1 OTT 2024 · Vandrick Towns grew up in a tough neighborhood surrounded by many great influences. His was a close nit, hardworking, religious family. He was heavily involved in all these things as will as his prowess as a young football star. Then, when he was 16 years old, after a football game, we was struck by a bullet that lodged in his calf and changed forever the trajectory of his life. His fall was fast and furious. In spite of having no previous experience in gang life, he was drawn in and jumped in with both feet. Then, within just over a year, he was in jail facing a double life sentence. Listen in as he tells his articulate and amazing story of his free fall into hell, his survival skills he learned, how he comes to himself and then faced an identical situation where his good decision would send him down a road where he has spent the past over 17 years helping himself and others find true peace and success. Vandrick is an amazing human being. His story is lifechanging.
Sponsors & Partners
The Other Side Academy (TOSA) - http://theothersideacademy.com
My Story Matters / Captain Your Story - http://mystorymatters.org
00:00:00 - Vandrick Towns
00:02:02 - The Other Side Academy
00:02:21 - My Story Matters / Captain Your Story
00:03:10 - LA in the 80’s
00:06:50 - Surviving a Shooting
00:08:40 - Joining a Gang for Revenge
00:18:00 - Landing in Prison
00:28:50 - Earning a Reputation
00:30:45 - Returning to His Roots
00:33:00 - Losing his Mother & Brother on the Same Day
00:35:50 - Coming to a Fork in the Road
00:45:15 - Granted Parole on July 4th
00:51:13 “We’re more alike than we are different.”
00:52:20 Teaching Law & Ethics in the Prison
00:55:10 Final Piece of Advice