Un -X News Podcast - Craig Campobasso

15 ott 2022 · 52 min. 16 sec.
Un -X News Podcast - Craig Campobasso

Margie Kay interviews Hollywood film producer Craig Campobasso about his new book "The UFO Hotspot Compendium: ALL THE PLACES TO VISIT BEFORE YOU DIE OR ARE ABDUCTED" will take you...

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Margie Kay interviews Hollywood film producer Craig Campobasso about his new book
"The UFO Hotspot Compendium: ALL THE PLACES TO VISIT BEFORE YOU DIE OR ARE ABDUCTED" will take you on your own bucket list trip to 35 of the most remarkable UFO hotspots, places where aliens and cryptids are spotted, forbidden locations, as well as terrifying places only the brave dare to visit.
It shares details on the latest facts behind the legendary UFO cases: the when, where, story, investigations, and things to do when visiting the site.
The book is based on first-hand information gleaned from MUFON's trained investigators and researchers, interviews with people who have had extraordinary UFO experiences, and the author’s personal travel to many of the locations.
Included are MUFON’s Top places known for the most UFO sightings, legendary places known for UFO activity, Alien kitsch sites, sites that have the added benefit of sacred retreats, and places you might not want to visit, but should know about.
From the #Skinwalker and #Bradshaw Ranches to Area 51 to Joshua Tree's Giant Rock and Integratron, The UFO Hotspot Compendium will be a hit with true believers, the mildly curious, and those intrigued by all things off-planet. It guides readers to experience the wonder and terror of an alien abduction, a spaceship crash, or a #UFO sighting from the safety of their own home. See the book trailer: https://youtu.be/nAL-yQCenuk
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