Exploring Borobudur: A Family's Journey into Cultural Heritage

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Exploring Borobudur: A Family's Journey into Cultural Heritage
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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Exploring Borobudur: A Family's Journey into Cultural Heritage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/exploring-borobudur-a-familys-journey-into-cultural-heritage/ Story Transcript: Id: Di sebuah pagi yang cerah,...
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Story Transcript:
Id: Di sebuah pagi yang cerah, aroma pepohonan dan udara segar merayap di sekitar Candi Borobudur.
En: On a bright morning, the scent of trees and fresh air enveloped the area around Borobudur Temple.
Id: Ayu, Budi, dan Siti berdiri kagum di depan candi megah itu.
En: Ayu, Budi, and Siti stood in awe in front of the magnificent temple.
Id: Bayangan besar dan ukiran indah menghiasi batu-batunya.
En: The large shadows and beautiful carvings adorned its stones.
Id: Budi, adik Ayu, meloncat dengan penuh semangat.
En: Budi, Ayu's younger brother, jumped with enthusiasm.
Id: "Ini candi terbesar yang pernah kulihat!
En: "This is the biggest temple I've ever seen!"
Id: " serunya.
En: he exclaimed.
Id: Ayu mengangguk setuju.
En: Ayu nodded in agreement.
Id: Mereka datang ke sini untuk belajar tentang warisan budaya mereka.
En: They had come here to learn about their cultural heritage.
Id: Ibu mereka, Siti, memperkenalkan cerita tentang candi ini.
En: Their mother, Siti, began to tell the story of the temple.
Id: "Candi Borobudur dibangun pada abad ke-9," katanya lembut.
En: "Borobudur Temple was built in the 9th century," she said gently.
Id: "Ia adalah warisan nenek moyang kita.
En: "It is the legacy of our ancestors.
Id: Di sini banyak ukiran yang bercerita tentang kehidupan Buddha.
En: Here, many carvings tell the stories of Buddha's life."
Id: "Ayu mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian.
En: Ayu listened attentively.
Id: Ia ingin tahu lebih banyak.
En: She wanted to know more.
Id: "Ibu, apa arti ukiran ini?
En: "Mother, what does this carving mean?"
Id: " tanyanya sambil menunjuk sebuah panel.
En: she asked, pointing to a panel.
Id: "Itu adalah kisah Siddhartha Gautama sebelum menjadi Buddha," jawab Siti sambil tersenyum.
En: "That is the story of Siddhartha Gautama before he became the Buddha," Siti replied with a smile.
Id: "Ia mencari pencerahan hidup.
En: "He was seeking the enlightenment of life."
Id: "Mereka berjalan mengelilingi candi, melihat setiap relief dengan teliti.
En: They walked around the temple, observing each relief carefully.
Id: Langkah mereka tenang dan berirama, menikmati setiap detail.
En: Their steps were calm and rhythmic, enjoying every detail.
Id: Semakin mereka melihat, semakin mereka kagum pada kecerdasan dan keterampilan nenek moyang mereka.
En: The more they saw, the more they marveled at the intelligence and skill of their ancestors.
Id: "Sekarang aku bangga menjadi orang Indonesia," kata Budi dengan senyum lebar.
En: "Now I am proud to be Indonesian," said Budi with a wide smile.
Id: Ayu menganggukkan kepala, merasakan hal yang sama.
En: Ayu nodded, feeling the same way.
Id: Ketika matahari mulai terbenam, keluarga itu duduk di pelataran candi, menikmati pemandangan indah.
En: As the sun began to set, the family sat on the temple's terrace, enjoying the beautiful view.
Id: Mereka merasa lebih dekat dengan sejarah dan warisan budaya mereka.
En: They felt a deeper connection to their history and cultural heritage.
Id: "Kita harus menjaga dan melestarikan candi ini," kata Siti, mengakhiri tur mereka.
En: "We must protect and preserve this temple," said Siti, concluding their tour.
Id: "Ini adalah bagian dari diri kita.
En: "It is a part of us."
Id: "Ayu memandang candi megah itu sekali lagi.
En: Ayu looked at the magnificent temple once more.
Id: "Ya, Ibu.
En: "Yes, Mother.
Id: Kita akan menjaga warisan ini.
En: We will protect this heritage."
Id: "Malam itu, rasa bangga dan cinta pada budaya mereka menghangatkan hati mereka.
En: That night, a sense of pride and love for their culture warmed their hearts.
Id: Kunjungan ke Candi Borobudur tidak hanya memberikan pengetahuan, tetapi juga memberikan ikatan yang lebih kuat dengan sejarah bangsa mereka.
En: The visit to Borobudur Temple not only provided knowledge but also offered a stronger bond with the history of their nation.
Id: Mereka pulang dengan cerita yang tak terlupakan dan rasa bangga yang mendalam.
En: They went home with unforgettable stories and a profound sense of pride.
Id: Candi Borobudur akan selalu menjadi tempat yang istimewa bagi Ayu, Budi, dan Siti.
En: Borobudur Temple would always be a special place for Ayu, Budi, and Siti.
Id: Tempat di mana mereka menemui kebesaran masa lalu dan masa depan yang penuh harapan.
En: A place where they encountered the greatness of the past and a future full of hope.
Vocabulary Words:
- bright: cerah
- scent: aroma
- enveloped: merayap
- magnificent: megah
- shadows: bayangan
- carvings: ukiran
- adorned: menghiasi
- enthusiasm: semangat
- exclaimed: serunya
- legacy: warisan
- ancestors: nenek moyang
- attentively: penuh perhatian
- carving: ukiran
- enlightenment: pencerahan
- observing: melihat
- relief: relief
- rhythmic: berirama
- intelligence: kecerdasan
- skill: keterampilan
- marveled: kagum
- terrace: pelataran
- concluding: mengakhiri
- pride: bangga
- connection: ikatan
- heritage: warisan
- knowledge: pengetahuan
- hope: harapan
- profound: mendalam
- unforgettable: tak terlupakan
- greatness: kebesaran
Autore | FluentFiction.org |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Sito | www.fluentfiction.org |
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