
Unlocking Ancestral Secrets: A Journey Through Tryweryn Valley

8 ago 2024 · 18 min. 50 sec.
Unlocking Ancestral Secrets: A Journey Through Tryweryn Valley

01 · Main Story

1 min. 44 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

14 min. 57 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Unlocking Ancestral Secrets: A Journey Through Tryweryn Valley Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Y trydydd dydd o Orffennaf,...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Unlocking Ancestral Secrets: A Journey Through Tryweryn Valley
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Y trydydd dydd o Orffennaf, roedd yr haul yn disgleirio dros ddyffryn Tryweryn.
En: On the third day of July, the sun shone over the Tryweryn valley.

Cy: Roedd Elen yn teimlo’r awel gynnes ar ei hwyneb wrth iddi gerdded ar hyd y llwybr cul, tuag at gartref ei hynafiaid.
En: Elen felt the warm breeze on her face as she walked along the narrow path towards her ancestral home.

Cy: Roedd hi wedi gadael Caerdydd ac holl straeon y ddinas i ddod yma, i ffeindio peth llonyddwch a hefyd i ailgysylltu gyda'i gwreiddiau.
En: She had left Cardiff and the hustle and bustle of the city to come here, to find some peace, and also to reconnect with her roots.

Cy: Roedd cysgodion dyddiau plentyndod ifanc yn cydio yn ei meddwl—heulwen ddi-ben-draw, a’r arogl wair ffres.
En: Shadows of early childhood days clung to her mind—unending sunshine and the scent of fresh hay.

Cy: Pan gyrhaeddodd pen draw'r llwybr, roedd Carwyn yn aros ynddo.
En: When she reached the end of the path, Carwyn was waiting there.

Cy: Roedd ei chousyn hŷn, gyda'i gorff cadarn a'i wyneb tan yr haul, yn edrych arni gyda chymysgfa o annogiad a phryder.
En: Her older cousin, with his sturdy frame and sunburnt face, looked at her with a mix of encouragement and concern.

Cy: “Braf dy weld di, Elen,” meddai'n dawel, gan dynnu ei gap a rhoi tro arall iddo yng nghledrau ei ddwylo.
En: "Good to see you, Elen," he said quietly, taking off his hat and twirling it in his hands.

Cy: “Diolch, Carwyn,” atebodd Elen.
En: "Thank you, Carwyn," Elen replied.

Cy: Roedd rhewi ar ymyl eu geiriau, tensiwn gwirion oddi wrth y ffaith nad oeddent wedi gweld ei gilydd ers blynyddoedd.
En: There was a chill on the edge of their words, a genuine tension from the fact that they hadn't seen each other for years.

Cy: Roedd Elen yn ymwybodol o'r diben ei hymweliad – roedd hi angen dod i ddeall ryseitiau teuluol anhepgor oedd erioed wedi cael ei esbonio iddi'n llawn.
En: Elen was aware of the purpose of her visit—she needed to understand indispensable family recipes that had never been fully explained to her.

Cy: Daeth y nos, a hithau'n prysur baratoi ar gyfer y defod.
En: Evening came, and she quickly prepared for the ritual.

Cy: Roedd y nefoedd yn glir ac yn llawn o sêr, roedd y tywyllwch ysgafn, yn canu llonyddwch.
En: The sky was clear and full of stars, the slight darkness singing with tranquility.

Cy: Golchodd Elen a Carwyn ymarferion yr hen diroedd—hen lullia, blodau gwyllt a choed cynnaf yn swynion ychwanegol i'r awel.
En: Elen and Carwyn rehearsed the ancient rites—old herbs, wildflowers, and ancient trees added extra charm to the breeze.

Cy: Roedd y defod wedi'i dechrau’n ysgafn gyda chyfarth i’r nefoedd.
En: The ritual began gently with a howl to the heavens.

Cy: Earn hynny, daeth rhosynnau i'w gwehilion.
En: After that, roses were added to their remnants.

Cy: Wrth iddynt gadw golwg i gyfeiriad y dyffryn, sylweddolodd Elen pa mor llawn o obaith oedd y lle hwn.
En: As they kept watch over the valley, Elen realized how hopeful this place was.

Cy: Wrth i’r fyddin fach o’r teulu wylio’r sêr dywyllu un â’i gil-dwrn, cafodd Elen afael go iawn.
En: As the small army of the family watched the stars dim one by one, Elen grasped a true understanding.

