
Spilled Coffee & New Friends in Dubrovnik

7 mag 2024 · 15 min. 21 sec.
Spilled Coffee & New Friends in Dubrovnik

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

11 min. 52 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Spilled Coffee & New Friends in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Jednog sunčanog popodneva, u srcu prekrasnog...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Spilled Coffee & New Friends in Dubrovnik
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Jednog sunčanog popodneva, u srcu prekrasnog Dubrovnika, Ana je sjela u maleni kafić.
En: One sunny afternoon, in the heart of beautiful Dubrovnik, Ana sat down in a small café.

Hr: Uživala je u mirisu svježe mljevene kave koji se širio popločanim ulicama starog grada.
En: She was enjoying the scent of freshly ground coffee wafting through the cobblestone streets of the old town.

Hr: Kafić je bio mali, ali očaravajuć, s pogledom na kamenitim zidinama i plavetnilo Jadranskog mora.
En: The café was small but charming, with a view of the stone walls and the deep blue of the Adriatic Sea.

Hr: Ana je bila vesela jer je napokon našla trenutak mira.
En: Ana was cheerful because she had finally found a moment of peace.

Hr: No, taj mir nije trajao dugo.
En: However, that peace didn't last long.

Hr: Njezinu kavu, koju je pažljivo držala u ruci, odjednom je smetnuo njezin ruksak.
En: Her coffee, which she was carefully holding, was suddenly knocked over by her backpack, spilling onto a passerby.

Hr: Oprostite! povikala je Ana.
En: Sorry! Ana called out.

Hr: Muškarac koji je stao ispred nje bio je Ivan, turist iz Zagreba, iznenađen i mokar od prolivene kave.
En: The man in front of her was Ivan, a tourist from Zagreb, surprised and now wet from the spilled coffee.

Hr: To ništa, rekao je Ivan dok je brisao mrlje s majice.
En: It's nothing, said Ivan as he wiped the stains off his shirt.

Hr: Dogodi se.
En: Accidents happen.

Hr: Petra, turistkinja koja je birala razglednice pored njih, gledala je njihovu zbunjenost.
En: Petra, a tourist browsing postcards next to them, observed their embarrassment.

Hr: Bio je to trenutak nespretnosti kada je Ivan, još uvijek zatečen, slučajno udario stol i prevrnuo stog razglednica koje je Petra namjeravala kupiti.
En: It was a moment of clumsiness when Ivan, still taken aback, accidentally hit the table and knocked over the stack of postcards that Petra intended to buy.

Hr: Oh, ne! uzviknula je Petra s olakšanjem kada je vidjela da su razglednice skoro sve neozlijeđene.
En: Oh no! Petra exclaimed with relief as she saw that the postcards were almost all unharmed.

Hr: Ana i Ivan su joj pomogli skupiti ih, dok su se međusobno ispričavali.
En: Ana and Ivan helped her pick them up, apologizing to each other in the process.

Hr: Kako su skupljali razglednice, počeli su razgovarati.
En: As they collected the postcards, they began to talk.

Hr: Ivan je bio povjesničar i zanimalo ga je sve o starijem dijelu Dubrovnika.
En: Ivan was a historian and was interested in everything about the older part of Dubrovnik.

Hr: Ana, koja je odrasla u tom gradu, znala je mnoge priče i tajne starih zidina.
En: Ana, who had grown up in the city, knew many stories and secrets of the old walls.

Hr: Petra, koja je voljela fotografiju, bila je očarana bojama i svjetlom koje je staro mjesto pružalo.
En: Petra, who loved photography, was fascinated by the colors and light that the old place offered.

Hr: Njih troje su se nakon nesretnog događaja smijali i odlučili popiti kavu zajedno.
En: After the unfortunate incident, the three of them laughed and decided to have coffee together.

Hr: Razmijenili su priče i uspomene.
En: They exchanged stories and memories.

Hr: Ana je s Ivom i Petrom podijelila svoje omiljene kutke grada koje turisti obično ne vide.
En: Ana shared with Ivan and Petra her favorite corners of the city that tourists typically don't see.

Hr: Dan koji je počeo nespretno, završio je novim prijateljstvima.
En: The day that started clumsily ended with new friendships.

Hr: Iako je jutarnja kava bila prosuta, večer je donijela topla srca i široke osmijehe.
En: Although the morning coffee was spilled, the evening brought warm hearts and wide smiles.

Hr: Ana, Ivan i Petra proveli su ostatak dana zajedno, šetajući uskim uličicama Dubrovnika i dijeleći trenutke koji su učinili njihov dan posebnim.
En: Ana, Ivan, and Petra spent the rest of the day together, strolling through the narrow streets of Dubrovnik and sharing moments that made their day special.

Hr: Kava koja se prolila postala je priča koju će se dugo prepričavati, a slučajan susret u starom gradu Dubrovniku iznjedrio je neočekivano prijateljstvo.
En: The spilled coffee became a story that would be retold for a long time, and the chance encounter in the old town of Dubrovnik gave rise to an unexpected friendship.

Hr: Na rastanku su se zagrlili i obećali da će se i dogodine ponovno sresti u istom tom malenom kafiću, na istom tom mjestu koje će zauvijek pamtiti po zajedničkim smijehom ispunjenim trenucima.
En: As they parted, they hugged and promised to meet again next year in the same small café, in the same place that they would forever remember for the moments filled with shared laughter.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: sunčan
  • wafting: lebdeći
  • cobblestone: kaldrma
  • cheerful: vesela
  • knocked: smetnuo
  • embarrassment: zbrka
  • clumsiness: nespretnost
  • strolled: prošetali
  • encounter: susret
  • unexpected: neočekivano
  • shared: zajednički
  • laughter: smijeh
  • Croatian: Hrvatski
  • charming: očaravajuć
  • view: pogled
  • secrets: tajne
  • historian: povjesničar
  • fascinated: očaran
  • unharmed: neozlijeđene
  • promised: obećali
  • retold: prepričavati
  • stack: stog
  • peace: mir
  • spilled: prosuta
  • browsing: birala
  • moments: trenutci
  • spark: iznjedrio
  • cheers: ohrabrenje
  • special: posebnim
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