Uncovering Secrets: A Field Trip Adventure at Borobudur
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Uncovering Secrets: A Field Trip Adventure at Borobudur
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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Uncovering Secrets: A Field Trip Adventure at Borobudur Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/uncovering-secrets-a-field-trip-adventure-at-borobudur/ Story Transcript: Id: Langit biru menghampar tanpa awan...
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Story Transcript:
Id: Langit biru menghampar tanpa awan di atas Candi Borobudur.
En: The blue sky stretched above Borobudur Temple without a cloud in sight.
Id: Tempat ini ramai dengan siswa-siswi yang bersemangat, termasuk Asih, Budi, dan Sari.
En: The place was bustling with enthusiastic students, including Asih, Budi, and Sari, as they participated in a school field trip.
Id: Udara hangat musim kemarau menyelimuti mereka.
En: The warm dry season air enveloped them.
Id: Asih berjalan dengan penuh semangat.
En: Asih walked with excitement.
Id: Dia penasaran dengan sejarah candi ini.
En: She was curious about the temple's history.
Id: Buku sejarah di sekolah tak pernah cukup baginya.
En: The history books at school were never enough for her.
Id: Dia ingin menemukan cerita tersembunyi dari masa lampau.
En: She longed to uncover hidden stories from the past.
Id: Budi, temannya, lebih suka mengetahui fakta dan angka dari pemandu wisata.
En: Her friend, Budi, preferred learning facts and figures from the tour guide.
Id: Sedangkan Sari sibuk menggambar sketsa relief-relief yang indah.
En: Meanwhile, Sari was busy drawing sketches of the beautiful reliefs.
Id: Kelompok mereka mengikuti pemandu.
En: Their group followed the guide.
Id: Pemandu berbicara cepat, menjelaskan bagian demi bagian candi.
En: The guide spoke quickly, explaining the temple part by part.
Id: Namun, Asih merasa kecewa.
En: However, Asih felt disappointed.
Id: Dia ingin melihat lebih banyak, bertanya lebih banyak.
En: She wanted to see and ask more, but the time given was too short.
Id: Tapi waktu yang diberikan terlalu singkat.
En: But the time given was too short.
Id: “Budi, ayo kita jalan-jalan sedikit ke sana,” bisik Asih kepada Budi.
En: “Budi, let's walk over there for a bit,” Asih whispered to Budi.
Id: “Tapi kita harus tetap dengan kelompok,” jawab Budi ragu.
En: “But we have to stay with the group,” Budi replied hesitantly.
Id: Sari melihat sekeliling, diam-diam dia juga tertarik.
En: Sari glanced around, secretly interested too.
Id: “Aku ingin menggambar lebih banyak,” katanya.
En: “I want to draw more,” she said.
Id: Akhirnya, Asih dan Sari sepakat.
En: Finally, Asih and Sari agreed.
Id: “Ayo, sebentar saja,” bujuk Asih.
En: “Come on, just for a moment,” Asih coaxed.
Id: Budi bimbang.
En: Budi hesitated.
Id: Tetapi melihat kedua temannya, dia pun mengalah dan ikut.
En: But seeing his two friends, he relented and joined them.
Id: Mereka berbelok ke area yang lebih sepi.
En: They turned into a quieter area.
Id: Di sana, sebuah inskripsi tua tertutup tanaman merambat.
En: There, an old inscription was covered with vines.
Id: Asih tertarik.
En: Asih was intrigued.
Id: “Kita harus tahu ini apa,” gumam Asih penuh tekad.
En: “We have to find out what this is,” Asih murmured with determination.
Id: “Mungkin itu pesan dari masa lalu,” Sari berimajinasi sambil menggambar karangan bunga yang melilit prasasti itu.
En: “Perhaps it's a message from the past,” Sari imagined as she drew the wreath of flowers entwining the inscription.
Id: Budi membantu membersihkan tanaman yang menutupi.
En: Budi helped clear the plants covering it.
Id: Di tengah kesibukan mereka, dari kejauhan terdengar suara pemandu memanggil kelompok.
En: Amidst their busyness, they heard the distant voice of the guide calling the group.
Id: “Kita harus kembali!” Budi mendesak.
En: “We have to go back!” Budi urged.
Id: “Tunggu sebentar. Ini pasti pesan penting,” kata Asih.
En: “Wait a moment. This must be an important message,” Asih insisted.
Id: Akhirnya, dengan bantuan Sari dan Budi, Asih berhasil memahami makna inskripsi itu.
En: Finally, with Sari and Budi's help, Asih managed to understand the inscription's meaning.
Id: Ternyata hanya sebuah doa sederhana untuk para pelancong.
En: It turned out to be a simple prayer for travelers.
Id: Mereka tersenyum puas.
En: They smiled with satisfaction.
Id: Mereka cepat-cepat kembali ke kelompok sebelum pemandu sadar.
En: They quickly returned to the group before the guide noticed.
Id: Dengan penuh semangat, Asih, Budi, dan Sari bergabung kembali, membawa cerita kecil yang baru saja mereka gali.
En: Filled with excitement, Asih, Budi, and Sari rejoined, carrying the little story they had just uncovered.
Id: Dengan pengalaman itu, mereka saling menghargai peran masing-masing.
En: Through this experience, they appreciated each other's roles.
Id: Asih mulai mengerti pentingnya kerja sama.
En: Asih began to understand the importance of teamwork.
Id: Budi belajar bahwa terkadang imajinasi bisa membawa pengetahuan baru.
En: Budi learned that imagination sometimes leads to new knowledge.
Id: Sari lebih menyadari bahwa seni dapat membuka banyak kisah dari masa lalu.
En: Sari realized that art could unveil many stories from the past.
Id: Begitulah, di kaki Candi Borobudur, ketiga teman ini belajar lebih dari sekadar sejarah.
En: Thus, at the foot of Borobudur Temple, these three friends learned more than just history.
Id: Mereka menemukan nilai dari petualangan kecil dan persahabatan yang erat.
En: They discovered the value of small adventures and close friendship.
Id: Sebuah pengalaman yang akan mereka kenang sepanjang masa.
En: An experience they would cherish forever.
Vocabulary Words:
- stretched: menghampar
- bustling: ramai
- enthusiastic: bersemangat
- enveloped: menyelimuti
- curious: penasaran
- uncover: menemukan
- reliefs: relief-relief
- hesitantly: ragu
- glanced: melihat
- coaxed: bujuk
- relented: mengalah
- turned: berbelok
- inscription: inskripsi
- vines: tanaman merambat
- intrigued: tertarik
- murmured: gumam
- determination: penuh tekad
- imagination: berimajinasi
- entwining: melilit
- amidst: di tengah
- busyness: kesibukan
- distant: kejauhan
- urged: mendesak
- insisted: mengatakan
- satisfaction: puas
- appreciated: menghargai
- teamwork: kerja sama
- unveil: membuka
- cherish: mengenang
- adventures: petualangan
Autore | FluentFiction.org |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Sito | www.fluentfiction.org |
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