Palomazos S1E150 - Post Apocalyptic Past

13 ott 2021 · 45 min. 42 sec.
Palomazos S1E150 - Post Apocalyptic Past

The future is now. Time passes, humanity endures and we have survived another event of catastrophic proportions once again. What has changed in the way we tell stories after we...

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The future is now. Time passes, humanity endures and we have survived another event of catastrophic proportions once again. What has changed in the way we tell stories after we surpass this kind of events?

To talk about this, we are honored to have our second writer's round table where the talents of Blanca López, Ian Tregillis, Lonnie Nadler, Mark Russell, Tom Merritt, and Paul Constant will join to help us understand how our perspectives may have changed.

We had a magnificent discussion last year about the Post Apocalyptic Present, and you can watch or listen to it here.
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Autore Dan Campos
Organizzazione Dan Campos
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