
Laughtercraft: Fashion's Funniest Hat Trick

8 dic 2023 · 15 min. 52 sec.
Laughtercraft: Fashion's Funniest Hat Trick

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

11 min. 53 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Laughtercraft: Fashion's Funniest Hat Trick Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Luka in Ana sta bila prav poseben par....

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Laughtercraft: Fashion's Funniest Hat Trick
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Luka in Ana sta bila prav poseben par.
En: Luka and Ana were a truly special couple.

Sl: Nekega jasnega pomladnega dne, ko so sončni žarki plesali med listi dreves, sta se odpravila v trgovino z oblačili v središču mesta.
En: One clear spring day, as the sunrays danced among the tree leaves, they set off to a clothing store in the city center.

Sl: Imela sta namen obnoviti svoje garderobe s svežimi oblačili za prihajajoče tople dni.
En: They intended to refresh their wardrobes with new clothes for the upcoming warm days.

Sl: Ko sta vstopila, ju je pozdravilo žvrgolenje glasbe in nasmehi prijaznih prodajalcev.
En: As they entered, they were greeted by the chirping of music and the smiles of friendly salespeople.

Sl: Razgledala sta se po trgovini. Stene so bile okrašene z najnovejšimi modnimi kosi in med stojali so se bleščale barve poletja.
En: They glanced around the store. The walls were adorned with the latest fashion pieces, and the summer colors sparkled among the racks.

Sl: Luka, vedno poln šal in traparij, je opazil par nenavadno širokih hlač, barve sončnega zahoda.
En: Luka, always full of jokes and antics, noticed a pair of unusually wide pants in the color of a sunset.

Sl: Oči so se mu zasvetile. Vzel jih je s stojala in rekel Ani, "Poglej to, če jih dam na glavo, izgledajo kot klobuk!"
En: His eyes lit up. He took them off the rack and said to Ana, "Look at this, if I put them on my head, they look like a hat!"

Sl: Ana, ki je Luku rada sledila v njegovih pustolovščinah, si ni mogla kaj, da se ne bi nasmehnila. "Daj, poskusi!, " je zašepetala polna radovednosti.
En: Ana, who enjoyed following Luka in his adventures, couldn't help but smile. "Come on, try it!," she whispered, full of curiosity.

Sl: Luka je spretno zvijal hlačnice, dokler ni ustvaril nekakšnega klobuka, ki ga je zavihtel na svojo glavo.
En: Luka skillfully twisted the pant legs until he created a sort of hat, which he then placed on his head.

Sl: Nasmejan se je obrnil k Ani in rekel, "Kaj pa zdaj, kaj praviš?"
En: Smiling, he turned to Ana and said, "And now, what do you say?"

Sl: Ana se je zasmejala. "Izgledaš kot pravi umetnik. Ampak mislim, da bi bil ta klobuk bolj primeren zame."
En: Ana laughed. "You look like a true artist. But I think this hat would be more suitable for me."

Sl: In preden se je Luka uspel odzvati, je vzela "klobuk" z njegove glave in ga postavila na svojo, kar je sprožilo val smeha med obiskovalci trgovine.
En: And before Luka could react, she took the "hat" off his head and put it on her own, triggering a wave of laughter among the store's visitors.

Sl: Ljudje so se obrnili, da bi videli izvor te zabave, nekateri so začudeno zmajevali z glavami, drugi pa so se pridružili smehu.
En: People turned to see the source of this amusement; some shook their heads in bewilderment, while others joined in the laughter.

Sl: Ana, zdaj s klobukom-hlačami na glavi, se je sprehajala po trgovini z dostojanstvom in milino manekenke na modni pisti.
En: Ana, now with the pants-hat on her head, walked through the store with the dignity and grace of a model on the runway.

Sl: Smejala se je, Luka pa je sledil za njo, in oba sta uživala v tem nepričakovanem modnem trenutku.
En: She laughed, and Luka followed her, and both enjoyed this unexpected fashion moment.

Sl: Konec koncev sta dvignila toliko pozornosti, da je prišla lastnica trgovine do Ane.
En: In the end, they attracted so much attention that the store owner approached Ana.

Sl: "Draga, ta klobuk ti v resnici pristaja," je rekla s širokim nasmehom. "S tem ste danešnjo trgovino spremenila v pravo modno revijo."
En: "Darling, that hat truly suits you," she said with a broad smile. "You've turned this store into a real fashion show today."

Sl: Ponudila jim je poseben popust kot zahvalo za razvedrilo in predlagala, da "klobuk" vzameta domov kot spomin na ta nenavadni dan.
En: As a thank you for the entertainment, she offered them a special discount and suggested they take the "hat" home as a memento of this unusual day.

Sl: Luka in Ana sta odšla iz trgovine, roke v rokah, z novimi oblačili in neverjetnim klobukom, ki je zgodbo o njuni nakupovalni dogodivščini prenesel na ulice mesta.
En: Luka and Ana left the store hand in hand, with new clothes and an incredible hat that carried the story of their shopping adventure to the city streets.

Sl: Ta dan v trgovini z oblačili se ni končal le z obnovitvijo garderobe, temveč z dragocenim spominom na smeh, kreativnost in veselje, ki ga delimo z drugimi.
En: That day at the clothing store didn't just end with a wardrobe refresh, but with a precious memory of laughter, creativity, and joy shared with others.

Sl: Luka in Ana sta se domov vračala srečna in polna zgodbe, ki jo bosta še dolgo pripovedovala.
En: Luka and Ana returned home happy and full of a story they would tell for a long time.

Vocabulary Words:
  • special: poseben
  • spring: pomlad
  • sunrays: sončni žarki
  • tree leaves: listi dreves
  • clothing store: trgovina z oblačili
  • city center: središče mesta
  • refresh: obnoviti
  • wardrobes: garderobe
  • upcoming: prihajajoče
  • greeted: pozdravilo
  • chirping: žvrgolenje
  • friendly: prijazni
  • salespeople: prodajalci
  • glanced: razgledala
  • adorned: okrašene
  • fashion pieces: modni kosi
  • sparkled: bleščale
  • unusually: nenavadno
  • wide: širokih
  • pants: hlač
  • sunset: sončnega zahoda
  • lit up: zasvetile
  • rack: stojalo
  • whispered: zašepetala
  • curiosity: radovednosti
  • skillfully: spretno
  • twisted: zvijal
  • sort: vrsta
  • hat: klobuk
  • placed: zavihtel
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