
Umbrellas and Unseen Allies in Zagreb

17 dic 2023 · 14 min. 5 sec.
Umbrellas and Unseen Allies in Zagreb

01 · Main Story

1 min. 40 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

10 min. 45 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Umbrellas and Unseen Allies in Zagreb Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Neki dan u Zagrebu, sunce se skrivalo...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Umbrellas and Unseen Allies in Zagreb
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Neki dan u Zagrebu, sunce se skrivalo iza tamnih oblaka.
En: One day in Zagreb, the sun was hiding behind dark clouds.

Hr: Ivan je hodao uskim ulicama grada, zamišljen i nesvjestan oblaka koji su se sve više gomilali nad njim.
En: Ivan walked through the narrow streets of the city, lost in thought and unaware of the clouds gathering above him.

Hr: "Možda će ipak kiša," pomisli Ivan, no nije se obazirao.
En: "Maybe it will rain after all," thought Ivan, but he didn't pay attention.

Hr: Njegov prijatelj Luka čekao ga je u kafiću na Cvjetnom trgu.
En: His friend Luka was waiting for him in a café at Cvjetni trg.

Hr: Ivan je uvijek volio proljeće u Zagrebu, šarenilo cvijeća i žamor ljudi koji su uživali na terasama kafića.
En: Ivan always loved spring in Zagreb, the colorful flowers and the chatter of people enjoying themselves on the café terraces.

Hr: Kada je stigao, Luka je već bio unutra i naručio dvije kave.
En: When he arrived, Luka was already inside and had ordered two coffees.

Hr: Smijali su se i razgovarali o svakodnevnim stvarima, ne primjećujući kako se nebo izvan sve više smračuje.
En: They laughed and talked about everyday things, unaware of the sky outside getting darker.

Hr: Odjednom, pljusak je prekinuo graju ulice i ljudi su počeli bježati tražeći sklonište.
En: Suddenly, a downpour interrupted the hustle of the street, and people began to run for shelter.

Hr: "Joj, ne! Zaboravio sam kišobran!" uskliknuo je Ivan, gledajući kroz prozor.
En: "Oh no! I forgot my umbrella!" exclaimed Ivan, looking out the window.

Hr: "Nema veze, ostani tu dok ne prestane," savjetovao je Luka.
En: "It's okay, just stay here until it stops," advised Luka.

Hr: Ali Ivan je imao važan sastanak s poslovnim partnerom, Perom, na drugom kraju grada i nije smio zakasniti.
En: But Ivan had an important meeting with his business partner, Pero, on the other side of the city and couldn't afford to be late.

Hr: Morao je krenuti, s kišobranom ili bez njega.
En: He had to go, with or without an umbrella.

Hr: Ustao je, platio kavu i pozdravio se s Lukom, odlučan da prkosi kiši.
En: He stood up, paid for the coffee, and said goodbye to Luka, determined to defy the rain.

Hr: No čim je stupio van, kiša je postala još jača, kao da je baš na njega čekala da pokaže svoju snagu.
En: But as soon as he stepped outside, the rain became even stronger, as if it had been waiting just for him to show its strength.

Hr: Hodajući brzo, Ivan se sklonio pod prvi nadstrešak.
En: Walking quickly, Ivan took refuge under the first awning.

Hr: "Kako ću sada na sastanak?" mislio je dok je voda curila niz njegov kaput.
En: "How am I going to make it to the meeting now?" he thought as the water ran down his coat.

Hr: Odjednom, osjetio je tapšanje po ramenu.
En: Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Hr: Okrenuo se i ugledao Perovu široku osmijehu: "Ivane, prava si sreća da te nađem ovdje!"
En: He turned around and saw Pero's wide smile.

Hr: "Ivane, prava si sreća da te nađem ovdje!"
En: "Ivan, I'm so lucky to find you here!"

Hr: Pero je bio s autom i na putu za isti sastanak.
En: Pero had his car and was on his way to the same meeting.

Hr: "Hop, uskoči! Ne možeš tako mokar na sastanak," rekao je Pero.
En: "Hop in! You can't go to the meeting all wet like this," Pero said.

Hr: Zahvalno, Ivan je uskočio u auto.
En: Gratefully, Ivan got into the car.

Hr: Tog su dana zajedno otišli na sastanak, gdje je Ivan i unatoč svemu, uspio impresionirati sve prisutne svojom poslovnom idejom.
En: That day, they went to the meeting together, and despite everything, Ivan managed to impress everyone with his business idea.

Hr: Od tog dana, Ivan se zakleo da će uvijek imati kišobran u torbi, ali i naučio da ponekad, kad stvari ne idu po planu, dobro je imati prijatelje na koje možeš računati u bilo kojoj situaciji.
En: From that day on, Ivan swore to always have an umbrella in his bag, but he also learned that sometimes, when things don't go as planned, it's good to have friends you can count on in any situation.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunce: skrivalo
  • iza: tamnih
  • oblaka: clouds
  • hodao: walked
  • uskim: narrow
  • ulicama: streets
  • zamišljen: lost in thought
  • nesvjestan: unaware
  • oblaka: clouds
  • gomilali: gathering
  • nad: above
  • kiša: rain
  • pomisli: thought
  • obazirao: pay attention
  • čekao: waiting
  • u: in
  • kafiću: café
  • volio: loved
  • proljeće: spring
  • u: in
  • šarenilo: colorful
  • cvijeća: flowers
  • žamor: chatter
  • ljudi: people
  • koji: who
  • uživali: enjoying
  • terasama: terraces
  • kada: when
  • stigao: arrived
  • već: already
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