
Knitting Needles & Sheep: Unlikely Hero!

26 nov 2023 · 17 min. 35 sec.
Knitting Needles & Sheep: Unlikely Hero!

01 · Main Story

1 min. 42 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

15 min. 14 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Knitting Needles & Sheep: Unlikely Hero! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ar fore heulog ym mis Mehefin, cerddodd...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Knitting Needles & Sheep: Unlikely Hero!
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar fore heulog ym mis Mehefin, cerddodd Gethin drwy strydoedd Beddgelert, llawn cyffro yn ei galon.
En: On a sunny morning in the month of June, Gethin walked through the streets of Beddgelert, full of excitement in his heart.

Cy: Roedd yn cario trawiad o nodwyddau gwau mewn un llaw, a bag o wlan lliwgar yn y llall.
En: He carried a bundle of knitting needles in one hand, and a colorful bag of wool in the other.

Cy: Roedd wedi bod yn edrych ymlaen at y gystadleuaeth gwau ers wythnosau.
En: He had been looking forward to the knitting competition for weeks.

Cy: Mae Beddgelert yn bentref prydferth gyda mynyddoedd yn cuddio'r lle, ac mae'n le tebygol ar gyfer gystadlaethau gyda'r awyr las a'r glaswellt gwyrdd.
En: Beddgelert is a beautiful village nestled among the mountains, and it's a likely place for competitions with the blue sky and green grass.

Cy: Wrth gyrchu at dir y digwyddiad, gwelodd Gethin llu o bobl yn casglu o amgylch cae mawr.
En: As he approached the event venue, Gethin saw a crowd of people gathering around a large field.

Cy: Rhaid bod pawb mor gyffrous am y gwau ag ydw i, meddyliodd yn hapus.
En: Everyone must be as excited about knitting as I am, he happily thought.

Cy: Ond wrth i Eleri a Rhys – ei ffrindiau gorau – redeg i'w wynebu, roedd golwg o bryder ar eu hwynebau.
En: But as Eleri and Rhys – his best friends – ran to meet him, there was a look of concern on their faces.

Cy: Eleri, Rhys, beth sy'n bod? gofynnodd Gethin gyda chur pen.
En: Eleri, Rhys, what's going on? asked Gethin with a furrowed brow.

Cy: Rhys, ei lygaid yn lledu, barodd, Gethin, dyw hwn ddim yn gystadleuaeth gwau... mae hon yn gystadleuaeth ci defaid!
En: Rhys, his eyes widening, blurted out, Gethin, this isn't a knitting competition... it's a sheepdog trial!

Cy: Clywodd Gethin chwerthin a sŵn defaid yn meirw.
En: Gethin heard laughter and the sound of frantic sheep.

Cy: Sylwodd ar gŵn defaid yn rhedeg yn gyflym ar draws y cae, eu perchnogion yn gweiddi cyfarwyddiadau.
En: He noticed a sheepdog running swiftly across the field, their owners shouting directions.

Cy: Yna, daeth yr ofn.
En: Then, the fear set in.

Cy: Nac ydw! sibrydodd Gethin. Beth bynnag wnaf i?
En: No way! exclaimed Gethin. What am I going to do?

Cy: Fe alli di adael, awgrymodd Eleri, ond roedd golau ym mhangau’r cwrwgl.
En: You could leave, suggested Eleri, but there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Cy: Ond roedd Gethin yn ddyn o anrhydedd.
En: But Gethin was a man of honor.

Cy: Na, meddai'n benderfynol, gan godi ei nodwyddau gwau. Fe wna i hyn!
En: No, he said decisively, lifting his knitting needles. I'll do this!

Cy: Tra'r cyfnod o lonydd, camodd Gethin ar y cae, y defaid yn bwyta'r glaswellt yn dawel.
En: During the moment of silence, Gethin stepped onto the field, the sheep peacefully grazing the green grass.

Cy: Gan wybod dim am sut i arwain ci defaid, rhoddodd orau iddo a dechrau defnyddio ei nodwyddau gwau.
En: Not knowing how to herd sheep, he did his best and started using his knitting needles.

Cy: I fyny, nawr, galwodd at y defaid, ond edrychodd y rhain yn ôl ato mewn dryswch.
En: Up, now, he called to the sheep, but they looked back at him in confusion.

