
Painted Paths: An Autumn Journey Between Cardiff and Dublin

23 set 2024 · 17 min. 10 sec.
Painted Paths: An Autumn Journey Between Cardiff and Dublin

01 · Main Story

1 min. 43 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

13 min. 18 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Painted Paths: An Autumn Journey Between Cardiff and Dublin Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ar ôl dydd hir...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Painted Paths: An Autumn Journey Between Cardiff and Dublin
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar ôl dydd hir yn ei stiwdio, roedd Rhys yn eistedd wrth y bwrdd, canfas gwag o'i flaen.
En: After a long day in his studio, Rhys sat at the table, a blank canvas before him.

Cy: Roedd y nos yn symud yn araf i'r nosweithiau byrion, gydag arogli'r haearn yn llanw'r strydoedd o gwmpas Caerdydd.
En: The night was slowly creeping into the short evenings, with the scent of iron filling the streets around Cardiff.

Cy: Roedd yr hydref yn prysur ddod i'w anterth.
En: Autumn was rapidly reaching its peak.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn dawel, yn meddwl am Eira, yn Nulyn.
En: Rhys sat quietly, thinking of Eira in Dublin.

Cy: Roedd bob amser meddwl amdani, ond yn ystod y dyddiau olaf hyn wrth i'r coed fygwth colli dail, roedd y meddyliau hyn wedi cymryd lle arbennig ynddo - oedd yn meddwl am symud a sut fyddai hynny'n effeithio ar ei fywyd.
En: He always thought about her, but during these last days as the trees threatened to shed their leaves, these thoughts had taken on a special significance for him - he was thinking about moving and how that would affect his life.

Cy: Eira, o’i rhan hi, roedd yn ddifrifol yn ei swydd.
En: Eira, for her part, was serious about her job.

Cy: Roedd hi'n caru Caerdydd ac roedd hi’n caru Rhys, ond roedd ei chyfleuoedd gwaith yn Nulyn yn ei haros.
En: She loved Cardiff, and she loved Rhys, but her career opportunities in Dublin were calling her.

Cy: Roedd y ddinas yn llawn bywyd, yn dechnolegol blaengar, a dyna lle roedd hi'n lletya ei breuddwydion.
En: The city was full of life, technologically advanced, and it was where she was sheltering her dreams.

Cy: Ond allan o'r holl bryderon, roedd un peth yn sicr: roedd colli Rhys yn rhywbeth na fedrai ddychmygu.
En: But despite all her worries, one thing was certain: losing Rhys was something she couldn't imagine.

Cy: "Beth os opsiwn arall i ni?
En: "What if there's another option for us?"

Cy: " meddai Rhys ar y ffôn un noson.
En: Rhys said on the phone one night.

Cy: "Beth am ti ddod yma am Galan Gaeaf?
En: "How about you come here for Halloween?

Cy: Gwel anrhegion Caerdydd, profì fy mywyd, a dysgu ohoni.
En: See the gifts of Cardiff, experience my life, and learn from it."

Cy: ""Ond byddai hynny mewn gwirionedd yn helpu?
En: "But would that really help?"

Cy: " gofynnodd Eira, ond yn y bôn roedd hi'n barod i roi cynnig ar y peth.
En: asked Eira, but she was essentially ready to give it a try.

Cy: Wrth i'r dail coch a melyn gwympo, a calan Gaeaf hyd agos, fe wnaeth Eira deithio i Gaerdydd.
En: As the red and yellow leaves fell and Halloween approached, Eira traveled to Cardiff.

Cy: Roedd y dref yn fyw gyda phobol yn cerfio pwmpenni a derasau yn strydoedd Gothig.
En: The town was lively with people carving pumpkins and decorating porches in Gothic streets.

Cy: Roedd arddangosfa Rhys yn Theatr Newydd.
En: Rhys's exhibition was at the New Theatre.

Cy: Wrth iddynt gerdded trwy'r dorf, dechreuodd ychydig o drafferthion ddwysáu.
En: As they walked through the crowd, a few troubles began to intensify.

