The Fast Lane to Prison | Rising from the Ashes with Christian Hughes
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Born in 1972, by 1980 Christian Hughes was well on his way to being a drug addict and criminal. What started with shoplifting and alcohol and soon transitioned into identity...
mostra di più- Christian’s story 2:00
- Getting in trouble and prison time 14:30
- Drugs are very accessible in prison 25:45
- The police run the gangs and the gangs run the prisons 28:40
- When Chris came to himself 33:15
- Leaving the gang 44:00
- Giving an impactful speech 48:00
“‘Look dude, I’m bettering myself. I wanna get out and I wanna be with my mom. I wanna be with my family.’ I got to the point where I just blew it off and did my thing. It’s not worth it man, these guys are trying to send me to go stand up for their dope debts, go stand up for all this, and it’s like, this isn’t my life. Why would I wanna throw away my life for somebody else getting high and owing money?” 43:58
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