Cy: Nid oedd yn hir cyn i dorfau ddechrau chwerthin a chymerodd Gethin gamau ansicr tuag at y defaid.
En: It wasn't long before the crowd started laughing and Gethin took uncertain steps towards the sheep.

Cy: Ond wedi pob cam wrth chwerthin Roedd awyrgylch wahanol ... roedd pobl yn dechrau mwynhau’r digwyddiad gwahanol.
En: But after every step while laughing, a different atmosphere emerged... people began to enjoy the unconventional event.

Cy: Cydnabod ei sefyllfa, dewisodd Gethin ddilyn y dryswch a dechrau arwain y defaid fel petai'n dawnsio gyda nhw, yn swyno'r defaid a'r dorf gyda'i symudiadau comig a’i ymdrechion i'w gael i symud gyda’i nodwyddau gwau.
En: Acknowledging his situation, Gethin chose to embrace the confusion and started leading the sheep as if he were dancing with them, enchanting the sheep and the crowd with his comical movements and efforts to get them to move with his knitting needles.

Cy: Dilynodd Eleri a Rhys, y ddau ohonynt yn gweiddi'n hapus, Ewch amdani, Gethin!
En: Eleri and Rhys followed, both shouting happily, Go for it, Gethin!

Cy: Yn y diwedd, ar ôl dawns anhygoel o gwmpas y cae gyda'r defaid yn dilyn ei nodwyddau gwau fel pe baent mewn hyfforddiant, gosododd Gethin y nodwyddau i lawr a chymerodd sefyllfa.
En: In the end, after an incredible dance around the field with the sheep following his knitting needles as if they were in training, Gethin laid down the needles and took a stance.

Cy: Y defaid, wedi eu swyno gan ei hyder ffug, casglwyd yn dwt wrth ei draed.
En: The sheep, charmed by his false confidence, gathered closely at his feet.

Cy: Cyrhaeddodd y beirniaid, yn synnu, ond nid heb gymeradwyaeth.
En: The judges arrived, surprised but not without approval.

Cy: Wel, meddai'r prif farnwr, dyw e ddim ci defaid traddodiadol, ond mae'n siŵr ddim yn ddifyr!
En: Well, said the head judge, he's not a traditional sheepdog, but he certainly isn't boring!

Cy: Chwerthodd y dorf, ac fe wnaethant gyd roi clap mawr i Gethin.
En: The crowd laughed, and they all gave Gethin a big round of applause.

Cy: Eleri a Rhys aethion i longyfarch Gethin.
En: Eleri and Rhys went to congratulate Gethin.

Cy: Ti heb ennill, gwên Eleri, ond ti heb golli chwaith. Ti wedi gwneud y gystadleuaeth ci defaid hon yn un cofiadwy i bawb!
En: You didn't win, smiled Eleri, but you didn't lose either. You made this sheepdog competition a memorable one for everyone!

Cy: Roedd Gethin yn edrych dros y cae, y defaid nawr yn ôl yn bwyta'r glaswellt.
En: Gethin looked across the field, the sheep now back to grazing the grass.

Cy: Sylweddolodd nad oedd yn bwysig ei fod wedi camgymeriad mawr; roedd wedi rhoi perfformiad na fyddai Beddgelert yn ei anghofio.
En: He realized that it didn't matter that he had made a big mistake; he had given a performance that Beddgelert wouldn't forget.

Cy: A gyda gwên foddhaus, daliodd ei nodwyddau gwau a phenderfynu y byddai’n dysgu sut i arwain cŵn defaid... dim ond rhag ofn.
En: With a satisfied smile, he picked up his knitting needles and decided that he would learn how to herd sheep... just in case.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: heulog
  • excitement: cyffro
  • heart: galon
  • knitting needles: nodwyddau gwau
  • colorful: lliwgar
  • wool: wlan
  • competition: gystadleuaeth
  • village: pentref
  • nestled: cuddio
  • mountains: mynyddoedd
  • likely: tebygol
  • crowd: llu
  • gathering: casglu
  • event: digwyddiad
  • concern: pryder
  • furrowed brow: cur pen
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