episode was recorded with the internal computer microphone. If...

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We apologize in advance for the audio quality of this episode. I (Ringomandingo757) mixed up the audio inputs and this entire episode was recorded with the internal computer microphone. If you can endure the audio you are in for one of our most powerful episodes to date. As of late I have been very angry, feeling like I have taken the red pill and woken up to see how racist the Matrix really is. Listen in as the #JustSaying Boys delve into constantly being angry, while being BLACK in AmeriKKKa. As always if you enjoy the content please like, comment, and share. #JustSaying
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Autore Randy Penny
Organizzazione Randy Penny
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