Hoops & Hens: A Village's Joyful Tale
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Hoops & Hens: A Village's Joyful Tale
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Hoops & Hens: A Village's Joyful Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/hoops-hens-a-villages-joyful-tale/ Story Transcript: Sl: V vasi, kjer vsak pozna vsakega,...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: V vasi, kjer vsak pozna vsakega, je trg vedno polno življenja.
En: In the village, where everyone knows each other, the square is always bustling with life.
Sl: Otroci so se igrali, trgatnice so pripravljale svoje stojnice, starešine pa so sedeli na klopeh in razpravljali o dnevnih novicah.
En: Children were playing, market vendors were setting up their stands, and elders were sitting on benches, discussing the day's news.
Sl: Med tem vrvežem so trije prijatelji, Maja, Luka in Marko, skovali načrt.
En: Amidst this hustle and bustle, three friends, Maja, Luka, and Marko, hatched a plan.
Sl: Postavili bodo nov koš za košarko, da bodo lahko igrali sredi trga.
En: They were going to set up a new basketball hoop so they could play in the middle of the square.
Sl: Luka je bil najmočnejši in je nosil stebriček za koš, medtem ko sta Maja in Marko pripravila orodje in nosila košaro.
En: Luka, the strongest of them all, was carrying the hoop pole, while Maja and Marko prepared the tools and carried a basket.
Sl: Ko je Luka postavil stebriček, ni opazil majhnega Markovega bratca, ki je pravkar kupil sladoled.
En: When Luka set up the pole, he didn't notice little Marko's brother, who had just bought an ice cream.
Sl: Njegovo gibanje je bilo prehitro in krtača, ki jo je nosil Luka, je zadela roko malega Marka, ki je držal sladoled.
En: His movement was too quick, and the brush Luka was carrying accidentally hit little Marko's hand, causing the ice cream to fly through the air in a high arc and land directly on the head of Maja's pet chicken, who was crossing the square.
Sl: Sladoled je poletel skozi zrak, v visok lok in pristal neposredno na glavi Majine hišne kokoši, ki je nesmrtno prečkala trg. V trenutku zmede je kokoš pričela tekati po trgu, s sladoledom, ki se je topil na njenem perju.
En: In a moment of confusion, the chicken started running around the square, with the ice cream melting on its feathers.
Sl: Maja je skočila, da bi pomirila svojega pernatga prijatelja, medtem ko sta se Luka in Marko opravičila drug drugemu in poskušala vrniti sladoled Markovemu bratcu.
En: Maja jumped to calm her feathered friend, while Luka and Marko apologized to each other and tried to replace the ice cream for Marko's brother.
Sl: Vendar je sladoled že stalil, a v vasi ni trajalo dolgo, da je nekdo prinesel novo kepico.
En: However, the ice cream had already melted, but it didn’t take long for someone in the village to bring a new scoop.
Sl: Ko je kokoš končno umirjena in sladoled nadomeščen, so se prijatelji spet vrnili k postavljanju koša.
En: Once the chicken was finally calmed and the ice cream replaced, the friends returned to setting up the hoop.
Sl: Majina kokoš se je celo pridružila igri, kot maskota ekipe.
En: Maja's chicken even joined the game as the team's mascot.
Sl: Smeh in veselje so se zopet razširili po trgu, ko so trgovci, otroci in starešine gledali novo atrakcijo.
En: Laughter and joy spread across the square again as the vendors, children, and elders watched the new spectacle.
Sl: Zdaj stoji koš na sredini trga in je postal priljubljeno zbirališče za vse.
En: Now the hoop stands in the middle of the square and has become a popular gathering place for everyone.
Sl: Maja, Luka in Marko pa so se nasmejani naučili, da nesreče vodijo do nepričakovanih prijateljstev, in da je v življenju vedno prostor za malce smeha - celo ko sladoled pristane na pernatih glavah.
En: Maja, Luka, and Marko, all smiling, learned that accidents lead to unexpected friendships, and that there is always room for a little laughter in life - even when ice cream lands on feathered heads.
Vocabulary Words:
- In: v vasi
- the: sreda
- everyone: pozna
- knows: vsakega
- each: vsakega
- other: vsakega
- square: trg
- always: vedno
- bustling: vrvežem
- life: življenja
- children: otroci
- were: so
- playing: igrali
- market: trgatnice
- vendors: so
- setting: pripravljale
- up: svoje
- their: stojnice
- stands: stoje
- elders: starešine
- sitting: sedeli
- benches: klopeh
- discussing: razpravljali
- the: o
- day's: dnevnih
- news: novicah
- friends: prijatelji
- hatched: skovali
- a: načrt
- plan: načrt
Autore | FluentFiction.org |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Sito | www.fluentfiction.org |
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