Eleri's Woolly Tourist Mix-Up!
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Eleri's Woolly Tourist Mix-Up!
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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Eleri's Woolly Tourist Mix-Up! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/eleris-woolly-tourist-mix-up/ Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod braf a heulog yn Eryri, y...
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Story Transcript:
Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod braf a heulog yn Eryri, y Parc Cenedlaethol mwyaf hudol yng Nghymru.
En: It was a beautiful and sunny day in Snowdonia, the most magical National Park in Wales.
Cy: Roedd Eleri, merch ifanc frwdfrydig o'r cyffiniau, yn cerdded lawr y ffordd serth tuag at y swyddfa bost bach yn Llanberis.
En: Eleri, a young energetic girl from the area, was walking down the steep road towards the small post office in Llanberis.
Cy: Mae Eleri, gyda'i gwallt melyn a'i llygaid glas, yn adnabyddus yn y pentref am ei hoffter o anifeiliaid a'i gallu i siarad â nhw yn ei ffordd unigryw.
En: Eleri, with her blonde hair and blue eyes, was well-known in the village for her love of animals and her ability to talk to them in her unique way.
Cy: Yn y cyfamser, dyma Rhys, ffermwr ifanc sy'n gofalu am ei braidd ar lethrau'r mynyddoedd.
En: Meanwhile, here comes Rhys, a young farmer who cares for his flock on the mountainsides.
Cy: Mae'n gweithio'n galed i gadw'r diadelloedd yn drefnus, ac mae ganddo gariad mawr at ei waith a'i ardal leol.
En: He works hard to keep the sheep in order and has a great love for his work and his local area.
Cy: Un diwrnod, gyda'r haul yn disgleirio a'r awel yn ysgafn, roedd Rhys yn brysur yn cyfarwyddo floc o ddefaid drwy'r caeau llewyrchus.
En: One day, with the sun shining and the gentle breeze, Rhys was busy herding a flock of sheep through the lush fields.
Cy: Ar yr un pryd, roedd Eleri'n cerdded heibio i'r fferm, wedi colli mewn breuddwydion a phlaniau ar gyfer ei diwrnod.
En: At the same time, Eleri walked past the farm, lost in dreams and plans for her day.
Cy: Wrth iddi fyfyrio, roedd hi'n meddwl am y bobl newydd y byddai'n eu tywys o gwmpas yr ardal - roedd hi wedi derbyn ei swydd gyntaf fel tywysydd twristiaeth.
En: As she reflected, she thought about the new people she would guide around the area - she had just accepted her first job as a tourism guide.
Cy: Ond, wrth groesi i'r cae, fe gamgymrydodd Eleri y diadell am ei grŵp twristiaid.
En: However, as she crossed the field, Eleri mistook the flock for her group of tourists.
Cy: Heb sylweddoli ei chamgymeriad, dechreuodd siarad â nhw fel petaent yn pobl, gan gynnig eu tywys i weld y prif atyniadau.
En: Unaware of her mistake, she started talking to them as if they were people, offering to guide them to see the main attractions.
Cy: "Croeso i Eryri!
En: "Welcome to Snowdonia!"
Cy: " meddai Eleri yn llawn brwdfrydedd.
En: exclaimed Eleri enthusiastically.
Cy: "Heddiw, byddwch chi'n gweld rhai o'r golygfeydd gorau yn ein hardal wych!
En: "Today, you will see some of the best views in our wonderful area!"
Cy: "A'r defaid, gan fod Rhys ychydig yn rhy brysur i sylwi, dilynodd Eleri dan arweiniad ei llais hudolus.
En: And the sheep, with Rhys a little too busy to notice, followed Eleri under the spell of her melodious voice.
Cy: Trwy'r pentref, heibio i siopau a thai a bron heb sylwi, cyrhaeddodd Eleri a'i "grŵp twristiaid" anarferol y swyddfa bost.
