Round 2: Trophy Wife, The West Wing, and Burn Notice

3 lug 2018 · 27 min. 52 sec.
Round 2: Trophy Wife, The West Wing, and Burn Notice

Your road map to this week's entertainment-themed podcast: … 00:37 Trophy Wife: We come to the end of this one-season wonder, wistfully. It's quirky and sweet and you should watch...

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Your road map to this week's entertainment-themed podcast: … 00:37 Trophy Wife: We come to the end of this one-season wonder, wistfully. It's quirky and sweet and you should watch it (for free on the ABC website, … 09:40 The West Wing: Speaking of wistful, season 5's "Han" includes a lot of sad piano music, troubled CJ, and mournful Bartlet. … 20:39 Challenge Round: Burn Notice: Terri continued Catherine's USA Network education; see also Suits (, White Collar (, and Psych ( with the 2007 pilot of this enjoyable procedural about a spy cut loose by his handlers. … For next week, Catherine challenged Terri (and her husband) to watch the movie “The Martian” ( We'll also start watching this season of “So You Think You Can Dance” (, and continue with “The West Wing” (season 5, episode 4, "Constituency of One"). … For quotes, archives, and more, visit us at
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