Cy: Rhoddodd pob dim o’r maen nhw wedi dal eu taenu yn lledrith y noson.
En: Everything they had held was scattered in the enchantment of the evening.

Cy: Fe deimlwyd awyrgylchoedd y cyni, ond a'i syniadau'n dalien, ystyriodd Eira: "Beth petawn i'n symud yma am gyfnod, neu ti'n symud i Ddulyn am ddarn bach?
En: Apprehension was felt, but with her thoughts holding on, Eira considered: "What if I move here for a while, or you move to Dublin for a short period?"

Cy: "Ar lwybr prysur a llawn pobl gyda faint o bwmpenni a siocled ar eu dwylo, roedd y mizêgoriaethau hyn wedi troi i'w llais mewn gwirionedd a dadleuon, hyd nes y cafodd popeth ei glir yn syniad eu dyfodol.
En: On a busy path bustling with people holding pumpkins and chocolate-covered hands, these discussions turned into actual voices and arguments until everything became clear in their vision for the future.

Cy: Gwelon nhw gallai cyfnewid rhwng bywyd artistig a chyfyngder gwaith fod yn her, ond ni fyddent byth yn gwybod heb roi cynnig.
En: They saw that balancing between an artistic life and work constraints was a challenge, but they would never know unless they tried.

Cy: "Rwy'n barod i ddod i fyw i Ddulyn am dri mis," meddai Rhys, gan wneud ei ben fyny am y tro cyntaf.
En: "I’m ready to come and live in Dublin for three months," Rhys said, making up his mind for the first time.

Cy: Gwyliai Rhys ei luniau glas ar y wê, tra oedd bywyd Eira yn ei ddwylo, welodd Rhys symud oedd yn foddhaol iddyn nhw ill dau.
En: Rhys watched his blue sketches on the screen, while Eira's life was in his hands, and Rhys found a move that satisfied them both.

Cy: Cafodd y nos Calan Gaeaf ei gloi, wrth iddo ddysgu bod hyn o leiaf yn agored i newid a dyfu tu hwnt i ofnau.
En: Halloween night concluded, as he learned that at least it was open to change and growth beyond fears.

Cy: Roedd yn gwybod bod yn rhaid iddynt gyfrifo'r risgiau, ond gyda gobaith o ddod o hyd i letya hirhoedlog mewn perthynas.
En: He knew they had to assess the risks, but with the hope of finding a long-term haven in their relationship.

Cy: Roedd y dref, am un noswaith hyfryd, yn cynnig iddynt brofiad newydd, wrth iddynt gerdded yn ôl ar hyd y cledrau prysur, i'r dyfodol a fyddent yn ffurfio ar y cyd.
En: The town, for one lovely evening, offered them a new experience as they walked back along the bustling tracks, toward the future they would shape together.

Cy: A dyna sut y cychwynnodd eu hanturiaeth o dan seren llachar yr hydref.
En: And thus their adventure began under the bright star of autumn.

Vocabulary Words:
  • studio: stiwdio
  • canvas: canfas
  • creeping: symud yn araf
  • shedding: colli
  • career: gyrfa
  • sheltering: lletya
  • enchantment: lledrith
  • apprehension: cyni
  • bustling: prysur
  • balancing: cyfnewid
  • constraints: cyfyngderau
  • sketches: lluniau
  • exhibition: arddangosfa
  • advanced: blaengar
  • havens: lletya
  • porches: terasu
  • lifetime: hirhoedlog
  • evenings: nosweithiau
  • technologically: technolegol
  • argument: dadleuon
  • intensify: ddwysáu
  • dwell: lletya
  • opportunity: cyfleuoedd
  • fears: ofnau
  • chocolate-covered: siocled ar eu dwylo
  • autumn: hydref
  • gift: anrheg
  • decision: penderfyniad
  • ponder: ymbwyllion
  • peak: anterth
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