Mistaken Identity at the Market

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Mistaken Identity at the Market
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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Mistaken Identity at the Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/mistaken-identity-at-the-market-2/ Story Transcript: Id: Di sudut pasar tradisional Yogyakarta, sinar matahari pagi...
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Story Transcript:
Id: Di sudut pasar tradisional Yogyakarta, sinar matahari pagi membungkus seluruh lapak dengan kehangatan.
En: In the corner of the traditional market in Yogyakarta, the morning sun wrapped the entire stalls with warmth.
Id: Siti, gadis berkerudung biru, melangkah gembira hendak membeli bahan-bahan untuk masakan ibunya.
En: Siti, a girl in a blue headscarf, walked joyfully ready to buy ingredients for her mother's cooking.
Id: Pasar itu selalu ramai, penuh dengan suara tawar-menawar, aroma rempah-rempah, dan senyum yang terukir pada wajah pedagang dan pembeli.
En: The market was always bustling, full of the sounds of bargaining, the aroma of spices, and the smiles etched on the faces of the merchants and buyers.
Id: Siti melintasi deretan lapak dengan ceria, sampai sebuah pemandangan yang familiar menarik perhatiannya.
En: Siti strolled cheerfully past the row of stalls until a familiar sight caught her attention.
Id: Di samping tumpukan sayuran hijau, berdirilah sosok yang ia kira Budi, temannya yang lucu dan selalu membawa tawa.
En: Next to a pile of green vegetables stood a figure she thought was Budi, her funny friend who always brought laughter.
Id: Tanpa berpikir panjang, Siti berjalan mendekat sambil mempersiapkan cerita-cerita yang akan ia bagi.
En: Without thinking twice, Siti walked closer while preparing the stories she would share.
Id: "Hai Budi!
En: "Hi Budi!
Id: Kapan kamu jadi penjual sayur?
En: When did you become a vegetable seller?"
Id: " seru Siti dengan tawa lebar, tak menyadari bahwa lelaki di hadapannya bukanlah temannya tersebut.
En: shouted Siti with a wide smile, unaware that the man in front of her was not her friend.
Id: Lelaki itu, yang ternyata seorang penjual sayur sejati, terkejut dan membingungkan Siti dengan tatapan tak mengerti.
En: The man, who turned out to be a true vegetable seller, was surprised and confused Siti with a perplexed look.
Id: Siti, masih dalam keriuhan suasana hati, terus berceloteh tentang rencana-rencana mereka akhir pekan ini, sambil tangannya tanpa sadar memilih-milih sayuran.
En: In the midst of the lively atmosphere, Siti continued chattering about their weekend plans, while her hands unconsciously picked and chose the vegetables.
Id: Penjual itu hanya tersenyum kecut, sesekali mengangguk, bertanya-tanya dalam hati, "Siapa gerangan gadis ini?
En: The seller just smiled wryly, occasionally nodding, wondering in his heart, "Who on earth is this girl?"
Id: "Beberapa langkah di belakang Siti, Rani, teman sekelasnya, menyaksikan kejadian itu sambil menutup mulut, menahan tawa.
En: A few steps behind Siti, Rani, her classmate, watched the scene, covering her mouth to suppress laughter.
Id: Rani, yang juga seorang pelanggan setia pasar ini, cepat mengenali kesalahpahaman yang lucu itu.
En: Rani, also a loyal customer of the market, quickly recognized the amusing misunderstanding.
Id: Dia bergegas menghampiri Siti sebelum situasi menjadi lebih kacau.
En: She hurried to approach Siti before the situation became more chaotic.
Id: Sementara itu, penonton yang kebetulan lewat mulai berkumpul, tertarik oleh pembicaraan Siti yang enerjik dan respon penjual sayur yang bingung.
En: Meanwhile, passersby began to gather, drawn by Siti's energetic conversation and the bewildered response of the vegetable seller.
Id: Ada getar tawa di udara, seolah-olah pasar sudah menemukan humor pagi ini.
En: There was a sense of laughter in the air, as if the market had found humor this morning.
Id: "Maafkan saya, Tuan," kata Rani lembut sambil menepuk bahu Siti.
En: "Forgive me, sir," Rani said gently, tapping Siti's shoulder.
Id: "Ini bukan Budi, kawanmu.
En: "This is not Budi, your friend."
Id: "Siti menoleh dan terkejut seketika.
En: Siti turned around and was instantly surprised.
Id: Pipinya memerah, hatinya seperti ingin melompat keluar.
En: Her cheeks turned red, her heart seemed to want to jump out.
Id: Rani hanya bisa tersenyum melihat ekspresi Siti yang beralih dari semringah menjadi malu seketika.
En: Rani could only smile at Siti’s expression that shifted from joy to embarrassment in an instant.
Id: "Oh!
En: "Oh!
Id: Saya minta maaf, saya kira Anda adalah teman saya," ucap Siti kepada penjual sayur yang masih bingung itu.
En: I apologize, I thought you were my friend," Siti said to the still bewildered vegetable seller.
Id: Penjual sayur itu akhirnya tertawa juga, "Tidak apa-apa, nona.
En: The vegetable seller finally laughed too, "It's okay, miss.
Id: Ini membuat hari saya lebih berwarna.
En: This makes my day more colorful."
Id: "Siti membeli sayuran yang telah ia pilih dengan canggung, dan dengan segera, mereka berdua, Siti dan Rani, meninggalkan lapak itu sambil tertawa kecil.
En: Siti awkwardly bought the vegetables she had chosen, and quickly, the two of them, Siti and Rani, left the stall while laughing softly.
Id: Ketika mereka melanjutkan belanja, kisah Siti dan penjual sayur yang disangka Budi menjadi lelucon manis yang akan terus mereka ingat.
En: As they continued shopping, the story of Siti and the vegetable seller mistaken for Budi became a sweet joke that they would always remember.
Id: Di pasar tradisional Yogyakarta ini, tiap hari selalu ada sebuah cerita yang siap dikenang.
En: In this traditional market in Yogyakarta, every day there was always a story ready to be cherished.
Vocabulary Words:
- warmth: kehangatan
- stalls: lapak
- joyfully: gembira
- ingredients: bahan-bahan
- bustling: ramai
- aroma: aroma
- etched: terukir
- merchants: pedagang
- bargaining: tawar-menawar
- bewildered: bingung
- suppress: menahan
- approach: mendekat
- chaotic: kacau
- energetic: enerjik
- wryly: kecut
- awkwardly: canggung
- misunderstanding: kesalahpahaman
- laugh softly: tertawa kecil
- cherished: dikenang
Autore | FluentFiction.org |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Sito | www.fluentfiction.org |
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