
Jester Meets Knight: A Bled Castle Caper

27 feb 2024 · 14 min. 57 sec.
Jester Meets Knight: A Bled Castle Caper

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

11 min. 57 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Jester Meets Knight: A Bled Castle Caper Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekoč je bila skupina prijateljev, ki...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Jester Meets Knight: A Bled Castle Caper
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekoč je bila skupina prijateljev, ki so se odločili, da bodo obiskali čudovito Blejsko jezero in tamkajšnji grad.
En: Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who decided to visit the beautiful Lake Bled and its famous castle.

Sl: Luka, Ana in Sara so bili del te radovedne družbe.
En: Luka, Ana, and Sara were part of this curious company.

Sl: Sonce je sijalo, ptice so pele in dan na Blejskem gradu je obetal čudovito dogodivščino.
En: The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the day at Bled Castle promised a wonderful adventure.

Sl: Luka je bil znan po tem, da je bil vedno za šale in zabavne podvige, Ana pa je rada uživala v naravi in zgodovini.
En: Luka was known for always being up for jokes and fun escapades, while Ana enjoyed nature and history.

Sl: Sara je bila najmlajša in najbolj radovedna med njimi.
En: Sara was the youngest and the most curious among them.

Sl: Ko so prispeli na grad, so se vsi trije izgubili v veličastnosti razgleda, ki se je odpiral na jezero s famoznim otočkom na sredini.
En: When they arrived at the castle, all three of them were lost in the grandeur of the view that opened up to the lake with the famous island in the middle.

Sl: Obhoditi so začeli grad in uživati v razstavah, ki so pripovedovale o bogati zgodovini kraja.
En: They began to explore the castle and enjoy the exhibits that told the rich history of the place.

Sl: Ob eni izmed sten je stal kip viteza, oklepljenega od glave do pet, obdaja ga tišina starih zidov in skrivnosti preteklosti.
En: Standing by one of the walls was a statue of a knight, fully armored from head to toe, surrounded by the silence of the old walls and the mysteries of the past.

Sl: Luka, vedno radoveden, je pristopil k vitezovi podobi in v šali rekel: "Dober dan, gospod.
En: Luka, always curious, approached the knight's likeness and jokingly said, "Good day, sir.

Sl: Kako je kaj v vašem oklepu?
En: How's it going in your armor?"

Sl: "Ana in Sara sta se oddaljili, da bi si ogledali še druge eksponate, medtem ko je Luka nadaljeval pogovor s kipom.
En: Ana and Sara moved away to see other exhibits, while Luka continued the conversation with the statue.

Sl: Luka je vedno bolj gestikuliral in se glasno pogovarjal z neodzivnim vitezom, dokler njegovi besedi niso preplavili tihe sobe.
En: As Luka gestured more and spoke loudly to the unresponsive knight, his words filled the quiet room.

Sl: Ana, ki se je vrnila, da bi našla Luka, ga je videla, kako smešno maše z rokami in govoril z vitezom iz kamna.
En: Ana, returning to find Luka, saw him making funny gestures and talking to the stone knight.

Sl: S smehom v očeh je prišla bližje in pripomnila: "Luka, se ti ne zdi čudno, da vitez nič ne odgovori?
En: With laughter in her eyes, she approached and remarked, "Luka, don't you find it strange that the knight doesn't respond at all?"

Sl: " Luka je obstal, ko je spoznal, da je vso to čas govoril s kipom, ne z živo osebo.
En: Luka stopped when he realized that all this time, he had been talking to a statue, not a living person.

Sl: Sara se je prav tako vrnila in ko je videla, kaj se dogaja, ni mogla zadržati smeha.
En: Sara also returned, and upon seeing what was happening, she couldn't hold back her laughter.

Sl: "Luka, zdi se, da imaš nov togi prijatelj," je rekla skozi smeh.
En: "Luka, it seems you have a new stiff friend," she said through laughter.

Sl: Lukov obraz se je obarval rdeče od zadrege, a igralec kakršen je, se je hitro obrnil v šalo.
En: Luka's face turned red with embarrassment, but being the actor that he is, he quickly turned it into a joke.

Sl: "Samo preverjal sem, kako pozoren je naš kovani prijatelj," je pojasnil s smehom in si olajšano oddahnil.
En: "I was just checking how attentive our forged friend is," he explained with a laugh, feeling relieved.

Sl: Priča so bili nenavadnemu trenutku humorja v sredini zgodovinskega kraja, kar je povezalo prijatelje še bolj.
En: They bore witness to an unusual moment of humor in the midst of a historical place, which brought the friends even closer.

Sl: Naučili so se lekcije, da v življenju potrebuješ prijatelje, ki ti pomagajo videti smešno stran, ko se znajdeš v zadregi.
En: They learned the lesson that in life, you need friends who help you see the funny side when you find yourself in embarrassment.

Sl: Na koncu so preostanek dneva preživeli v smehu in vzajemnem draženju, spomin na rdečeličnega Luka in njegov kameniti poslušalec pa jim je ostal kot prijetna zgodba, ki so jo delili med seboj in kasneje prepredali še drugim.
En: In the end, they spent the rest of the day in laughter and playful teasing, and the memory of the blushing Luka and his stony listener remained with them as a pleasant story which they shared amongst themselves and later passed on to others.

Sl: In Blejski grad, s svojim starodavnim viteškim kipom, je dobil novo zgodbo, ki se jo je veselo pripovedovalo šaljivcem in tistim, ki so želeli slišati o norčavih podvigih treh prijateljev.
En: And Bled Castle, with its ancient knight statue, acquired a new story that was joyfully retold by jesters and those who wanted to hear about the playful exploits of three friends.

Vocabulary Words:
  • visit: obiskati
  • castle: grad
  • curious: radoveden
  • escapades: podvigi
  • grandeur: veličastnost
  • exhibits: eksponati
  • knighthood: viteštv
  • surrounded: obdaja
  • mysteries: skrivnosti
  • likeliness: podoba
  • gestured: gestikulirati
  • responsive: odziven
  • laughter: smeh
  • embarrassment: zadrega
  • witness: priča
  • playful: igriv
  • teasing: draženje
  • blushing: rdečeličen
  • rejoiced: veseliti se
  • jesters: šaljivci
  • exploits: podvigi
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