
Trapped in Glass: A Ljubljana Misadventure

21 gen 2024 · 14 min. 28 sec.
Trapped in Glass: A Ljubljana Misadventure

01 · Main Story

1 min. 43 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

10 min. 29 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Trapped in Glass: A Ljubljana Misadventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V Ljubljani, mestu zmajev in mostov, sta...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Trapped in Glass: A Ljubljana Misadventure
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V Ljubljani, mestu zmajev in mostov, sta živela dva prijatelja, Ana in Luka.
En: In Ljubljana, the city of dragons and bridges, there lived two friends, Ana and Luka.

Sl: Nekega sončnega dne, ko je park Tivoli zelenel v pomladnih barvah in so ptice prepevale pesmi novega začetka, sta se odločila, da obiščeta znamenito ljubljansko trgovino, polno lokalnih dobrot.
En: One sunny day, when Tivoli Park was turning green with spring colors and the birds were singing songs of new beginnings, they decided to visit the famous Ljubljana store full of local delicacies.

Sl: Ana, vedno radovedna in polna energije, je pred Luko prispela do vrtečih vrat trgovine.
En: Ana, always curious and full of energy, reached the revolving doors of the store before Luka.

Sl: Z zamahom torbice je stopila v prostor med steklenimi pregradami, a njeno presenečenje je bilo veliko, ko so se vrata nenadoma ustavila.
En: With a swing of her purse, she stepped into the space between the glass barriers, but her surprise was great when the doors suddenly stopped.

Sl: Poskusila je potisniti, a vrata so trmasto ostajala na mestu.
En: She tried to push, but the doors stubbornly remained in place.

Sl: Ana je bila ujeta.
En: Ana was trapped.

Sl: Luka, ki je prišel tik za Ano, je opazil njeno zadrego in se brez omahovanja podal v reševanje.
En: Luka, who arrived just behind Ana, noticed her predicament and without hesitation went to the rescue.

Sl: "Počakaj, Ana, že pridem," je rekla s pogumom v glasu.
En: "Wait, Ana, I'm coming," he said courageously.

Sl: Toda ko je Luka vstopil v sosednji del vrat, da bi Ani pomagal, se je tudi sam znašel ujet.
En: But as Luka entered the adjacent part of the door to help Ana, he found himself trapped as well.

Sl: Ostala sta tam, vsak v svojem steklenem kletku, ločena a vendar tako blizu.
En: They remained there, each in their own glass cage, separated yet so close.

Sl: Za trenutek sta se počutila kot ribi v akvariju, opazovana od mimoidočih, ki so hodili mimo.
En: For a moment, they felt like fish in an aquarium, observed by passersby who walked past.

Sl: Od zunaj so stvari izgledale smešne, zato so si ljudje privoščili nekaj šaljivih komentarjev, a Ana in Luka nista obupala.
En: From the outside, things looked funny, so people made some humorous comments, but Ana and Luka didn't give up.

Sl: Ana, ki je vedno imela ideje, je iz torbice potegnila mobilni telefon.
En: Ana, always full of ideas, pulled out her mobile phone from her bag.

Sl: "Luka, pokličiva v trgovino, naj nam pomagajo," je predlagala.
En: "Luka, let's call the store for help," she suggested.

Sl: Luka je pritrdil, in medtem ko je Ana klicala, je on poskušal potiskati vrata, a prav nič se ni zganilo.
En: Luka agreed, and while Ana made the call, he tried to push the doors, but they didn't budge at all.

Sl: Na srečo je bil uslužbenec trgovine hiter in spreten.
En: Fortunately, an employee of the store was quick and skillful.

Sl: Ko je slišal za njuno nevšečnost, je prišel takoj.
En: Upon hearing about their predicament, he came right away.

Sl: Uslužbenec je s pravim ključem v nekaj trenutkih odprl vrata in končno sta Ana in Luka lahko stopila na prostost.
En: With the right key, the employee opened the doors in a few moments, and finally Ana and Luka were able to step to freedom.

Sl: "Pozabiva na to avanturo s sladko limonado v parku?" je predlagala Ana.
En: "Let's forget about this adventure with some sweet lemonade in the park," Ana suggested.

Sl: Luka se je nasmehnil.
En: Luka smiled.

Sl: "Seveda, a tokrat gremo mimo vrtečih vrat," je odvrnil z mehkim smehom.
En: "Of course, but this time, let's go past the revolving doors," he replied with a soft laugh.

Sl: In tako sta prijatelja zapustila trgovino.
En: And so the friends left the store.

Sl: Nasmehi so se znova vrnili na njune obraze, saj sta vedela, da ju v tem mestu čakajo še mnoge druge dogodivščine – brez nepotrebnih zapletov z vrati.
En: The smiles returned to their faces, as they knew that in this city, many other adventures awaited them – without unnecessary complications with doors.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Ljubljana: Ljubljanski
  • dragons: zmajev
  • bridges: mostov
  • friends: prijatelja
  • sunny: sončnega
  • Tivoli Park: park Tivoli
  • turning green: zelenel
  • spring colors: pomladnih barvah
  • birds: ptice
  • singing songs: prepevale pesmi
  • new beginnings: novega začetka
  • decided: odločila
  • visit: obiščeta
  • famous: znamenito
  • store: trgovino
  • local delicacies: lokalnih dobrot
  • curious: vedno radovedna
  • energy: polna energije
  • revolving doors: vrtečih vrat
  • swing: zamahom
  • purse: torbice
  • stopped: ustavila
  • push: potisniti
  • stubbornly: trmasto
  • remained: ostajala
  • trapped: ujeta
  • noticed: opazil
  • predicament: zadrego
  • hesitation: omahovanja
  • rescue: reševanje
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