
Summer Sparks: Finding Connection Amid Oslo’s Sculptures

2 ago 2024 · 15 min. 36 sec.
Summer Sparks: Finding Connection Amid Oslo’s Sculptures

01 · Main Story

1 min. 44 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

11 min. 51 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Summer Sparks: Finding Connection Amid Oslo’s Sculptures Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Nb: Lars kikket rundt i Vigeland Park....

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Summer Sparks: Finding Connection Amid Oslo’s Sculptures
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Story Transcript:

Nb: Lars kikket rundt i Vigeland Park.
En: Lars looked around Vigeland Park.

Nb: Sommeren i Oslo var varm og solen skinte.
En: Summer in Oslo was warm and the sun shone brightly.

Nb: Han elsket skulpturene.
En: He loved the sculptures.

Nb: De fortalte historier om menneskeliv.
En: They told stories about human life.

Nb: Lars var en historie lærer.
En: Lars was a history teacher.

Nb: Nå var han på sommerferie og håpet å finne noen som delte hans lidenskap for kunst og historie.
En: Now he was on summer vacation and hoped to find someone who shared his passion for art and history.

Nb: Ved en av de mest berømte skulpturene, Monolitten, sto Sigrid.
En: By one of the most famous sculptures, the Monolith, stood Sigrid.

Nb: Hun tok bilder.
En: She was taking pictures.

Nb: Hun var en frilansfotograf, alltid på jakt etter nye motiver.
En: She was a freelance photographer, always on the lookout for new subjects.

Nb: Men i det siste hadde hun følt seg tom.
En: Yet lately, she had felt empty.

Nb: Hun ønsket å finne mer mening i arbeidet sitt.
En: She wanted to find more meaning in her work.

Nb: Lars så på Sigrid.
En: Lars saw Sigrid.

Nb: Han ville si noe, men han var sjenert.
En: He wanted to say something, but he was shy.

Nb: Mikkel, Lars’s beste venn, merket dette.
En: Mikkel, Lars's best friend, noticed this.

Nb: Mikkel var eventyrlysten og alltid klar for nye opplevelser.
En: Mikkel was adventurous and always ready for new experiences.

Nb: Han dyttet Lars forsiktig i ryggen.
En: He gently pushed Lars on the back.

Nb: «Gå og snakk med henne,» sa Mikkel.
En: "Go and talk to her," said Mikkel.

Nb: «Du må gripe øyeblikket!
En: "You have to seize the moment!"

Nb: »Lars tok et dypt pust og gikk mot Sigrid.
En: Lars took a deep breath and walked towards Sigrid.

Nb: «Hei,» sa han nervøst.
En: "Hi," he said nervously.

Nb: «Flotte bilder du tar.
En: "You take great pictures.

Nb: Liker du kunst?
En: Do you like art?"

Nb: »Sigrid smilte.
En: Sigrid smiled.

Nb: Hun var litt nølende, men bestemte seg for å åpne opp.
En: She was a bit hesitant but decided to open up.

Nb: «Ja, jeg elsker kunst.
En: "Yes, I love art.

Nb: Jeg prøver å fange livets små øyeblikk.
En: I try to capture life's small moments.

Nb: Men det er ikke alltid lett.
En: But it’s not always easy."

Nb: »Lars nikket.
En: Lars nodded.

Nb: «Jeg forstår.
En: "I understand.

Nb: Jeg er historie lærer.
En: I’m a history teacher.

Nb: Jeg prøver også å finne mening i det jeg gjør.
En: I also try to find meaning in what I do."

Nb: »De snakket videre om skulpturene og deres betydning.
En: They continued talking about the sculptures and their significance.

Nb: Plutselig begynte det å regne.
En: Suddenly, it began to rain.

Nb: De løp sammen under et tre for å søke ly.
En: They ran together under a tree to seek shelter.

Nb: Regnet var tungt, men de følte seg trygge der sammen.
En: The rain was heavy, but they felt safe there together.

Nb: «Jeg pleide å tenke at folk ikke kunne forstå meg,» sa Sigrid.
En: "I used to think that people couldn’t understand me," said Sigrid.

Nb: «Men nå føles det annerledes.
En: "But now it feels different."

Nb: »Lars så på henne og følte en varm følelse inni seg.
En: Lars looked at her and felt a warm sensation inside.

Nb: «Jeg føler det samme.
En: "I feel the same.

Nb: Kanskje vi kan utforske mer sammen?
En: Maybe we can explore more together?"

Nb: »Regnet stoppet, og solen kom tilbake.
En: The rain stopped, and the sun came back out.

Nb: De utvekslet telefonnumre og avtalte å treffes igjen.
En: They exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet again.

Nb: Mikkel, som hadde sett alt fra avstand, kom bort og ga Lars en vennlig klapp på skulderen.
En: Mikkel, who had seen everything from a distance, walked over and gave Lars a friendly pat on the shoulder.

Nb: «Bra gjort, venn.
En: "Well done, friend.

Nb: Jeg er stolt av deg.
En: I’m proud of you."

Nb: »Lars følte seg mer selvsikker.
En: Lars felt more confident.

Nb: Han hadde tatt et skritt ut av komfortsonen sin.
En: He had stepped out of his comfort zone.

Nb: Sigrid følte en ny gnist av inspirasjon.
En: Sigrid felt a new spark of inspiration.

Nb: Hun så frem til å møte Lars igjen og utforske mer kunst og historie sammen med ham.
En: She looked forward to meeting Lars again and exploring more art and history with him.

Nb: Vigeland Park hadde vært mer enn bare et sted med vakre skulpturer.
En: Vigeland Park had been more than just a place with beautiful sculptures.

Nb: Den hadde blitt starten på noe nytt og meningsfylt for både Lars og Sigrid.
En: It had become the start of something new and meaningful for both Lars and Sigrid.

Vocabulary Words:
  • looked around: kikket rundt
  • sun shone: solen skinte
  • sculptures: skulpturene
  • stories: historier
  • human life: menneskeliv
  • summer vacation: sommerferie
  • passion: lidenskap
  • freelance photographer: frilansfotograf
  • subjects: motiver
  • empty: tom
  • shared: delte
  • adventurous: eventyrlysten
  • experiences: opplevelser
  • seize the moment: gripe øyeblikket
  • nervously: nervøst
  • hesitant: nølende
  • capture: fange
  • significance: betydning
  • seek shelter: søke ly
  • heavy: tungt
  • safe: trygge
  • confident: selvsikker
  • spark: gnist
  • inspiration: inspirasjon
  • explore: utforske
  • pat on the shoulder: klapp på skulderen
  • comfort zone: komfortsonen
  • distance: avstand
  • felt: følte
  • meaningful: meningsfylt
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