Mistaken Words Unveil Castle's Past

23 nov 2023 · 15 min. 35 sec.
Mistaken Words Unveil Castle's Past

01 · Main Story

1 min. 40 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

11 min. 49 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Mistaken Words Unveil Castle's Past Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/mistaken-words-unveil-castles-past/ Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd yr awel yn chwarae gyda baneri mawr...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Mistaken Words Unveil Castle's Past
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Roedd yr awel yn chwarae gyda baneri mawr wrth i Gwen gerdded ar hyd muriau Conwy Castle.
En: The wind played with the large banners as Gwen walked along the walls of Conwy Castle.

Cy: Roedd pawb yn y dref yn sibrwd am y castell a'i storiau, ac roedd hi'n awchu am weld y cerrig hanesyddol gyda'i llygaid ei hun.
En: Everyone in town whispered about the castle and its stories, and she longed to see the historical stones with her own eyes.

Cy: Un bore braf, penderfynodd Gwen fynd i'r castell i weld y golygfeydd bendigedig a dweud stori neu ddwy wrth ymwelwyr.
En: One beautiful morning, Gwen decided to visit the castle to see the magnificent views and share a story or two with the visitors.

Cy: Tra'n cerdded yno, gwelodd grŵp o bobl yn sefyll wrth giât yr hen gaer a meddwl eu bod yn grŵp o ysgolion lleol ar daith.
En: While walking there, she saw a group of people standing at the gate of the old fortress and thought they were a group of local schools on a field trip.

Cy: Roedd Gwen yn hapus iawn o weld pobl ifanc yn dod i ddysgu am hanes eu gwlad.
En: Gwen was very happy to see young people coming to learn about their country's history.

Cy: Felly, heb feddwl ddwywaith, ymunodd â nhw a dechrau siarad Cymraeg yn frwdfrydig.
En: So, without thinking twice, she joined them and started speaking Welsh enthusiastically.

Cy: "Mae croeso i Conwy Castle!" meddai Gwen, gan chwerthin a gwenu. "Dewch gyda mi, a bydda i'n dangos i chi le y gallwch chi weld y brenin a'i deulu. O, ac mae yna chwedl am ysbryd yma hefyd..."
En: "Welcome to Conwy Castle!" said Gwen, laughing and smiling. "Come with me, and I'll show you where you can see the king and his family. Oh, and there's a legend about a spirit here too..."

Cy: Ond roedd wynebau'r bobl mor ddryslyd. Edrychodd Rhys a Eleri at ei gilydd yn poeni.
En: But the faces of the people were so grim. Rhys and Eleri looked at each other in worry.

Cy: Yna, deallodd Gwen fod rhywbeth o'i le. Nid oedd y bobl yn ymateb fel y dylent - yn hytrach, roeddent yn edrych ar ei gilydd, yn ysgwyd eu pennau, ac yn siarad Ffrangeg.
En: Then, Gwen realized she was out of place. The people didn't react as they should - instead, they looked at each other, shook their heads, and spoke French.

Cy: "Mae'n ddrwg gennyf," meddai merch ifanc yn y grŵp a oedd â gwallt brown a llygaid bywiog, "ond nid ydym ni'n deall. Rydym ni o Ffrainc."
En: "I'm sorry," said a young girl in the group with brown hair and lively eyes, "but we don't understand. We are from France."

Cy: Roedd Gwen wedi teimlo'n hurt iawn, ond nid hynny wnaeth stopio Rhys, a oedd yn ymgynghorydd twristiaeth yn y castell ac yn medru siarad Ffrangeg.
En: Gwen felt very hurt, but that didn't stop Rhys, who was a tourism advisor at the castle and could speak French.

Cy: Camodd Rhys ymlaen, gan gyflwyno'i hun a Gwen a Eleri i'r grŵp gan bontio dros y rhwystr iaith.
En: Rhys stepped forward, introducing himself and Gwen and Eleri to the group, bridging the language barrier.

Cy: Gwen, wedi ei synnu, edmygodd Rhys wrth iddo gyfieithu ei hanesion yn Ffrangeg llifol, gan droi ei camgymeriad yn gyfle i gysylltu â'r ymwelwyr tramor yn eu hiaith eu hunain.
En: Gwen, surprised, admired Rhys as he translated his stories into flowing French, turning his mistake into an opportunity to connect with the foreign visitors in their own language.

Cy: Gwrido Gwen yn gynnes wrth iddi sylweddoli bod iaith nid yn unig yn rhwystr ond hefyd yn bont rhwng diwylliannau.
En: Gwen smiled warmly as she realized that language was not only a barrier but also a bridge between cultures.

Cy: Wedi eu harwain gan Eleri, gyda'i gwybodaeth helaeth am hanes lleol, a Rhys, y cyfieithydd swyddogol dros dro, aeth y grŵp o gwmpas y castell, yn gwrando ar chwedlau a storiau am ryfelwyr dewr, teuluoedd brenhinol, a ysbrydion nos.
En: Led by Eleri, with her extensive knowledge of local history, and Rhys, the temporary official translator, the group went around the castle, listening to tales and stories about brave warriors, royal families, and nocturnal spirits.

Cy: Ac felly, mae Gwen, Rhys, a Eleri yn dod yn ffrindiau â'r grŵp Ffrangeg ac yn treulio'r diwrnod yn rhannu eu cariad dros hanes a stori Conwy Castle.
En: And so, Gwen, Rhys, and Eleri became friends with the French group and spent the day sharing their love for the history and stories of Conwy Castle.

Cy: Roedd Gwen bellach yn gwybod ei bod, hyd yn oed pan fyddwch chi'n siarad yr iaith "anghywir," gallwch chi fwynhau cyfeillgarwch a dealltwriaeth.
En: Gwen now knew that, even when you speak the "wrong" language, you can still enjoy friendship and understanding.

Cy: A sylweddolodd pawb bod iaith y galon yn gallu uno pobl, ni waeth o ba ddiwylliant y dônt.
En: And everyone realized that the language of the heart can unite people, no matter their culture.

Vocabulary Words:
  • wind: awel
  • banners: baneri
  • walked: gerdded
  • walls: muriau
  • castle: castell
  • whispered: sibrwd
  • stories: storiau
  • longed: awchu
  • historical: hanesyddol
  • stones: cerrig
  • beautiful: braf
  • decided: penderfynodd
  • visit: ymweld
  • magnificent: bendigedig
  • views: golygfeydd
  • share: dweud
  • group: grŵp
  • standing: sefyll
  • gate: giât
  • fortress: hen gaer
  • joined: ymunodd
  • enthusiastically: frwdfrydig
  • laughing: chwerthin
  • smiling: gwenu
  • legend: chwedl
  • faces: wynebau
  • worry: poeni
  • realized: deallodd
  • instead: yn hytrach
  • French: Ffrangeg
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Sito www.fluentfiction.org

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