
Milky Mishap Blossoms New Friendship

10 feb 2024 · 16 min. 31 sec.
Milky Mishap Blossoms New Friendship

01 · Main Story

1 min. 48 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

13 min. 17 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Milky Mishap Blossoms New Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: In die hart van 'n rustige plaasgemeenskap, waar...

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Milky Mishap Blossoms New Friendship
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Story Transcript:

Af: In die hart van 'n rustige plaasgemeenskap, waar die son die groen woudrand met goue strale omhels, lê 'n plekkie bekend as Die Melkery.
En: In the heart of a peaceful farm community, where the sun embraces the green forest edge with golden rays, lies a place known as The Dairy.

Af: Dit was 'n plek waar koeie rustig graas en die vars lug hang swanger met die geur van hooi en nuwe begin.
En: It was a place where cows grazed peacefully, and the fresh air was filled with the scent of hay and new beginnings.

Af: Jacques, 'n lang, maer jongman met hande so sterk soos die eike rondom sy huis, werk al vroegoggend in Die Melkery.
En: Jacques, a tall, lean young man with hands as strong as the oak trees around his house, worked early in the morning at The Dairy.

Af: Vandag is dit 'n besonderse dag, want Marie, die bure se dogter met hare soos die herfsblare, kom help met die melkery se take.
En: Today was a special day because Marie, the neighbors' daughter with hair like autumn leaves, was going to help with the dairy's tasks.

Af: Marie stap met 'n vrolike tred by die stal in, haar voorskoot fladderend soos 'n vlinder se vlerke.
En: Marie walked into the stable with a cheerful step, her apron fluttering like a butterfly's wings.

Af: Sy groet die koeie een vir een - sy ken hulle almal op die naam.
En: She greeted the cows one by one - she knew them all by name.

Af: Marie was nie net bekend vir haar sonskyn glimlag nie, maar ook vir haar liefde vir die plaasdiere.
En: Marie was not only known for her sunny smile but also for her love for the farm animals.

Af: Jacques kon sy oë nie van Marie afhou nie, maar vandag het hy 'n werk om te doen.
En: Jacques couldn't take his eyes off Marie, but today he had work to do.

Af: Hy tel sorgvuldig 'n emmer vol romerige melk op, maar sy gedagtes was ietwat verstrooid deur Marie se teenwoordigheid.
En: He carefully picked up a bucket full of creamy milk, but his thoughts were somewhat distracted by Marie's presence.

Af: Terwyl hy omdraai, gly sy stewel op 'n stukkie mis, en voor hy dit kon keer, kantel die emmer en 'n vloed van melk stort regoor Marie se skoene en onderkant van haar rok.
En: As he turned around, her boot slipped on a piece of manure, and before he could stop it, the bucket tilted, and a flood of milk spilled over Marie's shoes and the bottom of her skirt.

Af: 'n Stilte hang in die lug.
En: A silence hung in the air.

Af: Marie kyk af na haar deurweekte klere en dan op na Jacques, haar oë so groot soos pierings.
En: Marie looked down at her soaked clothes, then up at Jacques, her eyes as wide as saucers.

Af: 'n Sekonde gaan verby, dan twee.
En: A second passed, then two.

Af: Jacques se wange brand van skaamte.
En: Jacques's cheeks burned with shame.

Af: Ek is...ek is jammer, Marie!
En: I...I'm sorry, Marie!

Af: Hy sukkel om die regte woorde te vind, voel hoe sy hart teen sy ribbes klop.
En: He struggled to find the right words, feeling his heart beating against his ribs.

Af: Marie breek die stilte met 'n lag wat klink soos kristalbelletjies.
En: Marie broke the silence with a laugh that sounded like crystal bells.

Af: Dis goed, Jacques, sê sy, haar glimlag terug.
En: It's okay, Jacques, she said, her smile returning.

Af: Dit gee my net 'n rede om 'n nuwe voorskoot te maak, iets wat ek al lank wou doen.
En: It just gives me a reason to make a new apron, something I've wanted to do for a long time.

Af: Jacques slaak 'n sug van verligting.
En: Jacques sighed with relief.

Af: Kom ons maak jou skoon, bied hy aan, en neem 'n saggeaarde toon aan.
En: Let's get you cleaned up, he offered, taking on a gentle tone.

Af: Daar is vars water by die pomp.
En: There's fresh water at the pump.

Af: Saam stap hulle na die ou waterpomp buite die melkery.
En: Together, they walked to the old water pump outside the dairy.

Af: Hulle skerts en gesels, en terwyl die water skoon spoel oor Marie se voete en die aarde nie meer die bewys van die gemorste melk dra nie, besluit Jacques om dit reg te maak.
En: They joked and chatted, and as the water rinsed clean over Marie's feet and the earth no longer bore the evidence of the spilled milk, Jacques resolved to make it right.

Af: Sodra Marie se klere skoon is en die son weer warm op hul rûe skyn, kom Jacques met 'n plan vorendag.
En: Once Marie's clothes were clean, and the sun was warm on their backs again, Jacques came up with a plan.

Af: Ek sal vir jou 'n nuwe emmer melk haal, een net vir jou, sê hy.
En: I'll fetch you a new bucket of milk, one just for you, he said.

Af: Met 'n breë glimlag, werk hy vinnig en doeltreffend, verseker dat hierdie keer geen druppel verlore gaan nie.
En: With a broad smile, he worked quickly and efficiently, ensuring that this time, not a drop would be lost.

Af: Marie aanvaar die emmer met 'n dankbare glimlag.
En: Marie accepted the bucket with a grateful smile.

Af: Dankie, Jacques. Jy is 'n ware vriend.
En: Thank you, Jacques. You're a true friend.

Af: Soos die dag vorder, help Jacques en Marie saam op die plaas en die klein ongeluk van die oggend vervaag tot net 'n snaakse herinnering.
En: As the day progressed, Jacques and Marie worked together on the farm, and the small morning mishap faded into just a funny memory.

Af: Daardie aand drink hulle warm melk onder die sterre, en die fout van vroeër maak plek vir 'n nuwe, onverwagse vriendskap.
En: That evening, they drank warm milk under the stars, and the morning's mistake made room for a new, unexpected friendship.

Af: Die Melkery is nie net 'n plek van arbeid nie, maar ook 'n plek waar verhoudings blom en groei soos die wydverspreide lande rondom hulle.
En: The Dairy was not just a place of labor but also a place where relationships blossomed and grew like the vast, sprawling lands around them.

Vocabulary Words:
  • heart: hart
  • peaceful: rustige
  • farm: plaas
  • community: gemeenskap
  • sun: son
  • embrace: omhels
  • green: groen
  • forest: woud
  • edge: rand
  • golden: goue
  • rays: strale
  • lies: lê
  • place: plekkie
  • known: bekend
  • cows: koeie
  • grazed: graas
  • fresh: vars
  • scent: geur
  • hay: hooi
  • new: nuwe
  • beginnings: begin
  • hands: hande
  • strong: sterk
  • oak: eike
  • trees: bome
  • around: rondom
  • house: huis
  • worked: werk
  • early: vroegoggend
  • morning: oggend
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