En: Through the village, past shops and houses, almost unnoticed, Eleri and her "unusual group of tourists" arrived at the small post office.
Cy: Pan agorodd drws y swyddfa bost, daeth yn amlwg o'r terfysg a'r lleferydd sydyn bod rhywbeth yn sylweddol o'i le.
En: When the post office door opened, it became clear from the commotion and sudden shouting that something significant was out of place.
Cy: Stori yr wythnos!
En: The story of the week!
Cy: "Eleri wedi arwain diadell i mewn i'r swyddfa bost!
En: "Eleri led a flock into the post office!"
Cy: " meddai'r postmon, wrth i ddefaid chwilfriw ddod i lenwi'r ystafell fechan, gan fynd o gwmpas y cownter a phwyso ar yr allweddi ar y peiriant stampio.
En: said the postman, as curious sheep came in to fill the small room, going around the counter and pressing the keys on the stamping machine.
Cy: Roedd Eleri yn ddigalon wrth sylweddoli ei chamgymeriad.
En: Eleri was dismayed when she realized her mistake.
Cy: Rhys, wedi cael gwybod am y digwyddiad ac yn poeni am leoliad ei ddefaid, aed at y swyddfa bost yn gyflym.
En: Rhys, having heard about the incident and worried about the location of his sheep, quickly went to the post office.
Cy: Pan gyrhaeddodd, ni allai Rhys helpu ond chwerthin wrth weld y penbleth.
En: Upon arrival, Rhys couldn't help but laugh at the predicament.
Cy: Gyda'i gilydd, fe wnaethant ddechrau trefnu'r sefyllfa, gan arwain y defaid yn ôl i'r caeau.
En: Together, they began to organize the situation, leading the sheep back to the fields.
Cy: Er bod y sefyllfa wedi dechrau fel trafferth mawr, daeth pawb yn y pentref i weld yr ochr ddoniol.
En: Although the situation started as a big hassle, everyone in the village came to see the funny side.
Cy: Gan fod Eleri mor hoff o anifeiliaid, mabwysiadodd hi a Rhys ddull arloesol o dywys ymwelwyr - tywys teithiau natur gyda'r defaid fel rhan o'r grŵp!
En: As Eleri was so fond of animals, she and Rhys adopted an innovative way of guiding visitors - nature tours with the sheep as part of the group!
Cy: Fe wnaeth y stori am Eleri a'r diadell yn y swyddfa bost ddod yn stori leol chwedlonol, a gwnaeth Eleri a Rhys ddaioni allan o'r dryswch.
En: The story about Eleri and the flock in the post office became a local legendary tale, and Eleri and Rhys made the best out of the confusion.
Cy: A phan ddaeth adeg ymweld â pharc cenedlaethol Eryri, roedd pobl o bell ac agos yn awyddus i gael eu harwain gan Eleri a'i "grŵp" arbennig o "dwristiaid woolly"!
En: And when the time came to visit Snowdonia National Park, people from near and far were eager to be led by Eleri and her special "woolly tourists" group!
Vocabulary Words:
- beautiful: prydferth
- magical: hudolus
- energetic: egnïol
- steep: serth
- blonde: melyn
- well-known: adnabyddus
- flock: diadell
- lush: llewyrchus
- reflect: ystyried
- mistake: camgymeriad
- enthusiastically: brwdfrydedd
- melodious: hudolus
- unique: unigryw
- care: gofalu
- order: trefnus
- predicament: penbleth
- organize: trefnu
- hassle: trafferth
- legendary: chwedlonol
- confusion: dryswch
- predominant: prif
- significant: sylweddol
- commotion: terfysg
- curious: chwilfriw
- innovative: arloesol
- visitor: ymwelydd
- legendary: chwedlonol
- confusion: dryswch
- legendary: chwedlonol
Autore | FluentFiction.org |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Sito | www.fluentfiction.org |
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