Market Mayhem: Anna's Pricey Fish Fiasco

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Market Mayhem: Anna's Pricey Fish Fiasco
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Fluent Fiction - Latvian: Market Mayhem: Anna's Pricey Fish Fiasco Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas Centrāltirgus vienmēr bijis pilns ar dzīvību...
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Story Transcript:
Lv: Rīgas Centrāltirgus vienmēr bijis pilns ar dzīvību un rosību, taču šodien sajuta vēl lielāku kņadu.
En: Riga Central Market has always been full of life and activity, but today it felt even more bustling.
Lv: Anna un Juris, divi labi draugi, stāvēja pie zivju pārdevēja letes, gaidot savukārtu.
En: Anna and Juris, two good friends, stood at the fish seller's counter, waiting their turn.
Lv: Saule spīdēja un dara daudz cilvēku, kuri steidza iegādāties svaigāko preci.
En: The sun was shining and there were many people bustling about, rushing to buy the freshest goods.
Lv: Anna bija iecerējusi nopirkt foreli vakariņām, un viņa bija pārliecināta par savām prasmēm saraunāties.
En: Anna had planned to buy trout for dinner and she was confident in her haggling skills.
Lv: Taču maldīšanās viņai tomēr vēl nebija pierasta.
En: However, making a mistake was not something she was used to.
Lv: Iedomādamies, ka dzird pārdevēja teikto cenu par kilogramu, viņa paziņoja, ka ņems divas.
En: Thinking she heard the seller quote the price per kilogram, she announced that she would take two.
Lv: Tikai pēc tam, kad pārdevējs uzrakstīja cenu uz papīriņa, Anna saprata savu kļūdu.
En: Only after the seller wrote the price on a piece of paper did Anna realize her error.
Lv: Juris sāka skaļi smieties, redzot, kā Annas seja mainās no gaidīšanas uz izbrīnu un tad uz sarkšanu.
En: Juris started laughing loudly as he watched Anna's face change from anticipation to surprise and then to blush.
Lv: Anna viņam metā pārmetumu skatienu, bet Juris nevarēja apstādināt savu smieklu lēkmi.
En: Anna gave him an accusing look, but Juris couldn't stop his fit of laughter.
Lv: "Ak, Anna, tu taču samaksāji divreiz vairāk!
En: "Oh, Anna, you paid twice as much!"
Lv: " viņš teica starp izsmeļošiem smiekliem.
En: he said amid his laughter.
Lv: Pārdevējs no malas vēroja abus draugus un nolēma piekopt laipnību.
En: The seller observed the two friends from the side and decided to show some kindness.
Lv: Viņš nolēma iemest Annai mazu atlaidi, sapratīšanas zīmē.
En: He decided to give Anna a small discount as a gesture of understanding.
Lv: "Klientam vienmēr taisnība," viņš teica ar smaidu, kas Annai uzreiz lika justies labāk.
En: "The customer is always right," he said with a smile, which immediately made Anna feel better.
Lv: Anna, apmierināta ne tikai ar zivīm, bet arī ar piedzīvoto piedzīvojumu, pateicās pārdevējam un nobaroja skatu uz Juri.
En: Anna, satisfied not only with the fish but also with the adventure she had just experienced, thanked the seller and shot a glance at Juris.
Lv: "Nākošreiz, kad tu lasīsi cenas, es vairs nedzirdēšu," viņa teica, bet nu jau ar smieklīgu smaidu sejā.
En: "Next time, when you read the prices, I won't hear a peep from you," she said, now with a playful smile on her face.
Lv: Juris aicināja Annas piedošanu un apsolīja viņai nākošo reizi pirkt vakariņas, lai izlīdzinātu rēķinus.
En: Juris asked for Anna's forgiveness and promised to buy dinner next time to even things out.
Lv: Kamēr viņi devās prom no tirgus, smiekli vēl dzirdējās, un Rīgas Centrāltirgus turpināja spēlēt savu dzīves melodiju, kur katra diena ir piedziņa un katrs pirkums ir stāsts pats par sevi.
En: As they walked away from the market, laughter could still be heard, and Riga Central Market continued to play its life's melody, where every day is a hustle and every purchase is a story in itself.
Vocabulary Words:
- bustling: lielāku kņadu
- haggling: saraunāties
- anticipation: gaidīšanas
- accusing: pārmetumu
- fit of laughter: smieklu lēkmi
- discount: atlaidi
- gesture: sapratīšanas zīmē
- playful: smieklīgu
- forgiveness: piedošanu
- melody: melodiju
- purchase: pirkums
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Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
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