
Jazz in the Rain: A Day of Music and Unity at Nyhavn Festival

16 mag 2024 · 16 min. 31 sec.
Jazz in the Rain: A Day of Music and Unity at Nyhavn Festival

01 · Main Story

1 min. 45 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

13 min. 4 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Danish: Jazz in the Rain: A Day of Music and Unity at Nyhavn Festival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Da:...

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Fluent Fiction - Danish: Jazz in the Rain: A Day of Music and Unity at Nyhavn Festival
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Story Transcript:

Da: Der var en duft af kaffe og nybagt brød i luften i Nyhavn, København.
En: There was a scent of coffee and freshly baked bread in the air in Nyhavn, Copenhagen.

Da: Gaderne var fyldt med travle mennesker, og husene langs havnen glødede i sollyset.
En: The streets were filled with busy people, and the houses along the harbor glowed in the sunlight.

Da: Lars, Sofie og Mikkel var samlet på en lille café.
En: Lars, Sofie, and Mikkel were gathered in a small café.

Da: De var glade og spændte.
En: They were happy and excited.

Da: Årets store jazzfestival var lige om hjørnet.
En: The year's big jazz festival was just around the corner.

Da: Caféens ejer, Fru Jensen, var også begejstret.
En: The café owner, Mrs. Jensen, was also enthusiastic.

Da: "Vi skal gøre alt klart," sagde hun.
En: "We need to get everything ready," she said.

Da: Lars hentede ekstra stole og borde.
En: Lars fetched extra chairs and tables.

Da: Sofie pyntede med farverige bannere.
En: Sofie decorated with colorful banners.

Da: Mikkel satte lys op rundt omkring caféen.
En: Mikkel set up lights around the café.

Da: Der var meget at gøre, men de arbejdede hårdt og med smil på læben.
En: There was much to do, but they worked hard with smiles on their faces.

Da: "Skal vi ikke have levende musik?"
En: "Shouldn't we have live music?"

Da: spurgte Mikkel pludselig.
En: Mikkel suddenly asked.

Da: Sofie og Lars nikkede ivrigt.
En: Sofie and Lars nodded eagerly.

Da: "Det vil være fantastisk."
En: "That would be fantastic."

Da: De besluttede at få et lokalt jazzband til at spille.
En: They decided to get a local jazz band to play.

Da: Sofie ringede straks til en af sine venner, der spillede trompet.
En: Sofie immediately called one of her friends who played the trumpet.

Da: "Hej, Frederik, vil du og dit band spille til vores jazzfestival?"
En: "Hi, Frederik, would you and your band like to play at our jazz festival?"

Da: spurgte hun.
En: she asked.

Da: Frederik var begejstret og sagde ja.
En: Frederik was excited and said yes.

Da: De aftalte et tidspunkt for bandets ankomst.
En: They agreed on a time for the band's arrival.

Da: Lars, Sofie og Mikkel fortsatte med forberedelserne.
En: Lars, Sofie, and Mikkel continued with the preparations.

Da: De ville sikre, at alt var perfekt til festivalen.
En: They wanted to ensure that everything was perfect for the festival.

Da: Endelig kom dagen.
En: Finally, the day arrived.

Da: Nyhavn var pakket med mennesker, der nød solskinnet og den gode musik.
En: Nyhavn was packed with people enjoying the sunshine and good music.

Da: Jazzbandet spillede fantastiske melodier, og stemningen var høj.
En: The jazz band played fantastic melodies, and the atmosphere was lively.

Da: Lars serverede kaffe og kager, Sofie hilste gæsterne velkommen, og Mikkel sørgede for, at alt kørte glat.
En: Lars served coffee and cakes, Sofie welcomed the guests, and Mikkel ensured everything ran smoothly.

Da: Pludselig kom regnen.
En: Suddenly, the rain came.

Da: Mikkel kiggede op og så de tunge skyer.
En: Mikkel looked up and saw the heavy clouds.

Da: "Åh nej!
En: "Oh no!

Da: Vi har brug for paraplyer," sagde han.
En: We need umbrellas," he said.

Da: Lars løb straks ind for at hente dem.
En: Lars immediately ran inside to get them.

Da: Sofie og Mikkel begyndte straks at opsætte paraplyer over bordene.
En: Sofie and Mikkel quickly started setting up umbrellas over the tables.

Da: Selvom regnen faldt tungt, ødelagde det ikke festivalens stemning.
En: Although the rain fell heavily, it didn't ruin the festival's atmosphere.

Da: Musikken spillede stadig, og gæsterne blev under paraplyerne.
En: The music still played, and the guests stayed under the umbrellas.

Da: De drak kaffe, spiste kager og nød den hyggelige jazzmusik.
En: They drank coffee, ate cakes, and enjoyed the cozy jazz music.

Da: Sidst på dagen stoppede regnen, og solen brød igennem skyerne igen.
En: Later in the day, the rain stopped, and the sun broke through the clouds again.

Da: Folk klappede og sang med til musikken.
En: People clapped and sang along to the music.

Da: Lars, Sofie og Mikkel smilede og high-fivede.
En: Lars, Sofie, and Mikkel smiled and high-fived.

Da: De var glade for, at de havde overvundet udfordringen med regnen.
En: They were happy they had overcome the challenge of the rain.

Da: Da festivalen sluttede, takkede Fru Jensen dem hjerteligt.
En: When the festival ended, Mrs. Jensen thanked them warmly.

Da: "I har gjort et fantastisk stykke arbejde.
En: "You have done a fantastic job.

Da: Vi skal bestemt gøre dette igen næste år."
En: We definitely need to do this again next year."

Da: Lars, Sofie og Mikkel var enige.
En: Lars, Sofie, and Mikkel agreed.

Da: Det havde været en lang og travl dag, men de havde haft det sjovt og skabt gode minder.
En: It had been a long and busy day, but they had fun and created good memories.

Da: Nyhavn var rolig igen, og folk gik hjem med jazzmelodier i tankerne.
En: Nyhavn was peaceful again, and people went home with jazz melodies in their thoughts.

Da: Lars, Sofie og Mikkel ryddede op på caféen og drømte allerede om næste års festival.
En: Lars, Sofie, and Mikkel cleaned up the café and were already dreaming of next year's festival.

Da: De vidste, at de kunne klare hvad som helst, så længe de gjorde det sammen.
En: They knew they could handle anything, as long as they did it together.

Da: Og så sluttede dagen med et smil.
En: And so, the day ended with a smile.

Vocabulary Words:
  • scent: duft
  • freshly: nybagt
  • harbor: havn
  • sunlight: sollys
  • gathered: samlet
  • excited: spændte
  • enthusiastic: begejstret
  • fetch: hente
  • decorate: pynte
  • colorful: farverige
  • banners: bannere
  • eagerly: ivrigt
  • fantastic: fantastisk
  • immediately: straks
  • agreed: aftalte
  • preparations: forberedelser
  • ensure: sikre
  • arrived: kom
  • packed: pakket
  • guest: gæster
  • smoothly: glat
  • suddenly: pludselig
  • heavy: tunge
  • umbrella: paraplyer
  • heavily: tungt
  • ruin: ødelægge
  • cozy: hyggelige
  • challenge: udfordringen
  • memories: minder
  • peaceful: rolig
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