
Marathon of Choices: A Heartfelt Race Against Time

22 ago 2024 · 17 min. 13 sec.
Marathon of Choices: A Heartfelt Race Against Time

01 · Main Story

1 min. 43 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

13 min. 36 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Marathon of Choices: A Heartfelt Race Against Time Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Et: Suvepäike paistis Tartu taevas, kui...

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Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Marathon of Choices: A Heartfelt Race Against Time
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Story Transcript:

Et: Suvepäike paistis Tartu taevas, kui maraton kogus hoogu.
En: The summer sun shone over the Tartu sky as the marathon gained momentum.

Et: Runners vehkisid mööda linna tänavaid, igaühel oma eesmärk.
En: Runners were waving through the city's streets, each with their own goal.

Et: Kertu, teiste seas, hoidis tempot, kavatsusega kvalifitseeruda rahvusvahelisele võistlusele.
En: Among them, Kertu was keeping pace, intending to qualify for an international competition.

Et: Ent äkki, nagu välk selgest taevast, vajus Kertu kokku.
En: But suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, Kertu collapsed.

Et: Ta hingas raskelt ja tema silmad olid suletud.
En: She was breathing heavily, and her eyes were closed.

Et: Kiirabi tõttas appi.
En: An ambulance rushed to help.

Et: Raivo, kogenud parameedik, jõudis esimesena kohale.
En: Raivo, an experienced paramedic, arrived first.

Et: "Hinga sügavalt, Kertu," ütles ta rahustavalt.
En: "Breathe deeply, Kertu," he said soothingly.

Et: Kertu ei reageerinud esialgu, kuid Raivo ei andnud alla.
En: Initially, Kertu did not respond, but Raivo didn't give up.

Et: Ta tõstis Kertu ettevaatlikult kanderaamile ja viidi linnapargi lähedal asuvasse välihaiglasse.
En: He carefully lifted Kertu onto a stretcher and took her to a field hospital near the city park.

Et: Seal olid helid: meditsiinilised seadmed piiksusid, õed susisesid oma toimetustes ja kaughääled julgustasid finishijoone poole püüdlejaid.
En: There were sounds: medical devices beeping, nurses bustling about, and distant voices encouraging those striving for the finish line.

Et: Voodi äärel, Kertu avas silmad.
En: At the bedside, Kertu opened her eyes.

Et: Ta tundis nõrkust, kuid peas tuksus ainult üks mõte – ma pean lõpetama.
En: She felt weak, but one thought pulsed in her mind – I must finish.

Et: "Raivo, ma pean tagasi minema," sosistas ta vaevaliselt.
En: "Raivo, I need to go back," she whispered with difficulty.

Et: Raivo vaatas teda tõsiselt.
En: Raivo looked at her earnestly.

Et: "Kertu, su tervis on tähtsam kui ükski võistlus," ütles ta.
En: "Kertu, your health is more important than any race," he said.

Et: Ta teadis, et Kertu unistused olid suuremad kui üks maraton, aga see hetk oli kriitiline.
En: He knew that Kertu's dreams were bigger than one marathon, but this moment was critical.

Et: "Ma ei saa lasta sul minna."
En: "I can't let you go."

Et: Kertu protesteeris.
En: Kertu protested.

Et: "Aga kui ma ei lähe, siis jääb see võimalus kasutamata!"
En: "But if I don't go, I'll miss this opportunity!"

Et: Raivo võttis sügava hingetõmbe.
En: Raivo took a deep breath.

Et: "See võib olla tõsine," selgitas ta.
En: "This could be serious," he explained.

Et: "Sa riskid oma tuleviku ja tervisega."
En: "You're risking your future and your health."

Et: Tema sõnades oli raskeid kaalutlusi.
En: His words carried heavy considerations.

Et: Kertu püüdis voodilt tõusta, aga jõud kadus.
En: Kertu tried to get up from the bed, but her strength was gone.

Et: Raivo asetas kindlalt käe tema õlale.
En: Raivo placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

Et: "Palun, kuula mind," palus Raivo.
En: "Please, listen to me," Raivo pleaded.

Et: "Sa oled julge ja tugev, aga sa pead kuulama oma keha."
En: "You are brave and strong, but you need to listen to your body."

Et: See oli raskem kui Kertu arvas.
En: It was harder than Kertu thought.

Et: Ta vaatas Raivo poole, tema mõistva ja toegeva pilguga.
En: She looked at Raivo, with his understanding and supportive gaze.

Et: Südames teadis ta, et Raivo ei räägi tühje sõnu.
En: In her heart, she knew Raivo was speaking the truth.

Et: "Kas ma tõesti riskin nii palju?"
En: "Am I really risking that much?"

Et: küsis Kertu rahunenult.
En: Kertu asked calmly.

Et: Raivo noogutas vaikselt.
En: Raivo nodded quietly.

Et: "On teisi võimalusi.
En: "There are other opportunities.

Et: See pole viimane maraton."
En: This isn't the last marathon."

Et: Kertu sulges silmad hetkeks ja hakkas mõistma, et Raivol oli õigus.
En: Kertu closed her eyes for a moment and began to understand that Raivo was right.

Et: Ta avas need ja nõustus lõpuks.
En: She opened them and finally agreed.

Et: "Olgu," ütles ta vaikselt.
En: "Alright," she said softly.

Et: "Ma jään siia."
En: "I'll stay here."

Et: Raivo tundis kergendust.
En: Raivo felt relieved.

Et: Ta andis endast parima, et säilitada Kertu tervis ja unistused.
En: He was doing his best to safeguard Kertu's health and dreams.

Et: "Me saame sellest üle," lubas ta.
En: "We'll get through this," he promised.

Et: Nii, kui suvi Tartu pealinna täitis, välihaigla muutus rahulikumaks.
En: And so, as summer enveloped the capital of Tartu, the field hospital became more tranquil.

Et: Kertu mõistis, et hoole ja ettevaatlikkusega saavad unistused elus püsima.
En: Kertu realized that with care and caution, dreams can endure.

Et: Ja Raivo?
En: And Raivo?

Et: Tema sai kindluse, et ta võib usaldada oma instinkte, isegi siis, kui see oli raske.
En: He gained confidence in trusting his instincts, even when it was difficult.

Et: Seega koht, mis algas pingelise vastasseisuga, lõppes mõistmise ja lootusrikka ootusega tulevikku vaadates.
En: Thus, a place that started with tense confrontation ended with understanding and hopeful anticipation for the future.

Et: Kertu ja Raivo leidis igaüks midagi olulist – midagi, mis oli väärt säilitamist ja mille üle vaagida.
En: Kertu and Raivo each found something important – something worth preserving and reflecting upon.

Vocabulary Words:
  • marathon: maraton
  • momentum: hoogu
  • collapse: vajuma
  • ambulance: kiirabi
  • paramedic: parameedik
  • soothingly: rahustavalt
  • stretcher: kanderaam
  • beeping: piiksusid
  • bustling: susisesid
  • encouraging: julgustasid
  • finish line: finishijoone
  • carefully: ettevaatlikult
  • weak: nõrkust
  • earnestly: tõsiselt
  • considerations: kaalutlusi
  • strength: jõud
  • shoulder: õlale
  • supportive: toegeva
  • instincts: instinkte
  • confrontation: vastasseisuga
  • anticipation: ootusega
  • preserve: säilitama
  • future: tuleviku
  • enveloped: täitis
  • tranquil: rahulikumaks
  • endure: püsima
  • gaze: pilguga
  • serious: tõsine
  • opportunity: võimalus
  • critical: kriitiline
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