Cy: Fe fwliodd ei henaint yn y nos hwnnw wrth iddi glynu at glywstriniant caredig Carwyn.
En: She overcame her age that night, clinging to Carwyn's kind guidance.

Cy: Roedd y defod yn cael ei jario i’w natur fer.
En: The ritual was being realigned to its natural brevity.

Cy: Ar yr eiliad breiog hon, cafodd Elen weld marchogion y dyffryn yn taenu eu breichiau i fyd hynnyddol arall.
En: At this fragile moment, Elen saw the knights of the valley stretch their arms to another mystical world.

Cy: Cafodd defiadeb ac urddas.
En: She felt dignity and awe.

Cy: Roedd Carwyn yn edrych arni drwy'r nos—gwastad ac sydd i'r syml.
En: Carwyn watched her through the night—constantly and simply.

Cy: Roedd yn gweld bod Elen yn wirioneddol yn trio.
En: He saw that Elen was truly trying.

Cy: Roedd y llwyddiant yma’n drwm a rhyddhaol.
En: This success was heavy and liberating.

Cy: Wedi cael ei ailhyfrydu’n dyffryn, roedd Elen yn teimlo pwyntoli dyheadau ar erwau bregus hon.
En: Rejuvenated by the valley, Elen felt the alignment of her aspirations on these fragile acres.

Cy: Ym hen dŷ cerrig a choed derw, gyda’r crud tanddwr yn clychwi yn blygeiniol, daeth Elen ac Carwyn i ddeall rhywbeth newydd.
En: In an old stone and oak house, with the underwater cradle ringing brightly, Elen and Carwyn came to understand something new.

Cy: Sut allai’r rital hwn fod yn glierwyn y newid?
En: How could this ritual be the spark of change?

Cy: Fe gafodd Elen ddawn i gyfieithu eu hanes mewn ffyrdd trosgwleiddiol.
En: Elen gained the ability to translate their history in transformative ways.

Cy: Gyda phob defnydd o’r dail gwlyb, ilswrn y greadigaeth. Roedd ei etifeddiaeth yn cydgytuno gyda’r traddodiadau hynafol.
En: With every use of the wet leaves and life essence of creation, her heritage intertwined with the ancient traditions.

Cy: Daeth Carwyn i ddeall y bit wedi’i blygu a gawll o addewidion newydd.
En: Carwyn came to understand the curved part and a web of new promises.

Cy: Roedd hyn yn radd dro.
En: This was evolutionary.

Cy: Yn y diwedd, roedd Elen wedi ffeindio'l sylfaen gyffrous newydd.
En: In the end, Elen had found an exciting new foundation.

Cy: Wrth iddi adael y dyffryn arbennig hwnnw erbyn diwedd yr haf, teimlodd fod ei gorffennol yn rhyddhaol y bell eraill.
En: As she left this special valley by the end of summer, she felt that her past was liberating the distant futuroothers.

Cy: Roedd y dyfodol yn ddisglair, yn lluosog; ac roedd yn gorbell'n hoff gymharol.
En: The future was bright, manifold; and it spanned a dearly comparative scope.

Cy: Roedd olwg star belen, ac anadlewyr o haf yn ffoad.
En: There was the gaze of a shooting star, and a reflection of summer in retreat.

Cy: Roedd teulu yn ben draw i bawb, mewn prysurdeb byd arall.
En: Family was the ultimate end for everyone, in the bustle of another world.

Cy: Mae hyd yn oed Carwyn yn deall ei le.
En: Even Carwyn understood his place.

Vocabulary Words:
  • valley: dyffryn
  • narrow: cul
  • ancestral: hynafiaid
  • hustle and bustle: straeon
  • shadows: cysgodion
  • unending: ddi-ben-draw
  • scent: arogl
  • sturdy: cadarn
  • encouragement: cymysgfa o annogiad
  • concern: pryder
  • genuine: gwirion
  • indispensable: anhepgor
  • explained: esbonio
  • ritual: defod
  • tranquility: llonyddwch
  • ancient: hen
  • howl: cyfarth
  • heavens: nefoedd
  • remnants: gwehilion
  • fragile: bregus
  • knights: marchogion
  • dignity: urddas
  • alignment: pwyntoli
  • aspirations: dyheadau
  • underwater cradle: crud tanddwr
  • brightly: blygeiniol
  • translate: cyfieithu
  • heritage: etifeddiaeth
  • intertwined: cydgytuno
  • curved: wedi’i blygu
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