
Kindred Spirits at Prešeren Square: A Friendship Blooms

4 ago 2024 · 18 min.
Kindred Spirits at Prešeren Square: A Friendship Blooms

01 · Main Story

1 min. 43 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

14 min. 7 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Kindred Spirits at Prešeren Square: A Friendship Blooms Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Sredi vročega poletnega dne je...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Kindred Spirits at Prešeren Square: A Friendship Blooms
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Sredi vročega poletnega dne je Prešernov trg sijal kot vedno.
En: On a hot summer day, Prešeren Square was shining as always.

Sl: Mestni vrvež in sončni žarki so napolnili ta zgodovinski del Ljubljane s toplino.
En: The bustling city and the sun's rays filled this historic part of Ljubljana with warmth.

Sl: Ob robu trga sta sedela dva šolarja, vsak zatopljen v svoje misli.
En: At the edge of the square sat two students, each lost in their own thoughts.

Sl: Prešernov kip je budno spremljal dogajanje.
En: The statue of Prešeren watched over the scene.

Sl: To je bil prvi šolski dan.
En: It was the first day of school.

Sl: Matej je bil tih in resen fant.
En: Matej was a quiet and serious boy.

Sl: Pogosto se je počutil neopaženega med bolj glasnimi sošolci.
En: He often felt unnoticed among his louder classmates.

Sl: Želel je pustiti dober vtis in izstopiti iz svojega zavetja.
En: He wanted to make a good impression and step out of his shell.

Sl: Sedel je na klopi ob Franciskanski cerkvi in opazoval ljudi.
En: He sat on a bench by the Franciscan Church and watched the people.

Sl: Tamara je bila nova učenka.
En: Tamara was a new student.

Sl: Izgledala je samozavestno, a v sebi je bila negotova.
En: She looked confident, but inside, she was uncertain.

Sl: Skrbelo jo je, da jo bodo sošolci napačno razumeli.
En: She worried that her new classmates might misunderstand her.

Sl: Stala je malo stran od Mateja, z zamišljenim izrazom na obrazu.
En: She stood a little distance away from Matej, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Sl: Poskušala je načrtovati, kako bo našla nove prijatelje.
En: She was trying to figure out how to make new friends.

Sl: Vodena tura po šoli se je začela čez nekaj minut.
En: The school tour was about to start in a few minutes.

Sl: Matej je videl Tamaro in si mislil: »Morda je nova.
En: Matej saw Tamara and thought, "Maybe she's new.

Sl: Morda bi ji lahko pomagal.
En: Maybe I could help her."

Sl: « A hkrati ga je njegova sramežljivost zadrževala.
En: But at the same time, his shyness held him back.

Sl: Tamara je videla Mateja in si mislila: »Videti je prijazen.
En: Tamara saw Matej and thought, "He looks friendly.

Sl: Mislite, da bo mislil, da sem preveč vsiljiva, če spregovorim prva?
En: Do you think he'll think I'm too forward if I speak first?"

Sl: «V tistem trenutku je učiteljica začela turo in vsi študentje so se zbrali.
En: At that moment, the teacher started the tour, and all the students gathered around.

Sl: Medtem ko je učiteljica razlagala, je Matej s kotičkom očesa še vedno opazoval Tamaro.
En: While the teacher was explaining things, Matej kept watching Tamara from the corner of his eye.

Sl: Tamara je zbrala pogum in se obrnila proti Mateju.
En: Tamara gathered her courage and turned to Matej.

Sl: Nasmehnila se je in rekla: »Živjo, jaz sem Tamara.
En: She smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Tamara.

Sl: Mislim, da bom tukaj precej izgubljena.
En: I think I'll be quite lost here.

Sl: Kako ti je ime?
En: What's your name?"

Sl: «Matej je sprva zardel, a nato globoko vdihnil in odgovoril: »Jaz sem Matej.
En: Matej blushed at first, but then took a deep breath and replied, "I'm Matej.

Sl: Tudi jaz sem bil na začetku zmeden.
En: I was confused at first too.

Sl: Bi želela, da ti pokažem okoli?
En: Would you like me to show you around?"

Sl: «Tamara je veselo prikimala.
En: Tamara happily nodded.

Sl: Med hojo po šolskih hodnikih sta začela pogovor.
En: As they walked through the school corridors, they started talking.

Sl: Matej je počasi postajal bolj samozavesten, Tamara pa se je počutila bolj sproščeno.
En: Matej gradually became more confident, and Tamara felt more relaxed.

Sl: Povedala sta drug drugemu o svojih skrbeh.
En: They shared their worries with each other.

Sl: Tamara je priznala, da se včasih boji, da je preveč samozavestna.
En: Tamara admitted that sometimes she feared she seemed too confident.

Sl: Matej pa je priznal, da ga njegova tihost včasih moti.
En: Matej confessed that his quietness sometimes bothered him.

Sl: Ko sta prišla do konca ture, sta Matej in Tamara ugotovila nekaj pomembnega.
En: By the end of the tour, Matej and Tamara had realized something important.

Sl: Njuna prijateljstva ni temelječ na popolnosti, temveč na razumevanju in podpori.
En: Their friendship was not based on perfection but on understanding and support.

Sl: Po končani turi sta se odpravila do Prešernovega trga.
En: After the tour, they headed to Prešeren Square.

Sl: Matej je bil bolj samozavesten kot kadarkoli prej.
En: Matej felt more confident than ever before.

Sl: Tamara je spet nasmejana, a tokrat manj obremenjena z vtisom.
En: Tamara was smiling again, but this time less concerned about making an impression.

Sl: Sedela sta pod kipom Prešerna in se smejala.
En: They sat under the statue of Prešeren and laughed.

Sl: »Včasih se mi zdi, da vsi, ki jih srečam, hočejo le pokazati svojo najboljšo plat,« je rekla Tamara.
En: "Sometimes it feels like everyone I meet just wants to show their best side," Tamara said.

Sl: Matej je prikimal, »Ampak ne glede na to, kako smo različni, vsi potrebujemo prijatelje, ki nas sprejmejo takšne, kot smo.
En: Matej nodded, "But no matter how different we are, we all need friends who accept us as we are."

Sl: «Lepo je bilo, ko sta ugotovila, da se dopolnjujeta.
En: It was a beautiful realization that they complemented each other well.

Sl: Matej je postal bolj družaben, Tamara pa se je manj trudila biti popolna.
En: Matej became more sociable, and Tamara felt less pressured to be perfect.

Sl: In tako je prvi dan šole na Prešernovem trgu postal začetek novega prijateljstva.
En: And thus, the first day of school at Prešeren Square marked the beginning of a new friendship.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bustling: vrvež
  • confidence: samozavest
  • confused: zmeden
  • corridors: hodniki
  • courage: pogum
  • expression: izraz
  • gathered: zbrali
  • impression: vtis
  • lost in thought: zatopljen v misli
  • edge: rob
  • quietness: tišina
  • realization: ugotovitev
  • relaxed: sproščen
  • serious: resen
  • shined: sijal
  • shyness: sramežljivost
  • statue: kip
  • support: podpora
  • uncertain: negotov
  • unnoticed: neopažen
  • thoughtful: zamišljen
  • watch: opazovati
  • worried: zaskrbljen
  • eager: željan
  • gladly: veselo
  • confessed: priznal
  • self-assured: samozavesten
  • nodded: prikimal
  • laughed: smejal
  • perfect: popolno
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