त्रिशुंड गणेश आणि पाताळेश्वर - Trishund Ganesh ani Pataleshwar
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पुणे शहरातले भरवस्तीतले आणि तरिही फारसे प्रसिध्द नसलेलं मंदिर म्हणजे त्रिशुंड गणेश मंदिर.मुळात शंकराचे म्हणून बांधलेल्या या कोरीव देवळात आता गणपतीची तीन सोंडा धारण केलेली मूर्ती आहे.काळ्या पाषाणातील या मंदिरावरील...
mostra di piùदर गुरवारी नक्की ऐकत राहा ‘आपला महाराष्ट्र ’ ही वीणा वर्ल्डची पॉडकास्ट मालिका आणि कथा देवळांच्या मध्ये जाणून घ्या अनोख्या देवळांच्या कहाण्या.
Located in the midst of a crowded locality and yet relatively unknown is the Tishund Ganesh Mandir. Originally built as a carved temple of Shankara (Shiva), there is now an idol of Ganesha holding three trunks. The carvings on this black stone temple are amazing and the design of this temple is also unique. Just like this temple, there is the cave temple of Pataleshwar that testifies to the antiquity of Pune. You must visit these two temples on your next visit to Pune.
Be sure to listen to Veena World's podcast series 'Aapla Maharashtra' every Thursday and learn about the stories about the unique temples of Maharashtra!
Autore | Veena World |
Organizzazione | Veena World |
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