
Surviving the Storm: Teamwork and Ethics in the Arctic

21 ago 2024 · 15 min. 37 sec.
Surviving the Storm: Teamwork and Ethics in the Arctic

01 · Main Story

1 min. 42 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

11 min. 59 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Surviving the Storm: Teamwork and Ethics in the Arctic Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Nb: Den arktiske tundraen strakte...

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Surviving the Storm: Teamwork and Ethics in the Arctic
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Story Transcript:

Nb: Den arktiske tundraen strakte seg så langt øyet kunne se.
En: The Arctic tundra stretched as far as the eye could see.

Nb: Det var sommer, men temperaturen var fortsatt lav.
En: It was summer, but the temperature was still low.

Nb: Solen skinte hele døgnet og skapte en merkelig og vakker stemning over landskapet.
En: The sun shone around the clock, creating a strange and beautiful atmosphere over the landscape.

Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Sondre var på en forskningsekspedisjon her.
En: Lars, Ingrid, and Sondre were on a research expedition here.

Nb: De skulle studere klimaets innvirkning i dette harde miljøet.
En: They were to study the impact of the climate in this harsh environment.

Nb: Lars var lederen.
En: Lars was the leader.

Nb: Han hadde store drømmer om å finne viktige data.
En: He had big dreams of finding important data.

Nb: Han ønsket å sikre framtidig finansiering og anerkjennelse.
En: He wanted to secure future funding and recognition.

Nb: Men inni seg kjempet han mot tvil.
En: But inside, he fought against doubt.

Nb: Ingrid, derimot, hadde lang erfaring i feltet.
En: Ingrid, on the other hand, had extensive field experience.

Nb: Hun var skeptisk til formålet med ekspedisjonen.
En: She was skeptical about the expedition's purpose.

Nb: Hun tenkte mye på den vitenskapelige integriteten.
En: She thought a lot about scientific integrity.

Nb: Sondre, den unge praktikanten, var ivrig etter å lære.
En: Sondre, the young intern, was eager to learn.

Nb: Men kulden og ensomheten i tundraen var overveldende for ham.
En: But the cold and loneliness of the tundra were overwhelming for him.

Nb: De hadde en basecamp inne i et lite telt.
En: They had a base camp in a small tent.

Nb: Utenfor jobbet de hardt med måleinstrumentene sine.
En: Outside, they worked hard with their measuring instruments.

Nb: Men den tøffe naturen utfordret dem hele tiden.
En: But the tough nature constantly challenged them.

Nb: Utstyret sviktet ofte.
En: The equipment often failed.

Nb: Lars nektet å gi opp.
En: Lars refused to give up.

Nb: Han presset teamet sitt til å fortsette selv når ting gikk galt.
En: He pushed his team to continue even when things went wrong.

Nb: Ingrid begynte å tvile på Lars.
En: Ingrid began to doubt Lars.

Nb: Hun lurte på om metoden hans var riktig.
En: She wondered if his method was right.

Nb: Burde de fortsette hvis alt virket så usikkert?
En: Should they continue when everything seemed so uncertain?

Nb: På den andre siden ville hun ikke ødelegge for ekspedisjonen ved å si ifra uten grunn.
En: On the other hand, she didn't want to jeopardize the expedition by speaking up without reason.

Nb: Sondre stod midt mellom dem og visste ikke hvem han skulle følge.
En: Sondre stood in the middle, unsure of whom to follow.

Nb: En dag kom en storm.
En: One day, a storm came.

Nb: Den blåste opp fra ingensteds og truet med å ødelegge alt.
En: It blew up out of nowhere and threatened to destroy everything.

Nb: Vinden ulte og teltet ristet.
En: The wind howled, and the tent shook.

Nb: Lars visste at de måtte ta en viktig beslutning. Være sikker på at forskningen kunne fortsette, eller sikre sin egen trygghet.
En: Lars knew they had to make an important decision: ensure the research could continue, or secure their own safety.

Nb: Ingrid mente det var for risikabelt å bli.
En: Ingrid believed it was too risky to stay.

Nb: Sondre så fra Lars til Ingrid.
En: Sondre looked from Lars to Ingrid.

Nb: "Vi må tenke på sikkerheten først," sa han med en ny funnet ydmykhet.
En: "We must prioritize safety first," he said, with newfound humility.

Nb: De samlet det nødvendige utstyret og trakk seg tilbake til basecampen.
En: They gathered the necessary equipment and retreated to the base camp.

Nb: De ventet til stormen la seg.
En: They waited until the storm subsided.

Nb: Tilbake i sikkerhet innså Lars hva Ingrid hadde prøvd å fortelle ham.
En: Back in safety, Lars realized what Ingrid had been trying to tell him.

Nb: Han innså viktigheten av trygghet og samarbeid.
En: He recognized the importance of safety and cooperation.

Nb: Han takket Ingrid for hennes innsikter.
En: He thanked Ingrid for her insights.

Nb: Det var en lærdom han ikke ville glemme.
En: It was a lesson he wouldn’t forget.

Nb: Sondre så hvordan de to voksne lærte av hverandre og forsto at forskning ikke bare var om data, men også om etikk.
En: Sondre saw how the two adults learned from each other and understood that research wasn’t just about data, but also about ethics.

Nb: Med en bedre forståelse av hverandre planla de å fortsette sin forskning med fornyet samarbeid.
En: With a better understanding of one another, they planned to continue their research with renewed collaboration.

Nb: Arktiske vindene blåste fortsatt, men inni teltet var det plutselig litt varmere.
En: The Arctic winds still blew, but inside the tent, it was suddenly a bit warmer.

Nb: De visste nå at de var sterkere som et team, klar for utfordringer som måtte komme.
En: They knew now that they were stronger as a team, ready for the challenges to come.

Vocabulary Words:
  • tundra: tundraen
  • expedition: ekspedisjon
  • impact: innvirkning
  • harsh: harde
  • recognition: anerkjennelse
  • skeptical: skeptisk
  • integrity: integriteten
  • intern: praktikanten
  • overwhelming: overveldende
  • equipment: utstyret
  • failed: sviktet
  • method: metoden
  • jeopardize: ødelegge
  • storm: storm
  • blew: blåste
  • threatened: truet
  • howled: ulte
  • decision: beslutning
  • secure: sikre
  • risky: risikabelt
  • retreated: trakk
  • subsided: la seg
  • humility: ydmykhet
  • insights: innsikter
  • ethics: etikk
  • collaboration: samarbeid
  • prioritize: tenke på
  • challenge: utfordringer
  • safety: trygghet
  • temperature: temperaturen
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