
Swans' Surprise: A Magical Mishap

30 mar 2024 · 13 min. 10 sec.
Swans' Surprise: A Magical Mishap

01 · Main Story

1 min. 42 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

10 min. 49 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Swans' Surprise: A Magical Mishap Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekoč je bil čaroben dan ob Blejskem jezeru....

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Swans' Surprise: A Magical Mishap
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekoč je bil čaroben dan ob Blejskem jezeru.
En: Once upon a time, there was a magical day by Lake Bled.

Sl: Sonce se je smejalo v nebo in ob jezeru so bili trije prijatelji: Maja, Ana in Borut.
En: The sun was grinning in the sky and by the lake were three friends: Maja, Ana, and Borut.

Sl: Maja, vedno željna popolne fotografije za svoj Instagram, je imela v roki veliko kepico jagodnega sladoleda.
En: Maja, always eager for the perfect photograph for her Instagram, was holding a large scoop of strawberry ice cream.

Sl: S sladkim zakladom v eni in telefonom v drugi roki, je poskušala ujeti svoj odsev v kristalni gladini jezera.
En: With the sweet treat in one hand and her phone in the other, she tried to capture her reflection in the crystal clear surface of the lake.

Sl: Medtem ko je Maja iskala idealen kot za svojo popolno sliko, je njen sladoled počasi kapljal, zaradi toplote sončnega dne.
En: While Maja was looking for the perfect angle for her perfect picture, her ice cream was slowly dripping due to the warmth of the sunny day.

Sl: Ana je bila zaposlena z branjem knjige o zmajih, a je vseeno opazila Majino osredotočenost.
En: Ana was busy reading a book about dragons, but she still noticed Maja's concentration.

Sl: "Pazi sladoled!
En: "Watch out for your ice cream!"

Sl: " je zavpila Ana, toda Majin prst je že drsel po zaslonu telefona.
En: Ana shouted, but Maja's finger was already sliding across the phone screen.

Sl: Borut pa je, poln smeha, opazoval dogajanje.
En: As for Borut, he was watching the scene with amusement.

Sl: Vedel je, da bo Maja prej ali slej v nekaj zabredla.
En: He knew that Maja would sooner or later get into trouble.

Sl: Bil je kot nekakšen varuh – vedno pripravljen pomagati, a hkrati poln šal na račun prijateljev.
En: He was like a guardian – always ready to help, yet full of jokes at the expense of his friends.

Sl: In ravno ko je Maja kliknila, da zajame svoj selfie, je njen sladoled – plop!
En: Just as Maja clicked to take her selfie, her ice cream – plop!

Sl: – padel naravnost v jezero.
En: – fell straight into the lake.

Sl: Izvabljajoč krog izgubljenega sladoleda je privabil jato radovednih labodov, ki so se zbrali okoli plavajoče poslastice.
En: The emerging circle of the lost ice cream attracted a flock of curious swans, who gathered around the floating delicacy.

Sl: Maja je obstala s široko odprtimi usti, ko je gledala, kako so se elegantne ptice približevale.
En: Maja stood with her mouth wide open as she watched the graceful birds draw near.

Sl: "Oh ne, moj sladoled!
En: "Oh no, my ice cream!"

Sl: " je zavpila, a njena žalost je hitro minila, ko je videla prijatelje smejati in labode, ki so nežno kljuvali po rožnati kepici v vodi.
En: she exclaimed, but her sorrow quickly faded when she saw her friends laughing and the swans delicately pecking at the pink scoop in the water.

Sl: Ana je nežno položila svojo knjigo in pristopila k Maji.
En: Ana gently set down her book and approached Maja.

Sl: "Veš kaj," je rekla, "tega trenutka ne boš našla na nobeni sliki.
En: "You know," she said, "this moment won't be found in any picture.

Sl: To je prava čarovnija Blejskega jezera.
En: This is the true magic of Lake Bled."

Sl: " Maja se je nasmehnila, razumevajoč, da so nekateri trenutki namenjeni samo življenju, ne mobilnim zaslonom.
En: Maja smiled, understanding that some moments are meant for life, not mobile screens.

Sl: Borut je medtem skočil v bližnjo trgovinico in kupil novo kepico sladoleda.
En: Meanwhile, Borut jumped into a nearby shop and bought a new scoop of ice cream.

Sl: "Da ne boš ostala brez," je rekel s širokim nasmehom in iztegnil sladoled proti Maji.
En: "So you won't be left without," he said with a wide smile, offering the ice cream to Maja.

Sl: In tako so trije prijatelji preostanek dneva preživeli ob jezeru, obkroženi s čredo radovednih labodov in toplim soncem, ki je počasi potonilo za alpske vrhove.
En: And so the three friends spent the rest of the day by the lake, surrounded by a flock of curious swans and the warm sun slowly setting behind the Alpine peaks.

Sl: Maja je ugotovila, da so trenutki s prijatelji in nepredvideni dogodki tisti, ki resnično štejejo – veliko bolj kot popolna fotografija.
En: Maja realized that moments with friends and unexpected events are what truly matter – much more than a perfect photograph.

Vocabulary Words:
  • magical: čaroben
  • grinning: smejalo
  • scoop: kepica
  • eager: željna
  • reflection: odsev
  • crystal: kristalni
  • dripping: kapljal
  • concentration: osredotočenost
  • guardian: varuh
  • delicacy: poslastica
  • wide: s širokim
  • graceful: elegantne
  • pecking: kljuvali
  • approached: pristopila
  • unexpected: nepredvideni
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