Ep. 3 - The Riveting Future of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge

27 ott 2022 · 30 min. 34 sec.
Ep. 3 - The Riveting Future of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge

Co-hosts Sarah and Eric are still “shaking in their boots” after all the Bay Bridge deflection talk with our most recent guests, Heather Lowe and Melissa Williams. The Chesapeake Bay...

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Co-hosts Sarah and Eric are still “shaking in their boots” after all the Bay Bridge deflection talk with our most recent guests, Heather Lowe and Melissa Williams. The Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study Project Manager and MDTA’s Director of Division of Project Planning and Program Development, respectively, chat with us about this study and much more. They LIVE this project and they couldn’t wait to tell us how their careers brought them here, what challenges they face, and what the future holds for a potential new bay crossing.
Learn more about the study: https://www.baycrossingstudy.com/
Sign up for the Bay Bridge Run: https://www.thebaybridgerun.com/Race/MD/Annapolis/BayBridgeRun
Join us for our Annual Conference: https://wdcsite.org/meetinginfo.php?id=7&ts=1665405019
Date of Recording: September 23, 2022
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Organizzazione David Duarte
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