
The Great Fence Climb: A Summer with Tegan and Mr. Hughes

24 lug 2024 · 16 min. 52 sec.
The Great Fence Climb: A Summer with Tegan and Mr. Hughes

01 · Main Story

1 min. 43 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

12 min. 46 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Great Fence Climb: A Summer with Tegan and Mr. Hughes Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd yr...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Great Fence Climb: A Summer with Tegan and Mr. Hughes
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Roedd yr haul yn tywynnu'n braf dros y gymuned breifat.
En: The sun was shining brightly over the private community.

Cy: Roedd y pwll mawr, tlws wedi’i amgylchynu gan erddi wedi’u trin yn dda a chadeiriau haul cyfforddus.
En: The large, pretty pool was surrounded by well-kept gardens and comfortable sun loungers.

Cy: Ffens uchel, wedi’i gorchuddio â iorwg, yn cadw’r un gost.
En: A high fence, covered in ivy, maintained the same appearance.

Cy: Roedd Tegan yn eistedd ar gefn y beic, yn edrych ar y ffens.
En: Tegan was sitting on her bike, looking at the fence.

Cy: Roedd ei hwch rwber melyn, hoff degan yr haf, wedi hedfan dros y ffens yn ddamweiniol.
En: Her yellow rubber duck, her favorite summer toy, had accidentally flown over the fence.

Cy: Roedd y mympwy digwydd wrth i’w ffrindion daflu’r hwch o gwmpas ac nid oedd ganddi amynedd gadael iddo aros yno.
En: The incident happened while her friends were tossing the duck around, and she had no patience to leave it there.

Cy: Roedd hi’n sicr y gallai Tegan oresgyn unrhyw rwystr.
En: She was certain that Tegan could overcome any obstacle.

Cy: Yn gyntaf, edrychodd Tegan i’r chwith ac i’r dde.
En: First, Tegan looked to the left and to the right.

Cy: Roedd cymdogion yn cerdded gyda’u cŵn a swn gwenyn yn taran hudol yn y gefnlen.
En: Neighbors were walking with their dogs, and the sound of bees buzzing harmoniously filled the background.

Cy: Ym mhellach i ffwrdd, roedd y gwarchodwr diogelwch, Mr. Hughes, yn gwneud rowndiau, yn gwylio popeth gyda’i lygaid miniog.
En: Further away, the security guard, Mr. Hughes, was making his rounds, watching everything with his sharp eyes.

Cy: "Nid yw'n waith hawdd," meddai Tegan wrthi ei hun.
En: "It's not an easy job," Tegan said to herself.

Cy: Dechreuodd Tegan ystyried dau ddewis: dringo dros y ffens gorauol neu geisio swyno'r gard ac esbonio'r sefyllfa.
En: Tegan began to consider two choices: climb over the intimidating fence or try to charm the guard and explain the situation.

Cy: Penderfynodd dringo.
En: She decided to climb.

Cy: Roedd hi’n credu bod ganddi’r sgiliau angenrheidiol i fynd dros y ffens heb fod neb yn sylwi arni.
En: She believed she had the necessary skills to get over the fence without anyone noticing.

Cy: Ymhen ychydig eiliadau, roedd yn mynd i fyny’r ffens yn ofalus a chyflym.
En: Within a few seconds, she was carefully and swiftly climbing the fence.

Cy: Yn y canol ffordd i fyny’r ffens, sylwodd Mr. Hughes arni.
En: In the middle of climbing the fence, Mr. Hughes spotted her.

Cy: Rhedodd at y ffens ac yn bloeddio, "Hei ti! Beth wyt ti'n gwneud?"
En: He ran to the fence and shouted, "Hey you! What are you doing?"

Cy: Suddodd calon Tegan.
En: Tegan's heart sank.

Cy: Wnaeth hi ddim disgyn nawr, byddai'n edrych fel troseddwr.
En: If she climbed down now, she would look like a trespasser.

Cy: Penderfynodd wynebu Mr. Hughes a dweud y gwir.
En: She decided to face Mr. Hughes and tell the truth.

Cy: "Mr. Hughes, mae’n rhaid i mi adfer fy hwch rwber.
En: "Mr. Hughes, I must retrieve my rubber duck.

Cy: Cafodd hi ei daflu dros y ffens o ddamwain, ac mae’n golygu’r byd i mi," esboniodd hi’n gyflym a llawn teimlad.
En: It was thrown over the fence by accident, and it means the world to me," she explained quickly and with feeling.

Cy: Edrychodd Mr. Hughes yn llym am eiliad, cyn gweld yr hwch rwber melyn yn hofran yn y pwll.
En: Mr. Hughes looked stern for a moment, before seeing the yellow rubber duck floating in the pool.

Cy: "Ay, hwch rwber ydy hi," meddai, yn ei leddfu.
En: "Oh, it's a rubber duck," he said, softening.

Cy: “Dowch lawr.
En: "Come down.

Cy: Gad i'll fynd â chi i mewn i’w adfer.”
En: Let me take you inside to retrieve it."

Cy: Wedi’i syfrdanu gan garedigrwydd Mr. Hughes, disgynodd Tegan o’r ffens.
En: Astonished by Mr. Hughes' kindness, Tegan climbed down from the fence.

Cy: Roedd y gwarchodwr diogelwch yn ei tywys i’r pwll.
En: The security guard escorted her to the pool.

Cy: Cododd Tegan ei hwch rwber fel pe bai’n drysor cysegredig.
En: Tegan picked up her rubber duck as if it were a sacred treasure.

Cy: “Diolch yn fawr, Mr. Hughes,” meddai Tegan, gyda gwên.
En: "Thank you so much, Mr. Hughes," said Tegan, smiling.

Cy: “Dim problem.
En: "No problem.

Cy: Ond peidiwch byth â dringo’r ffens hon eto,” rhybuddiodd Mr. Hughes yn llydan-fachog.
En: But never climb this fence again," Mr. Hughes warned, with a broad grin.

Cy: Er bod Tegan yn hoffi’r antur, sylweddolodd hi’r pwysigrwydd o fod yn onest.
En: Although Tegan liked the adventure, she realized the importance of being honest.

Cy: Gall pobl fod yn annisgwyl o ddeallus.
En: People can be unexpectedly understanding.

Cy: Drwy’r haf, cadwodd Mr. Hughes lygad awgrymog ar Tegan, ond roedd ganddo wên ar ei wedd bob tro y gwelodd hi’n mwynhau’r hwch rwber yn gloddest y pwll.
En: Throughout the summer, Mr. Hughes kept a wary eye on Tegan, but he always had a smile on his face whenever he saw her enjoying the rubber duck in the pool's splendor.

Vocabulary Words:
  • shining: tywynnu
  • brightly: yn braf
  • private: breifat
  • surrounded: wedi’i amgylchynu
  • well-kept: wedi’u trin yn dda
  • comfortable: cyfforddus
  • fence: ffens
  • ivy: iorwg
  • appearance: gost / wedd / ymddangosiad
  • accidentally: yn ddamweiniol
  • incident: mympwy / digwyddiad
  • friend: ffrind
  • patience: amynedd
  • obstacle: rwystr
  • harmoniously: yn hudol
  • buzzing: taran
  • security guard: gwarchodwr diogelwch
  • rounds: rowndiau
  • sharp: miniog
  • job: waith
  • consider: ystyried
  • choice: dewis
  • intimidating: brawychus / gorauol
  • climb: dringo
  • skills: sgiliau
  • swiftly: yn gyflym
  • spotted: sylwodd
  • shouted: bloeddio
  • sank: suddodd
  • stern: llym
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