Lost and Found in Zagreb's Yuletide Magic

Lost and Found in Zagreb's Yuletide Magic
24 gen 2024 · 13 min. 49 sec.

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Lost and Found in Zagreb's Yuletide Magic Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/lost-and-found-in-zagrebs-yuletide-magic/ Story Transcript: Hr: Jednog hladnog zimskog dana, Ivana i...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Lost and Found in Zagreb's Yuletide Magic
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Jednog hladnog zimskog dana, Ivana i Marko odlučili su se prošetati do čarobnog božićnog sajma u srcu Zagreba.
En: On a cold winter day, Ivana and Marko decided to take a walk to the magical Christmas market in the heart of Zagreb.

Hr: Ivana je nosila crveni šal, a Marko toplu kapu jer je zrak bio štipao za obraze.
En: Ivana wore a red scarf, and Marko wore a warm hat because the air was biting at their cheeks.

Hr: Dok su hodali među šarenim kućicama, nisu ni primijetili kako ih je gužva polako odvojila jedno od drugog.
En: As they walked among the colorful stalls, they didn't even notice how the crowd slowly separated them from each other.

Hr: Marko je gledao u drvene igračke na jednom štandu, a Ivana se divila šarenilu božićnih ukrasa na drugom.
En: Marko was looking at the wooden toys at one stand, while Ivana admired the colorful Christmas decorations at another.

Hr: Kada su podigli glave, shvatili su da više nisu jedno pokraj drugog.
En: When they looked up, they realized that they were no longer beside each other.

Hr: Ivana je počela brinuti i zvala je Marka, ali glazba i smijeh ljudi oko nje bili su preglasni.
En: Ivana began to worry and called out for Marko, but the music and laughter of the people around her were too loud.

Hr: Marko, s druge strane, nije odmah shvatio da je Ivana nestala.
En: On the other hand, Marko didn't immediately realize that Ivana had disappeared.

Hr: Tek kad je krenuo tražiti njezin crveni šal u gomili, shvatio je da je izgubio.
En: It wasn't until he started searching for her red scarf in the crowd that he realized he had lost her.

Hr: Na jednom trgu, pred velikim božićnim drvom, Ivana je odlučila pričekati Marka.
En: On a square, in front of a big Christmas tree, Ivana decided to wait for Marko.

Hr: Vjerovala je da će se tamo ponovno sresti.
En: She believed that they would meet there again.

Hr: Ubrzo, oko nje je počela okupljati skupina ljudi.
En: Soon, a group of people began to gather around her.

Hr: Počela je svirati glazba, a Ivana je uskoro shvatila da se našla usred božićnog flash moba.
En: Music began to play, and Ivana soon realized that she found herself in the middle of a Christmas flash mob.

Hr: Svi su počeli plesati uz veselu glazbu.
En: Everyone started dancing to the cheerful music.

Hr: Ivana je na početku oklijevala, ali onda je pomislila kako bi Marko htio da ona sudjeluje.
En: Ivana hesitated at first, but then she thought that Marko would want her to join in.

Hr: Osmijehnula se i počela plesati zajedno s ostalima.
En: She smiled and began to dance along with the others.

Hr: Marko ju je za to vrijeme tražio, sve dok nije čuo poznatu glazbu s trga.
En: Meanwhile, Marko was searching for her, until he heard the familiar music from the square.

Hr: Brzo je pristigao i ugledao Ivanu kako se smije i pleše sa strancima u ritmu božićnih pjesama.
En: He quickly arrived and saw Ivana laughing and dancing with strangers to the rhythm of Christmas songs.

Hr: Nije mogao vjerovati, ali i on se nasmijao i priključio plesu.
En: He couldn't believe it, but he too smiled and joined in the dance.

Hr: Nakon plesa, Ivana i Marko su se konačno pronašli u gužvi.
En: After the dance, Ivana and Marko finally found each other in the crowd.

Hr: Zagrlili su se čvrsto, sretni zbog svoje neobične avanture.
En: They hugged each other tightly, happy about their unusual adventure.

Hr: Božićni sajam u Zagrebu tako im je ostao u sjećanju kao mjesto čarolije, plesa i veselja gdje su, unatoč izgubljenosti, zajedno pronašli put jedno do drugog.
En: The Christmas market in Zagreb stayed in their memories as a place of magic, dance, and joy, where, despite being lost, they found their way back to each other.

Hr: Sjedili su tako na klupi, pijući vrući čaj, gledajući u svjetlucave lampice i sretne ljude oko sebe.
En: They sat on a bench, sipping hot tea, gazing at the twinkling lights and happy people around them.

Hr: Oboje su znali da će ova priča biti ona koju će pamtiti zauvijek.
En: They both knew that this would be the story they would remember forever.

Vocabulary Words:
  • winter: zimski
  • decided: odlučili
  • magical: čaroban
  • market: sajam
  • heart: srce
  • scarf: šal
  • warm: toplu
  • hat: kapu
  • air: zrak
  • biting: štipao
  • cheeks: obraze
  • walked: hodali
  • colorful: šarenim
  • stalls: kućicama
  • noticed: primijetili
  • crowd: gužva
  • separated: odvojila
  • looking: gledao
  • wooden: drvene
  • toys: igračke
  • stand: štandu
  • admired: divila
  • decorations: ukrasa
  • realized: shvatili
  • beside: pokraj
  • worry: brinuti
  • called: zvala
  • music: glazba
  • laughter: smijeh
  • loud: preglasni
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01 · Main Story

1 min. 39 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

10 min. 24 sec.

Autore FluentFiction.org
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