
Snowdonia Secrets: Aeron & Carys' Legendary Quest

16 mag 2024 · 16 min. 26 sec.
Snowdonia Secrets: Aeron & Carys' Legendary Quest

01 · Main Story

1 min. 42 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

12 min. 42 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Snowdonia Secrets: Aeron & Carys' Legendary Quest Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ymhell i ffwrdd, mewn cornel anghysbell...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Snowdonia Secrets: Aeron & Carys' Legendary Quest
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Ymhell i ffwrdd, mewn cornel anghysbell o Barc Cenedlaethol Eryri, roedd rhywbeth dirgel wedi'i ddarganfod.
En: Far away, in a remote corner of Snowdonia National Park, something mysterious had been discovered.

Cy: Y garreg, gyda carvings hynafol, oedd y trysor cudd.
En: The stone, with ancient carvings, was the hidden treasure.

Cy: Roedd Aeron a Carys yn stond ac yn edmygu'r cerfiadau enfawr.
En: Aeron and Carys stood in awe, admiring the massive engravings.

Cy: "Aeron," meddai Carys, "Beth all hyn olygu?"
En: "Aeron," said Carys, "What could this mean?"

Cy: "Dim syniad," atebodd Aeron, "Ond rhaid i ni ddarganfod."
En: "No idea," replied Aeron, "But we have to find out."

Cy: Dechreuodd anturiaeth Carys ac Aeron drwy’r coedwig.
En: Carys and Aeron's adventure began through the forest.

Cy: Roedd peli mwsogl yn cuddio’r garreg yno ers can mlynedd.
En: Mossy balls had hidden the stone there for a hundred years.

Cy: Cerdded a wnaethant trwy drysiau’r goedwig.
En: They walked through the forest's doors.

Cy: Syllai’r barcutiaid coch arnynt o’r awyr.
En: The red kites stared at them from above.

Cy: Wrth gerdded, cawsant gyfarfod â hen ddyn.
En: While walking, they met an old man.

Cy: Casglu ffyngau oedd yntau.
En: He was collecting mushrooms.

Cy: "Beth ydych chi'n chwilio amdano, bobl ifanc?" holodd.
En: "What are you looking for, young people?" he asked.

Cy: "Carvings yn y garreg," atebodd Aeron.
En: "Carvings on the stone," replied Aeron.

Cy: "Ah! Ie, y cerrig hynafol," wnaeth yr hen roi gwen ddirgel.
En: "Ah! Yes, the ancient stones," the old man said with a mysterious smile.

Cy: "Canrifoedd yn ôl, roedd pleidiau bychain yng ngogledd Cymru yn defnyddio'r cerrig i gyfathrebu â'r duwiau."
En: "Centuries ago, small tribes in North Wales used the stones to communicate with the gods."

Cy: "A sut gallwn ddeall y carvings?", gofynnodd Carys yn bryderus.
En: "And how can we understand the carvings?" asked Carys anxiously.

Cy: "Mae allwedd yn y Dinas Aur," meddai’r gŵr gyda golwg doeth.
En: "There’s a key in the Golden City," said the man with a wise look.

Cy: "Rhaid i chi ddod o hyd i’r dinas honno cyn machlud haul yfory."
En: "You must find that city before sunset tomorrow."

Cy: Cawsant y noson o flaen hwy.
En: They had the night ahead of them.

Cy: Roeddent yn mwynhau golygfeydd yr arddull olyn; y creigiau, y dyffrynnoedd, a’r coedwig.
En: They enjoyed the majestic scenery; the rocks, the valleys, and the forest.

Cy: Y noson honno, roedd Aeron yn breuddwydio.
En: That night, Aeron dreamed.

Cy: Y nefolion oedd y golygfeydd, a phopeth yn gwaredu a dweud wrthynt pa fodd i gyrraedd y Dinas Aur.
En: The visions were heavenly, and everything was guiding them on how to reach the Golden City.

Cy: Erbyn yr haul yn codi, roedd Carys ag Aeron yn barod.
En: By sunrise, Carys and Aeron were ready.

Cy: Cerdded a wnaethant, bob cam yn gadarn a byrlymus.
En: They walked, each step firm and eager.

Cy: Allwedd y Dinas Aur oedd eu nod.
En: The key to the Golden City was their goal.

Cy: Eu bod hi yn gyfnos, gwasanaeuon nhw olau canhwyllau.
En: As twilight approached, they lit candles.

Cy: Y tu mewn i ogo, golwgio ar gerfiadau'r cerrig.
En: Inside a cave, they gazed at the stone carvings.

Cy: Persawr y musgydd, lân ac y fforest yn cael eu teimlo yn llawn ysbryd.
En: The scent of moss, fresh and the forest felt full of spirit.

Cy: Dylai’r carvings a’r allwedd eu hadnabod.
En: The carvings and the key had to be deciphered.

Cy: Gwnaethant gyffwrdd y cerrig â llawder y galon a’r capel.
En: They touched the stones with heartfelt intention.

Cy: Cafodd y llefydd eu symud yn ailosod.
En: The places shifted and realigned.

Cy: Aeth adref gyda gwybodaeth gyfoethog.
En: They went home with rich knowledge.

Cy: Cipiodd Aeron a Carys hanes eu cenedl.
En: Aeron and Carys captured the history of their nation.

Cy: Dechreuodd prosiect darganfod.
En: They began a discovery project.

Cy: Daethant yn arbenigwyr.
En: They became experts.

Cy: Diolchodd pobl Cymru arnynt.
En: The people of Wales thanked them.

Cy: Y cyddyr oedd y carvings cysylltar y cenedlâu.
En: The carvings were a link between the tribes.

Cy: Roedd y carvings yn dal y stori ofnadwy hwnnw.
En: The carvings held that terrible story.

Cy: Roedd eu hymdrechion yn dod â lwyddiant.
En: Their efforts brought success.

Cy: Dyma stori Aeron a Carys, yr ymchwilwyr ifanc mewn Eryri.
En: This is the story of Aeron and Carys, the young researchers in Snowdonia.

Cy: Golygu’r carvings yn dal stori eang.
En: Deciphering the carvings held a vast story.

Cy: Y stori ar ôl oedran gyfyngedig gyda llawder y galon.
En: The story endured through ages with heartfelt dedication.

Vocabulary Words:
  • remote: anghysbell
  • mysterious: dirgel
  • carvings: cerfiadau
  • awe: stond
  • forest: coedwig
  • mossy: mwsogl
  • doors: trysiau
  • stared: syllai
  • collecting: casglu
  • mushrooms: ffyngau
  • ancient: hynafol
  • tribes: pleidiau
  • communicate: cyfathrebu
  • gods: duwiau
  • anxiously: pryderus
  • wise: doeth
  • sunset: machlud haul
  • valleys: dyffrynnoedd
  • heavenly: nefolion
  • guiding: gwaredu
  • twilight: cyfnos
  • candles: goleugau
  • cave: ogo
  • scent: persawr
  • fresh: lân
  • deciphered: adnabod
  • shifted: symud
  • home: adref
  • knowledge: gwybodaeth
  • captured: cipiodd
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