Surviving Chaos | Maisie King's Tale of Resilience
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Maisie King’s story is one of survival; her childhood was anything but normal. She remembers accompanying her parents as they broke into the local pharmacy. Living most of her young...
mostra di più- Maisie’s young life 2:00
- Where money came from 11:30
- When her mom couldn’t take it anymore 19:35
- Running amuck 30:30
- How long she stayed with her husband 43:00
- Going hard with the drug life 49:30
- The Feds 51:00
- Meeting Portia 59:45
- What her life looks like now 67:40
“As crazy as it sounds, the kids to some point drew a boundary or set a standard of what I allowed to have happen, or didn’t allow to happen, but once they were gone there was no standard, there was no boundary, I could do whatever I wanted, and I went to the moon with that.” 49:50
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