
Locked in the Library: A Night of Secrets and Discovery

3 ott 2024 · 16 min. 10 sec.
Locked in the Library: A Night of Secrets and Discovery

01 · Main Story

1 min. 45 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

12 min. 22 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Locked in the Library: A Night of Secrets and Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Vročina jesenskega dne...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Locked in the Library: A Night of Secrets and Discovery
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Vročina jesenskega dne se je počasi polegala, ko sta Gregor in Maja sedela v knjižnici srednje šole v Ljubljani.
En: The heat of the autumn day was slowly dissipating as Gregor and Maja sat in the library of the high school in Ljubljana.

Sl: Zunaj so drevesa šepetala s svojim rumenim in rdečim listjem, medtem ko se je sonce spuščalo za obzorje.
En: Outside, the trees whispered with their yellow and red leaves as the sun set behind the horizon.

Sl: "Hitro, Maja, moram končati te zapiske za test matematike," je rekel Gregor, medtem ko je k sebi vlekel kup knjig.
En: "Quickly, Maja, I need to finish these notes for the math test," said Gregor, pulling a pile of books towards him.

Sl: Bil je napet, njegovo srce je hitreje bilo, saj ni želel zamuditi priložnosti, da navduši svoje stroge starše.
En: He was tense, his heart beating faster, as he didn't want to miss the opportunity to impress his strict parents.

Sl: Maja, ki je pregledovala police, je vzdihnila.
En: Maja, who was browsing the shelves, sighed.

Sl: S svojim nasmehom je skušala skriti svoje skrbi in željo, da najde tisto redko knjigo, ki jo je že mesece iskala.
En: With her smile, she tried to conceal her worries and her desire to find that rare book she had been searching for months.

Sl: "Gregor, vzemimo si trenutek," je rekla, in se ozirala po temi knjižnici.
En: "Gregor, let's take a moment," she said, glancing around the dim library.

Sl: Bila sta tako zaposlena, da nista opazila, kako se knjižničarka počasi pripravlja zapustiti prostor.
En: They were so busy that they didn't notice the librarian slowly preparing to leave.

Sl: Slišala sta šibak zvok zaklepanja vrat šele ko sta želela oditi.
En: They heard the faint sound of the door being locked only when they wanted to leave.

Sl: "Oh ne," je rekel Gregor, nenadoma zaskrbljen.
En: "Oh no," said Gregor, suddenly worried.

Sl: Prestrašeno je pogledal proti vratom.
En: He looked fearfully towards the door.

Sl: "Zaklenjeni smo!
En: "We're locked in!"

Sl: "Maja pa se je zasmejala, njen glas je zvenel kot razigrana melodija.
En: But Maja laughed, her voice sounding like a playful melody.

Sl: "Zakaj se sekiraš?
En: "Why are you worried?

Sl: Poglej, to je prava pustolovščina!
En: Look, this is a real adventure!"

Sl: " Z radovednostjo, značilno zanjo, se je začela sprehajati med policami.
En: With curiosity, typical of her, she began to wander among the shelves.

Sl: Čeprav sprva ni želel kršiti pravil, se je Gregorjičine besede ublažile njegovo napetost.
En: Even though he initially didn't want to break the rules, Gregor's tension was eased by Maja's words.

Sl: "Kaj pa test?
En: "What about the test?"

Sl: " je vprašal, toda v njegovem glasu je zmanjkalo prepričanja.
En: he asked, but his voice lacked conviction.

Sl: "Test počaka.
En: "The test can wait.

Sl: Tukaj pa imam obljubo za eno nepozabno noč," ga je prepričala Maja, medtem ko je potegnila knjigo in nenamerno razkrila skrito prehod.
En: Here we have a promise for an unforgettable night," Maja persuaded him as she pulled a book and accidentally revealed a hidden passage.

Sl: "Oh, poglej to!
En: "Oh, look at this!"

Sl: " Prehod je vodil do zatohlega podstrešja, polnega starih knjig in starinskega pohištva.
En: The passage led to a musty attic full of old books and antique furniture.

Sl: Prostor je bil prežet z zgodovino šole, vsak vogal pa je pripovedoval svojo zgodbo.
En: The space was steeped in the school's history, with every corner telling its own story.

Sl: "Šola je imela več skrivnosti, kot sem predvidevala," je menil Gregor, ko sta raziskovala.
En: "The school had more secrets than I anticipated," remarked Gregor as they explored.

Sl: Ko sta se vrnila v knjižnico, sta slišala korake po hodniku.
En: When they returned to the library, they heard footsteps in the hallway.

Sl: Hitro sta se umaknila in gledala, kako čistilec odklenil vrata.
En: They quickly stepped aside and watched as the janitor unlocked the door.

Sl: "Dobili smo drugo priložnost," je šepetala Maja.
En: "We've been given a second chance," Maja whispered.

Sl: Obljubila sta si, da bosta skrivnost ohranila zase.
En: They promised each other to keep the secret to themselves.

Sl: Gregor je začel gledati na svet manj skozi prizmo pravil in bolj skozi prizmo zgodb, ki jih še ni spisal.
En: Gregor began to see the world less through the lens of rules and more through the lens of stories yet to be written.

Sl: Maja je našla veselje v povezavi z ljudmi, ki jo resnično razumejo.
En: Maja found joy in connecting with people who truly understood her.

Sl: Ko sta se poslovila pred šolo, je Gregor občutil svobodo.
En: As they said goodbye in front of the school, Gregor felt a sense of freedom.

Sl: "Hvala, Maja," je rekel, in njun nasmeh ni potreboval pojasnil.
En: "Thank you, Maja," he said, and their smiles needed no explanation.

Sl: S komaj opaznimi koraki se je spreminjal svet, tako kot listje, ki je padalo z dreves.
En: With barely noticeable steps, the world was changing, just like the leaves falling from the trees.

Vocabulary Words:
  • dissipating: polegala
  • whispered: šepetala
  • horizon: obzorje
  • tense: napet
  • opportunity: priložnost
  • strict: stroge
  • conceal: skriti
  • dim: temi
  • adventure: pustolovščina
  • curiosity: radovednost
  • wander: sprehajati
  • tension: napetost
  • conviction: prepričanja
  • unforgettable: nepozabno
  • persuaded: prepričala
  • accidentally: nenamerno
  • musty: zatohlega
  • attic: podstrešja
  • antique: starinskega
  • steeped: prežet
  • anticipated: predvidevala
  • janitor: čistilec
  • second chance: drugo priložnost
  • secret: skrivnost
  • freedom: svobodo
  • promise: obljubo
  • connect: povezavi
  • understood: razumejo
  • barely noticeable: komaj opaznimi
  • changing: spreminjal
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