
Josef Fritzl

15 mag 2023 · 49 min. 54 sec.
Josef Fritzl

19 April 2008, Amstetten, Austria. A secret that was hidden for 24 years gets discovered. An old man, Josef Fritzl, calls the ambulance because he found a sick girl at...

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19 April 2008, Amstetten, Austria. A secret that was hidden for 24 years gets discovered.
An old man, Josef Fritzl, calls the ambulance because he found a sick girl at his doorstep with a note saying she is his granddaughter, and she needs to be taken to the hospital.
Her conditions are tragic, and her health records cannot be found. It seems like she never existed.
After a week, the mother of the girl arrives at the hospital. Her health conditions are also tragic.
She then reveals the horror they have been through, living in the bunker of her father, Josef Fritzl, for the previous 24 years.
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Autore Irene Locci
Organizzazione Irene Locci
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