Medieval Mix-Up: Eleri's Unplanned Battle

4 apr 2024 · 15 min. 44 sec.
Medieval Mix-Up: Eleri's Unplanned Battle

01 · Main Story

1 min. 42 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

13 min. 22 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Medieval Mix-Up: Eleri's Unplanned Battle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod heulog pan gerddodd Eleri tuag...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Medieval Mix-Up: Eleri's Unplanned Battle
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod heulog pan gerddodd Eleri tuag at Gastell Caerffili.
En: It was a sunny day when Eleri walked towards Caerphilly Castle.

Cy: Roedd yn edrych ymlaen at y diwrnod; roedd hi wedi gwirioni ar hanes a'r canol oesoedd, ac roedd heddiw'n ddiwrnod arbennig.
En: She was looking forward to the day; she had a keen interest in history and the Middle Ages, and today was a special day.

Cy: Roedd ad-drefnu hanesyddol yn cael ei gynnal yn y castell, ac roedd Eleri'n aelod o un o'r grwpiau.
En: A historical reenactment was being held at the castle, and Eleri was a member of one of the groups.

Cy: Wrth gerdded drwy'r porth mawr, sylweddolodd hi fod sawl grŵp gwahanol yno.
En: As she walked through the main gate, she noticed several different groups there.

Cy: Roedd rhai yn gwisgo fel milwyr, eraill fel marchogion, ac roedd hyd yn oed rhai yn gwisgo dillad llys hardd.
En: Some were dressed as soldiers, others as knights, and some even wore beautiful royal clothes.

Cy: Roedd Eleri wedi ymuno â't grŵp hanes peth amser yn ôl ac roedd hi'n newyddiadur i'r weithred hon.
En: Eleri had joined a historical group some time ago and was a newcomer to this activity.

Cy: Ar gam, cerddodd i mewn i babell llawn pobl yn gwisgo fel ymladdwyr canoloesol ond doedd hi ddim yn adnabod neb.
En: Unintentionally, she walked into a tent full of people dressed as medieval warriors, not recognizing anyone.

Cy: "Do'n i ddim yn sylwi bod gen i'r dillad anghywir," meddyliai Eleri, gan syfrdanu wrth sylweddoli ei bod wedi camgymryd grwpiau.
En: "I didn't notice that I had the wrong clothes on," thought Eleri, astonished to realize that she had joined the wrong groups.

Cy: Ond cyn iddi gael siawns i ddatrys ei chamgymeriad, daeth cryn dipyn o ddryswch.
En: But before she had a chance to rectify her mistake, she became quite confused.

Cy: Dyma fe, Gethin yn cerdded tuag ati, yn ei wisg rhyfelwr, ei lygad yn glir a'i darian yn disgleirio yn yr haul.
En: Here comes Gethin, walking towards her, in his warrior's attire, his eye sharp and his shield gleaming in the sun.

Cy: "Ti yw'r herwr newydd?" gofynnodd, yn gwenu'n frad.
En: "You're the new warrior?" he asked, smiling broadly.

Cy: Eleri, syfrdanu ac eisiau peidio â pheri mwy o ddryswch, wenu'n ôl.
En: Eleri, startled and wanting to avoid causing more confusion, smiled back.

Cy: "Ydw, dwi'n barod," meddai, gan oblygu'r gwir.
En: "Yes, I'm ready," she said, bending the truth.

Cy: Cafodd y frwydr ei chynnal ar lannau afon y castell.
En: The battle took place on the castle's riverbanks.

Cy: Roedd Eleri'n meddwl ei bod yn chwarae rhan yn un o ddramâu hanesyddol yr oedd hi wedi dysgu amdanynt, ond nawr ei bod yn rhan o'r grŵp anghywir, roedd hi wir yn ymladd mewn brwydr re-enactment.
En: Eleri thought she was playing a part in one of the historical dramas she had learned about, but now, being part of the wrong group, she truly was fighting in a re-enactment battle.

Cy: Roedd Gethin yn ymladdwr profiadol ac am ennyd, meddyliai Eleri am iddi ildio.
En: Gethin was an experienced fighter and for a moment, Eleri thought she might give up.

Cy: Ond, roedd ysbryd herfeiddiol ynddi, a chyn hir, dechreuodd Eleri synhwyro rhythm y frwydr.
En: But a fighting spirit arose within her, and before long, Eleri began to feel the rhythm of the battle.

Cy: Daethpwyd i ddeall bod Gethin a'i ffrindiau wedi bod yn chwilio am rywun i lenwi lle yn yr ail-greu brwydr, a phan ddaeth Eleri yn ei chanol mewn dillad canoloesol, gwnaethant tybio ei bod yn ymuno â nhw.
En: It was understood that Gethin and his friends had been looking for someone to fill a spot in the re-enactment battle, and when Eleri arrived in her medieval clothes, they assumed she was joining them.

Cy: Ar ôl y frwydr, aeth Gethin at Eleri.
En: After the battle, Gethin approached Eleri.

Cy: "Roeddet ti'n arbennig," meddai, a gwên ar ei wyneb.
En: "You were exceptional," he said, smiling at her.

Cy: "Ond, dydw i ddim yn eich adnabod chi. O ba grŵp wyt ti'n dod?"
En: "But, I don't know you. Which group are you from?"

Cy: Eleri aeth yn goch.
En: Eleri blushed.

Cy: "Roeddwn i mewn camgymeriad. Fi yw Eleri o grwp arall, ond rywsut deuthum draw yma heddiw."
En: "I made a mistake. I'm Eleri from another group, but somehow I ended up here today."

Cy: Daeth gwên i wyneb Gethin wrth iddo sylwi ar y sefyllfa ddireidus.
En: A smile appeared on Gethin's face as he noticed the awkward situation.

Cy: "Wel, mae hynny'n gwneud dy ymladd hyd yn oed yn fwy trawiadol," meddai a'i edmygu yn amlwg.
En: "Well, that makes your fight even more remarkable," he said, clearly admiring her.

Cy: Ddiwedd y dydd, dangoswyd parch mawr i Eleri ymhlith y grwp newydd.
En: At the end of the day, Eleri was shown great respect among the new group.

Cy: Gofynnwyd iddi a hoffai ymuno â nhw'n barhaol, ond negesodd hi.
En: She was asked if she wanted to join them permanently, but she declined.

Cy: Roedd hi wedi dysgu gwers bwysig am yr heddlu i baratoi'n iawn, ond hefyd am dewrder digymell.
En: She had learned an important lesson about the police force to prepare properly, but also about courageousness.

Cy: Roedd hi'n falch o'i hun ac yn edrych ymlaen i ddychwelyd at ei grŵp, ond gyda stori i'w hadrodd am y diwrnod pan daflodd hi ei hun i mewn i frwydr canoloesol diarwybod.
En: She was proud of herself and looking forward to returning to her group, but with a story to tell about the day she threw herself into an unknowing medieval battle.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: heulog
  • knights: marchogion
  • reenactment: ad-drefnu
  • astonished: syfrdanu
  • warriors: ymladdwyr
  • confused: dryswch
  • attire: gwisg
  • bending: oblygu
  • rhythm: rhythm
  • remarkable: trawiadol
  • experienced: profiadol
  • spot: lle
  • awkward: ddireidus
  • admiring: edmygu
  • courageousness: dewrder
  • prepare: paratoi
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