Ep112 – Is FL Gov "Ron Disappointsus" On the Take? Undercover Whistleblower Nurse Erin Opines

1 mar 2022 · 58 min. 37 sec.
Ep112 – Is FL Gov "Ron Disappointsus" On the Take? Undercover Whistleblower Nurse Erin Opines

Undercover Epicenter Nurse Erin Olszewski joined the MAGA Institute Podcast to discuss her experience as a frontline nurse at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, NY—the "Epicenter of the Epicenter"—at the beginning...

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Undercover Epicenter Nurse Erin Olszewski joined the MAGA Institute Podcast to discuss her experience as a frontline nurse at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, NY—the "Epicenter of the Epicenter"—at the beginning of the COVID-19 plannedemic and where we are today, two years on. After describing the horrific (mis)treatment of one patient at Elmhurst, Nurse Erin stated, […]
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Autore MAGA Institute
Organizzazione MAGA Institute
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