
Unveiling My Father's Naval Legacy: A Journey Through Tallinn

10 lug 2024 · 18 min. 15 sec.
Unveiling My Father's Naval Legacy: A Journey Through Tallinn

01 · Main Story

1 min. 42 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

14 min. 45 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Unveiling My Father's Naval Legacy: A Journey Through Tallinn Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Et: Meretuule keerutas juukseid Mareki...

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Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Unveiling My Father's Naval Legacy: A Journey Through Tallinn
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Story Transcript:

Et: Meretuule keerutas juukseid Mareki näol, kui ta astus Tallinna mereväebaasi väravast sisse.
En: The sea breeze ruffled Marek’s hair as he stepped through the gates of the Tallinn naval base.

Et: Ta tundis, kuidas süda põksuma hakkas.
En: He felt his heart start to race.

Et: Siit oli põnevaid lugusid tema isa kohta, suurepärane ohvitser, keda ta peaaegu ei teadnudki.
En: There were thrilling stories about his father from here, a great officer he barely knew.

Et: Leena, vana sõber, ootas teda värava juures.
En: Leena, an old friend, was waiting for him at the gate.

Et: "Tere, Marek!
En: "Hello, Marek!

Et: Mul on nii hea meel, et sa tulid," ütles Leena soojalt.
En: I'm so glad you came," Leena said warmly.

Et: "Mina ka," vastas Marek, tõstes kergelt naeratama.
En: "So am I," Marek replied, lifting a slight smile.

Et: "Mul on palju küsimusi isa kohta.
En: "I have many questions about my father.

Et: Tahaksin teada, kes ta tegelikult oli."
En: I want to know who he really was."

Et: Nad jalutasid mööda baasi, kus moodne ja ajalooline arhitektuur segunesid.
En: They walked through the base where modern and historical architecture intertwined.

Et: Mereäärne baas oli endiselt elav.
En: The seaside base was still bustling.

Et: Sõdurid treenisid platsil ja laevad randusid sadamas.
En: Soldiers were training in the field, and ships were docking in the harbor.

Et: "Tead, siin oli isa alati väga aktiivne," rääkis Leena.
En: "You know, your father was always very active here," Leena said.

Et: "Ta oli meie parim.
En: "He was our best.

Et: Aga kogu tõde võib olla keerulisem kui me arvame."
En: But the whole truth may be more complicated than we think."

Et: Marek noogutas.
En: Marek nodded.

Et: "Kust ma võiksin alustada?"
En: "Where should I start?"

Et: Leena mõtles hetke.
En: Leena thought for a moment.

Et: "On üks vana laev, kus sinu isa töötas.
En: "There’s an old ship your father worked on.

Et: Kuid see piirkond on praegu suletud."
En: But that area is currently closed."

Et: Marek neelas alla.
En: Marek swallowed.

Et: "Ma lähen sinna," otsustas ta.
En: "I’m going there," he decided.

Et: Ta teadis, et see polnud lubatud, aga ta oli valmis riski võtma.
En: He knew it wasn’t allowed, but he was willing to take the risk.

Et: Hoolikalt ja salaja hiilis Marek suletud alale.
En: Carefully and secretly, Marek sneaked into the restricted area.

Et: Vanad laevad, roostes metall ja otsad, meenutasid sõjaaegu.
En: Old ships, rusty metal, and remnants reminded him of wartimes.

Et: Äkki tundus kõik väga vaikne, liiga vaikne.
En: Suddenly, everything felt very quiet, too quiet.

Et: "Mida sa siin teed?"
En: "What are you doing here?"

Et: kõlas karm hääl tema selja tagant.
En: a harsh voice sounded behind him.

Et: Marek pöördus ja seisis silmitsi turvamehega.
En: Marek turned around and faced a security guard.

Et: Marek tundis, kuidas veri tema näost kadus.
En: Marek felt the blood drain from his face.

Et: "Palun, ma otsin oma isa kohta teavet," ütles Marek.
En: "Please, I’m looking for information about my father," Marek said.

Et: "Mul on vaja seda teadmist.
En: "I need this knowledge.

