Ep. 2 - The $5 Billion Woman

1 lug 2022 · 24 min. 37 sec.
Ep. 2 - The $5 Billion Woman

Co-hosts Sarah and Eric are back and they’ve brought a guest! The Sectional is proud to welcome Susan Shaw, the “$5 Billion Dollar Woman”, as our very first guest. Susan,...

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Co-hosts Sarah and Eric are back and they’ve brought a guest! The Sectional is proud to welcome Susan Shaw, the “$5 Billion Dollar Woman”, as our very first guest. Susan, VDOT Megaprojects Director, is a remarkable individual with an eye for problem solving. She’s not afraid to get out of her comfort zone, whether that be through cultural immersion or technical diversification. Listen as we talk about the challenges facing our region and how VDOT is collaborating across the Potomac to provide more transportation choices.
Date of Recording: June 13, 2022
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Organizzazione David Duarte
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