Unearthed Secrets: A Treasure Hunt in Plitvice Lakes
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Unearthed Secrets: A Treasure Hunt in Plitvice Lakes
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unearthed Secrets: A Treasure Hunt in Plitvice Lakes Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/unearthed-secrets-a-treasure-hunt-in-plitvice-lakes/ Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce se lagano spuštalo iza...
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Sunce se lagano spuštalo iza horizonta.
En: The sun was slowly setting behind the horizon.
Hr: Njegova zlatna svjetlost obasjavala je Plitvička jezera.
En: Its golden light illuminated the Plitvice Lakes.
Hr: Ivana, Marko i Petra stajali su na stazi, gledajući kartu staru nekoliko stoljeća.
En: Ivana, Marko, and Petra stood on the path, looking at a map that was several centuries old.
Hr: Ivana je pronašla kartu u bakinim stvarima.
En: Ivana had found the map among her grandmother's belongings.
Hr: Planirali su otkriti tajno blago.
En: They planned to discover a hidden treasure.
Hr: "Moramo krenuti prema sjeveru," rekla je Ivana gledajući kartu.
En: "We need to head north," said Ivana, looking at the map.
Hr: Marko je kimnuo glavom.
En: Marko nodded his head in agreement.
Hr: Petra je zavezala pertle na svojim čizmama i rekla: "Idemo!
En: Petra tied the laces on her boots and said, "Let's go!"
Hr: "Hodali su kroz guste šume.
En: They walked through dense forests.
Hr: Drveće je šumilo na laganom vjetru.
En: The trees rustled in the gentle breeze.
Hr: Čuli su ptice kako pjevaju.
En: They heard the birds singing.
Hr: Između stabala svjetlost je stvarala čarobne sjene.
En: Between the trees, the light created magical shadows.
Hr: Nakon sat vremena hodanja, stigli su do malog potočića.
En: After an hour of walking, they reached a small stream.
Hr: "Na karti piše da trebamo pratiti potok," rekao je Marko.
En: "The map says we need to follow the stream," Marko said.
Hr: I tako su krenuli uzvodno.
En: So, they started upstream.
Hr: Potok je vijugao kroz šumu, a oni su ga pažljivo pratili.
En: The stream meandered through the forest, and they carefully followed it.
Hr: Nakon dugog hodanja, Petra je uzviknula: "Pogledajte!
En: After a long walk, Petra exclaimed, "Look!"
Hr: " Ispred njih je stajala velika stijena.
En: Ahead of them stood a large rock.
Hr: Na stijeni je bio uklesan simbol nalik onome s karte.
En: On the rock was an engraved symbol resembling the one from the map.
Hr: "To je to!
En: "This is it!"
Hr: " rekla je Ivana uzbuđeno.
En: Ivana said excitedly.
Hr: "Blago mora biti ovdje.
En: "The treasure must be here."
Hr: " Počeli su tražiti po stijeni.
En: They began searching around the rock.
Hr: Marko je pronašao malu, skrivenu špilju iza stijene.
En: Marko found a small, hidden cave behind it.
Hr: "Ovdje je!
En: "It's here!"
Hr: " uzviknuo je.
En: he shouted.
Hr: Ušli su u špilju.
En: They entered the cave.
Hr: U mraku su gledali s baterijskim lampama.
En: In the dark, they used their flashlights to see.
Hr: Nakon nekoliko koraka, ugledali su staru drvenu škrinju.
En: After a few steps, they saw an old wooden chest.
Hr: Marko ju je otvorio.
En: Marko opened it.
Hr: Unutra su bile zlatne kovanice, drago kamenje i stari dokumenti.
En: Inside were gold coins, gemstones, and ancient documents.
Hr: "Ne mogu vjerovati," rekla je Petra.
En: "I can't believe it," Petra said.
Hr: "Pronašli smo blago!
En: "We've found the treasure!"
Hr: " Svi su se nasmijali.
En: They all laughed.
Hr: Njihova avantura bila je uspješna.
En: Their adventure was successful.
Hr: Vratili su se natrag kroz šumu, noseći blago sa sobom.
En: They made their way back through the forest, carrying the treasure with them.
Hr: Kad su se konačno vratili do staze, sunce je već bilo zašlo.
En: By the time they finally returned to the path, the sun had already set.
Hr: Umorni, ali sretni, odlučili su podijeliti blago s lokalnim muzejem.
En: Tired but happy, they decided to share the treasure with the local museum.
Hr: "Da znaju koliko je ovdje povijesti," rekla je Ivana.
En: "If only they knew how much history is here," Ivana said.
Hr: "Ovo je nevjerojatno.
En: "This is incredible."
Hr: "I tako su Ivana, Marko i Petra postali dio povijesti Plitvičkih jezera.
En: And so, Ivana, Marko, and Petra became a part of Plitvice Lakes' history.
Hr: Njihova priča ostala je zapamćena kao hrabra avantura koja je otkrila tajne prošlosti.
En: Their story was remembered as a brave adventure that uncovered the secrets of the past.
Vocabulary Words:
- setting: spuštalo
- illumined: obasjavala
- path: staza
- map: karta
- belongings: stvari
- treasure: blago
- dense: guste
- rustled: šumilo
- breeze: vjetru
- shadows: sjene
- stream: potočića
- engraved: uklesan
- symbol: simbol
- cave: špilju
- flashlights: baterijskim lampama
- coins: kovanice
- gemstones: drago kamenje
- documents: dokumenti
- adventure: avantura
- successful: uspješna
- forest: šumu
- carrying: noseći
- share: podijeliti
- local: lokalnim
- history: povijesti
- incredible: nevjerojatno
- stones: stijena
- centuries: stoljeća
- boots: čizmama
- legend: priča
Autore | FluentFiction.org |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Sito | www.fluentfiction.org |
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