Et: See pole halb kavatsus."
En: It’s not with bad intent."

Et: Turvamees kortsutas kortsu, kuid lõpuks noogutas.
En: The security guard frowned but finally nodded.

Et: "Olgu.
En: "Alright.

Et: Sa pead kiiresti lahkuma, aga ma juhatan sind kellegi juurde, kes võib sind aidata."
En: You need to leave quickly, but I’ll direct you to someone who might help you."

Et: Nii leidis Marek end varsti vanas kontoris, kus istus mees, keda ta ei tundnud.
En: Soon, Marek found himself in an old office where a man he didn’t know was sitting.

Et: „See on kapten Kaarel," tutvustas turvamees.
En: "This is Captain Kaarel," the security guard introduced.

Et: Kapten Kaarel vaatas Marekit teraselt.
En: Captain Kaarel looked at Marek sharply.

Et: "Sa oled Jaani poeg, eks?"
En: "You’re Jaan’s son, right?"

Et: küsis ta lõpuks.
En: he finally asked.

Et: Marek noogutas.
En: Marek nodded.

Et: Kaarel ohkas.
En: Kaarel sighed.

Et: "Su isa oli siin kangelane.
En: "Your father was a hero here.

Et: Aga ta hoidis saladusi mitte ainult oma ohutuse, vaid ka teie pere kaitseks."
En: But he kept secrets not only for his safety but also to protect your family."

Et: Marek tundis, kuidas silmad kipitama hakkasid.
En: Marek felt his eyes start to sting.

Et: "Mida ta peitis?"
En: "What did he hide?"

Et: Kaarel rääkis lugu sellest, kuidas Mareki isa salaja missioonidel osales ja suure panuse kaitsmisele andis.
En: Kaarel told the story of how Marek’s father participated in secret missions and made significant contributions to defense.

Et: Tema kangelaslikkus tähendas, et tal oli palju vaenlasi.
En: His heroism meant he had many enemies.

Et: Seetõttu rääkis ta oma perele vähe oma tööst.
En: As a result, he told his family little about his work.

Et: Lõpuks lahkus Marek baasi väravast rahulikuma südamega.
En: Finally, Marek left the base gates with a calmer heart.

Et: Ta teadis nüüd oma isa raskustest ja panustest.
En: He now knew about his father’s struggles and contributions.

Et: Tema austus isa vastu kasvas.
En: His respect for his father grew.

Et: Ta sai sügava ühenduse oma isa pärandiga ja tundis pereajaloo üle uhkust.
En: He felt a deep connection to his father's legacy and took pride in his family history.

Et: Marek läks mööda Tallinna tänavaid, tundes, et talle oli antud uus elu mõtte.
En: Marek walked through the streets of Tallinn, feeling like he had been given a new purpose in life.

Et: Isa ei olnud ainult sõdur, vaid tõeline kangelane.
En: His father was not just a soldier but a true hero.

Et: Suvi säras edasi, jaamaplatvormide kohal lehvisid lained, kuid Marekil oli nüüd rohkem soojust südames kui kunagi varem.
En: The summer continued to shine, waves fluttered beyond the train platforms, but Marek now had more warmth in his heart than ever before.

Vocabulary Words:
  • breeze: meretuule
  • ruffled: keerutas
  • thrilling: põnevaid
  • officer: ohvitser
  • intertwined: segunesid
  • bustling: elav
  • docking: randusid
  • complicated: keerulisem
  • swallowed: neelas
  • restricted: suletud
  • sneaked: hiilis
  • rusty: roostes
  • remnants: otsad
  • harsh: karm
  • drain: kadus
  • intent: kavatsus
  • frowned: kortsutas
  • direct: juhatan
  • calmer: rahulikum
  • legacy: pärand
  • pride: uhkust
  • fluttered: lehvisid
  • purpose: mõtte
  • heroism: kangelaslikkus
  • secrets: saladusi
  • training: treenisid
  • mission: missioonidel
  • contribution: panuse
  • struggles: raskustest
  • stinging: kipitama
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