
Phenomenon Radio - Ep-1 The History of UAP and Today

21 feb 2023 · 1 h 57 min. 45 sec.
Phenomenon Radio - Ep-1 The History of UAP and Today

On this Phenomenon Radio broadcast, we will deep dive into the world of UAP…. Past to the Present… Some considerations, historical accounts, possibilities, and some personal perspectives on a substantial...

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On this Phenomenon Radio broadcast, we will deep dive into the world of UAP…. Past to the Present… Some considerations, historical accounts, possibilities, and some personal perspectives on a substantial number UAP issues. Some involve UAP close encounters with effects on humans.
Add UAP threat Assessments, Weaponizing UAP and the race to be the first to do it. And we have a lot to unpack in the edition, of Phenomenon Radio … The weaponization of UAP.
I invite you to join us tonight to, dig deeper, to go farther, leave no stone unturned to discover the indisputable truth to the tough questions regarding the UAP. Please stay tuned for the 'After Show' team panel discussion with more on what's going on today in the international UAP/UFO conversation!
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Autore Un-X Network
Organizzazione Un-X Network
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