It is very sad to see that Mr. Henningsen is goading his audience into participating in the electoral circus and still batting for Trump, despite all of Trump’s lies, atrocious Covid policies, pandering to powerful lobbies--including the military industrial lobby, etc. Henningsen has fallen for the polarized and Manichean view that lies at the root of America’s and the world’s predicament. He’s making multiple assessments and predictions based on simplistic dialectical deductions and false assumptions, as if his reactions were not all perfectly pre-programmed and foreseen by the powers that (shouldn’t) be, and as if there was any doubt that that these rulers are perfectly at ease with whomever wins the next American elections. Henningsen gets incense at those who refuse to participate in the utterly rigged electoral game. He thinks that abstaining from voting—or spoiling one’s vote-- is akin to being black-pilled and being cynical.
Dear Mr. Henningsen, choosing to not participate in the electoral game has nothing to do with cynicism and being negative; quite the contrary is true. Not participating in this rigged game is an important step forward in the process of claiming back one’s inherent sovereign right of self-representation. It rests on the recognition that the moment one casts that ballot, one legitimizes the process by which his/her decisional power is transferred onto the state and the charlatans of the political class. Casting one’s vote is the act of consent that implicitly authorizes the state to dispose of one’s life and property as it sees fit, and removes any possibility of recourse for the individual, because he/she has willingly acquiesced to being ‘ruled’ by the state and its apparatchiks. Asking one to elect a political representative is a legerdemain, a clever trick to take away a person’s birthright, one’s sovereignty, by offering a Hobson’s choice. From a spiritual and legal standpoint, the only real choice is between being a slave or a sovereign human being. Another analogy would be a young woman being asked to choose which of two thugs will be allowed to rape her! The only real choice is to not play the game, not to recognize that these men have any authority over her and preserve her innocence.
Refusing to elect Hobson’s choice representatives is a moral imperative, it’s not an act of bitter cynicism. One only needs to look at where the electoral deception has led the US, after all these years: on the hedge of a moral, societal, and economic abyss. It’s time to work toward a real solution, but we first need to acknowledge that we have a serious problem. It’s time to start imagining a true system of governance that is based on the recognition and affirmation of the truth. Mr. Henningsen, I believe that, the more you push the rigged electoral agenda and fake populists like Trump, the more irrelevant your endeavour will become and your audience will slowly fade away because you’re helping the cancer fester instead of lifting the veil of deception and working toward solutions. Please stop wasting precious time and energy on this Pavlovian game.