
Savannah's Charm: A Photographer's Serendipitous Journey

7 lug 2024 · 16 min. 38 sec.
Savannah's Charm: A Photographer's Serendipitous Journey

01 · Main Story

1 min. 44 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

12 min. 40 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Savannah's Charm: A Photographer's Serendipitous Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Na nebu nad Savannah so plavale puhasto...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Savannah's Charm: A Photographer's Serendipitous Journey
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Na nebu nad Savannah so plavale puhasto bele oblake, ki so se poigravale z nežnimi žarki poletnega sonca.
En: In the sky over Savannah, fluffy white clouds floated, playing with the gentle rays of the summer sun.

Sl: Mateja je stala na vhodu v Forsyth Park in si na glavo nataknila slamnik.
En: Mateja stood at the entrance of Forsyth Park and put on her straw hat.

Sl: V roki je držala svoj fotoaparat.
En: She held her camera in her hand.

Sl: Mateja je prišla iz Slovenije, da bi ujela čar juga ZDA.
En: Mateja had come from Slovenia to capture the charm of the American South.

Sl: Bil je njen prvi dan v parku.
En: It was her first day in the park.

Sl: Rada bi posnela fotografijo, ki bo ujela bistvo Savannah za njeno razstavo.
En: She wanted to take a photograph that would capture the essence of Savannah for her exhibition.

Sl: A ni vedela, kje naj začne.
En: But she didn't know where to start.

Sl: Park je bil poln ljudi, sonce pa je višje na nebu kot bi si želela.
En: The park was full of people, and the sun was higher in the sky than she would have liked.

Sl: Medtem je po parku hodil Luka, domačin in turistični vodič.
En: Meanwhile, Luka, a local and a tour guide, was walking through the park.

Sl: Imel je rad park in njegovo zgodovino.
En: He loved the park and its history.

Sl: Ko je videl Matejo zbegano raziskovati, se je odločil, da ji pristopi.
En: When he saw Mateja wandering around, looking confused, he decided to approach her.

Sl: "Živjo, vidim, da se boriš z gnečo in soncem.
En: "Hello, I see you're struggling with the crowd and the sun.

Sl: Sem Luka.
En: I'm Luka.

Sl: Ali potrebuješ pomoč?
En: Do you need any help?"

Sl: "Mateja je bila presenečena, a hvaležna.
En: Mateja was surprised but grateful.

Sl: "Hvala, Luka.
En: "Thank you, Luka.

Sl: Iščem popolno mesto za fotografijo.
En: I'm looking for the perfect spot for a photo.

Sl: A tukaj je tako veliko ljudi in sonce močno sije.
En: But there are so many people here, and the sun is very bright."

Sl: "Luka se je nasmehnil.
En: Luka smiled.

Sl: "Poznam nekaj skritih kotičkov.
En: "I know a few hidden spots.

Sl: Lahko ti jih pokažem.
En: I can show you."

Sl: " Mateja je prikimala in skupaj sta se odpravila po poteh parka.
En: Mateja nodded, and together they set off along the park's paths.

Sl: Hodila sta mimo velikih starih hrastov dreves, ki so bile oblečene v španski mah.
En: They walked past large old oak trees draped in Spanish moss.

Sl: Luka je govoril o zgodovini parka in Mateja je poslušala z zanimanjem.
En: Luka talked about the park's history, and Mateja listened with interest.

Sl: Končno sta prišla do mirnega prostora, kjer je bil manj ljudi.
En: Finally, they arrived at a quiet area with fewer people.

Sl: "Poskusi tukaj," je dejal Luka.
En: "Try here," Luka said.

Sl: "Sonce tukaj že nizko sije in skozi listje ustvarja čudovito svetlobo.
En: "The sun is already low here and creates beautiful light through the leaves."

Sl: "Mateja je dvignila fotoaparat in pogledala skozi objektiv.
En: Mateja raised her camera and looked through the lens.

Sl: Luka je imel prav.
En: Luka was right.

Sl: Svetloba je bila popolna, pa tudi kompozicija.
En: The light was perfect, and so was the composition.

Sl: Pritisnila je sprožilec in nastala je čudovita slika.
En: She pressed the shutter, and a beautiful picture was born.

Sl: Ko je sonce začelo zahajati, je park zažarel v zlati svetlobi.
En: As the sun began to set, the park glowed in golden light.

Sl: Mateja je našla svojo pravo priložnost.
En: Mateja found her perfect opportunity.

Sl: "Hvala, Luka.
En: "Thank you, Luka.

Sl: Brez tebe ne bi uspela.
En: I wouldn't have succeeded without you."

Sl: "Luka se je nasmehnil.
En: Luka smiled.

Sl: "Vesel sem, da sem lahko pomagal.
En: "I'm glad I could help.

Sl: Savannah je res poseben kraj.
En: Savannah is truly a special place."

Sl: "Mateja se je ozrla po parku in se nasmehnila.
En: Mateja looked around the park and smiled.

Sl: Njeno srce je bilo polno hvaležnosti.
En: Her heart was full of gratitude.

Sl: Ne samo za popolno fotografijo, ampak tudi za novega prijatelja.
En: Not only for the perfect photo but also for a new friend.

Sl: Spoznala je, da so povezave s kraji in ljudmi najdragocenejši del njenega potovanja.
En: She realized that connections with places and people were the most precious part of her journey.

Sl: Naslednji dan je Mateja zapustila Savannah, vendar je v srcu nosila košček tega mesta in ljudi.
En: The next day, Mateja left Savannah, but she carried a piece of the city and its people in her heart.

Sl: Obljubila si je, da bo na svojih prihodnjih potovanjih iskala več takšnih povezav.
En: She promised herself that on her future travels, she would seek out more of these connections.

Sl: Vsaka od njih je bila kot droben biser v njeni zbirki spominov.
En: Each one was like a small pearl in her collection of memories.

Vocabulary Words:
  • fluffy: puhasto
  • entrance: vhod
  • straw: slamnik
  • capture: ujela
  • charm: čar
  • essence: bistvo
  • wander: raziskovati
  • struggling: boriš
  • approach: pristopi
  • spot: mesto
  • bright: svetlo
  • hidden: skritih
  • oak tree: hrastov dreves
  • Spanish moss: španski mah
  • shutter: sprožilec
  • composition: kompozicija
  • glow: zažareti
  • grateful: hvaležna
  • precious: najdragocenejši
  • opportunity: priložnost
  • succeed: uspela
  • guide: vodič
  • confused: zbegano
  • paths: poteh
  • quiet: mirno
  • perfect: popolna
  • grateful: hvaležnosti
  • connection: povezave
  • promise: obljubila
  • pearl: biser
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