Sunshine, Fresh Bread, and Sweet Moments at Ljubljana Market

19 mag 2024 · 16 min. 32 sec.
Sunshine, Fresh Bread, and Sweet Moments at Ljubljana Market

01 · Main Story

1 min. 44 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

12 min. 40 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Sunshine, Fresh Bread, and Sweet Moments at Ljubljana Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Dan je bil sončen...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Sunshine, Fresh Bread, and Sweet Moments at Ljubljana Market
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Dan je bil sončen v Ljubljani in vonj svežega kruha je napolnil zrak.
En: The day was sunny in Ljubljana, and the smell of fresh bread filled the air.

Sl: Matej, Nina in Tina so se odločili, da obiščejo Ljubljansko centralno tržnico.
En: Matej, Nina, and Tina decided to visit the Ljubljana central market.

Sl: Tržnica je bila vedno polna barv, glasov in okusov.
En: The market was always full of colors, sounds, and flavors.

Sl: Matej je bil visok in nasmejan.
En: Matej was tall and cheerful.

Sl: Nina je imela dolge, svetle lase in vedro oči.
En: Nina had long, light hair and bright eyes.

Sl: Tina, najmlajša med njimi, je bila zelo radovedna in vedno postavljala vprašanja.
En: Tina, the youngest among them, was very curious and always asked questions.

Sl: Ko so vstopili na tržnico, je Nina rekla: "Poglejte, koliko sveže zelenjave!
En: As they entered the market, Nina said, "Look at all the fresh vegetables!"

Sl: " Bila je navdušena nad svežimi bučkami, korenjem in paradižnikom.
En: She was thrilled with the fresh zucchinis, carrots, and tomatoes.

Sl: Tina je stekla k stojnici s sadjem.
En: Tina ran to the fruit stall.

Sl: "Mama, poglej te jagode!
En: "Mom, look at these strawberries!

Sl: Tako rdeče so!
En: They're so red!"

Sl: " je vzkliknila Tina.
En: exclaimed Tina.

Sl: Matej je odšel k peku.
En: Matej went to the baker.

Sl: "Dober dan," je pozdravil prodajalca, "kakšen kruh imate danes?
En: "Good day," he greeted the seller, "what kind of bread do you have today?"

Sl: " Prodajalec je ponosno pokazal različne vrste kruha: črn, bel, koruzni.
En: The seller proudly showed various types of bread: brown, white, corn.

Sl: Matej je izbral hrustljav beli hlebec.
En: Matej chose a crusty white loaf.

Sl: Nina je medtem že klepetala z prodajalko, ki je prodajala domače marmelade.
En: Meanwhile, Nina was already chatting with a seller who sold homemade jams.

Sl: "Ali imate borovničevo marmelado?
En: "Do you have blueberry jam?"

Sl: " je vprašala.
En: she asked.

Sl: Prodajalka ji je ponudila kozarec marmelade in rekla: "To je najboljša, kar jo imamo.
En: The seller offered her a jar of jam and said, "This is the best we have.

Sl: Poskusite.
En: Try it."

Sl: " Nina je poskusila in se takoj nasmehnila.
En: Nina tasted it and immediately smiled.

Sl: "Vzamem dva kozarca," je rekla.
En: "I'll take two jars," she said.

Sl: Tina je medtem našla stojnico z domačim medom.
En: In the meantime, Tina found a stall with homemade honey.

Sl: "Lahko poskusim malo medu?
En: "Can I try some honey?"

Sl: " je vprašala prodajalca.
En: she asked the seller.

Sl: Prodajalec ji je dal majhno žličko medu.
En: The seller gave her a small spoon of honey.

Sl: Tina je okušala med in rekla: "Mmm, tako sladko!
En: Tina tasted the honey and said, "Mmm, so sweet!"

Sl: " Matej je videl njeno veselje in kupil steklenico medu.
En: Matej saw her joy and bought a bottle of honey.

Sl: Sredi tržnice so naleteli na starega prijatelja, Marka.
En: In the middle of the market, they ran into an old friend, Marko.

Sl: "Hej, Marko!
En: "Hey, Marko!

Sl: Kako si?
En: How are you?"

Sl: " je rekel Matej.
En: said Matej.

Sl: Skupaj so se spomnili starih časov in se smejali.
En: Together they reminisced about old times and laughed.

Sl: Marko jim je priporočil nekaj dobrih stojnic za sir in meso.
En: Marko recommended a few good stalls for cheese and meat.

Sl: Ko je sonce začelo zahajati, so bili Matej, Nina in Tina zadovoljni s svojimi nakupi.
En: As the sun began to set, Matej, Nina, and Tina were happy with their purchases.

Sl: Popoln dan na tržnici jim je prinesel svežo hrano in veliko lepih trenutkov.
En: A perfect day at the market brought them fresh food and many beautiful moments.

Sl: Sklenili so, da bodo pogosto prihajali sem.
En: They decided to come here often.

Sl: Matej je rekel: "Ljubljanska tržnica res ponuja najboljše.
En: Matej said, "The Ljubljana market truly offers the best."

Sl: "Nina se je strinjala: "In vsi ti prijazni ljudje, to je res nekaj posebnega.
En: Nina agreed: "And all these kind people, that's really something special."

Sl: " Tina pa je dodala: "Naslednjič bi rada kupila še več medu!
En: Tina added, "Next time, I'd like to buy even more honey!"

Sl: "Z zadovoljnimi nasmehi so se podali proti domu, polni vrečk, a tudi polni lepih spominov.
En: With satisfied smiles, they headed home, their bags full, but also full of lovely memories.

Sl: Ljubezen do tržnice in do sveže hrane jih je še bolj povezala.
En: Their love for the market and fresh food brought them even closer together.

Sl: In tako so si obljubili, da bodo to doživetje ponavljali znova in znova.
En: And so they promised to repeat this experience again and again.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: sončen
  • smell: vonj
  • decided: odločili
  • central: centralno
  • market: tržnica
  • cheerful: nasmejan
  • curious: radovedna
  • thrilled: navdušena
  • strawberries: jagode
  • exclaimed: vzkliknila
  • greeted: pozdravil
  • seller: prodajalec
  • crusty: hrustljav
  • various: različne
  • chatting: klepetala
  • homemade: domače
  • jam: marmelado
  • jar: kozarec
  • spoon: žličko
  • honey: med
  • sweet: sladko
  • remind: spomnili
  • laughed: smejali
  • recommended: priporočil
  • cheese: sir
  • meat: meso
  • sunset: zahajati
  • perfect: popoln
  • happy: zadovoljni
  • memories: spominov
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